Anonymous ID: 843d50 Aug. 20, 2023, 5:46 a.m. No.19392705   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2726


>their typing styles

This is, somewhat, true. But very different.

Most can't identify an anon by their writing style.

But some can and that's true.

Difference is that the anon is not creating a persona, to aid recognizing him.

>or memes they use

Bullshit. kek.

Memes are memes for a reason. So unless we are talking someone like Mr. Pig who brands his memes you can't identify an anon by his memes.

Anyone can copy and paste a meme.


Main difference is:

Namefag/identityfags calls attention to their identity. Anons do not.

Anonymous ID: 843d50 Aug. 20, 2023, 5:59 a.m. No.19392746   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2805 >>3194


>Anyone can also c/p text too.

Exactly like anons are doing to take the piss out of Sam.

Kind of like I did.


>Personally, I appreciate

Because you don't see the bigger picture.

>It's unity within the board and not about who is most important anon.

I never said anything about importance…

They create an air of in-group and out-group here. I assume you are a fairly old-fag, so you would feel like the 'in-group' which is why you defend it. (giving you the benefit of the doubt here)

We have unity Anon. We don't need cartoon mascots for that.

Anonymous ID: 843d50 Aug. 20, 2023, 6:16 a.m. No.19392837   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2909 >>3127


>All memes are basically cartoon mascots.


>Besides, what does it hurt?

I explained one type of damage they can do to this place.

>They're not offensive.

That wouldn't be a problem either. Would it?

>What is offensive is almost 60% of each bread is dominated by only a handful of posters.

Go cry in a corner. I don't care what you find offensive.

>On average, I post about 3-5 posts per day as I stop by from time to time.

Good for you. You want a cookie?