Humanity left the building decades ago. We are the aftermath, the arm e ged Don. O B one Kenobi team expecting one man to spend 6 plus years cleaning up our mess. Our mess of ignoring facts, not researching truth, keeping ourselves sober so we can respond appropriately.
We have our Don who is getting kicked in the nuts daily and we watch. Well, he is not the water so get some action in your soul, pray up and kick some ass. No one not one can win against us. We are the mighty, the real God's chosen. We are fully equipped spiritually to pull down demons, we just forgot.
Remember we can repent our sins, pray for God's spiritual guidance. Pray for the end of suffering, and ask what we can do to beat the evil in this world. And we need to do it now. Right now. Stop and pray. God will show up and He will help us defeat the enemy whomever it is, He knows!!!
Do it