Anonymous ID: 6ccd22 Aug. 20, 2023, 6:03 a.m. No.19392773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2789 >>2834 >>2913 >>2942 >>2971

I forgot something important while trying to figure out taxes yesterday. you are only taxed at these rates for money earned above that level. so it isn't the case that earning $89,000 and $105,000 take home the same amount of money (married), however, every dollar you earn over $89,000 is taxed much higher than every dollar below, so there is a strong slowing effect on earnings


FICA is a flat rate of 7.65%

Anonymous ID: 6ccd22 Aug. 20, 2023, 6:08 a.m. No.19392789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2913 >>2942 >>2971


let's see what the effective tax rate is for a programmer in California making $120,000 trying to have his wife raise his kid



10% on 22,000= $2,200

12% on (89,000-22,000)= $8,040

22% on (120,000-89,000)=$6,820

total federal=$17,000



7.65% = $9,200


State taxes (California)


1% on 20,000 = $200

2% on 48,000-20,000 = $560

4% on 75,500-48,000 = $1,100

6% on 105,000 - 75,600 = $1,764

8% on 120,000-105,00 = $1,200

TOTAL = $4,800


TOTAL taxes = $17,000 + $4,800 + $9,200 =



So the worker who makes $120,000 in california pays $31,000 and is taxed at 25% total


this does not include real estate taxes if he owns anything or rent of course