time lag duration of attempt at understanding
duration of belief in magic
time lag duration of attempt at understanding
duration of belief in magic
discovering a goto for understanding for what is newly discovered…
shortens the duration in which latching can occur to the most repeated explanations of a society.
in short… breaking chains.
for anon, geometry is the goto.
the entirety of physical existence flows in a geometric pattern.
anger arises from absence of information.
supply the information and anger is converted in understanding.
true autistic method.
how many forms of information can be received by a human being?
is the information valid?
what is the depth and breadth of applicability of the information?
principles of metaphor, analogy and other brief pretty speak/words.
a word is information.
if an individual does not have the word to audibly describe their understanding…
…acceptance, submission without question (spoken "words") is the higher probability.
hat off to those providing the words to the majority…
…words that sustain and increase their understanding of existence.
hats on to the undetermined others.
search… lore
from: mental formation of question
to: complexity of query that exceeds physical expression
variables that influence a point of reference, are a beginning to increasing the complexity of queries.
what's in the box
the physical things that exist are semi-permanently tethered to a zero (point/line/origin).
create an artificial zero with the above?
where and when needed.
to perform similar functions that a natural zero performs.
wet-wipes not included
10% of 751?
the number of id's.
what about the ethiopian origin?
There are three principle centers.
Defined as.
position one: 3
position two: 6
position three: 9
position three: 9
In relation to existence.
3: Soul
6: Body
9: Spirit
The positions defined for 666 (the animal life):
-position one: soul exists for body
-position two: body exists for body
-position three: spirit exists for body
The positions defined for 333 (the soul(ar) life):
-position one: soul exists for soul
-position two: body exists for soul
-position three: spirit exists for soul
The positions defined for 999 (the spiritual life):
-position one: soul exists for spirit
-position two: body exists for spirit
-position three: spirit exists for spirit
369 is each of the three integrated toward a greater existence.
Recall what Tesla stated about the wheel-work of the universe.
Breath regulates all.
a blackened bowl
filled with water
under the stars of night
place a straight edge across the bowl
precision measurement…
for bringing the heavens to earth
god always wins
street of walls
fuchs given always 0
for the majority, Hope is enough.
how does an individual provide hope?
especially with knowledge probabilities that could erode it?
In relation to existence.
3: Soul
6: Body
9: Spirit
Location of their Biological Seats.
3: sacral, celiac, mass ganglia (between intestines and spine, inline with navel)
6: spine
9: brain
soul has dominance of the brain at birth dontcha know.
>WE have Free Will under a veil of forgetfulness.
WE have Free Will under a veil of awareness.
exposure provides the variables of experience.
"live through it" could be literal or via visualization.
why illicit fear?
other fairy tales to share?