da fuck it is happening in here?
go brian wash other tards, here it is not working!
I will put you in a loop of pain, ASAP.
No one fucks w/ me. NO ONE.
The most tarded on this flat planet!
you have any proof that girl it is a man? any?!
oh………you want to install disbelief in this room?
doesn't working your way.
we do not trust you, but we pee allover your sheit, that comes out of our cock sucking mouth.
and if you have any problem w/ that……..
go fuck yourself.
you're too stoopid for this board.
in here, people do not pay to watch movies, b/c we have sites that are free.
Dear God, I am in the wrong place, too many monkeys in here, that have low IQ, big EGO and stoopid as fuck.
just open your browser. type duckduckgo.com, make it your home page. then type there movies for free.or tv series for free……..
da fuck?! why download anything that may contain viruses?????????????
Dear God, this monkeys are very stoopid.
I know………….
You do not know how many viruses I had to stop, and delete it via torent?????????
you have no idea…………….
b/c you're a monkey,that doe not know shit.
Dear God…..
I thank you opening tards pipe line in here.
Now, b/c I can not handle it, b/c low IQ, in need to go and sleep.
Please give me some dreams with gorgeous girls.
With love, a sleepy tard.