Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 5:14 a.m. No.19392624   🗄️.is 🔗kun

To get to bottom of Biden corruption, House GOP must use RICO statute against DOJ, FBI


This is interesting and true, don’t just focus on the Bidans, focus on the gov apparatus hiding all of it for years

Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 5:25 a.m. No.19392652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2660 >>2692

Ain’t That a Peach, Ron DeSantis Holds Private Meeting with Brian Kemp in Georgia


August 18, 2023 | Sundance |

The tripwire was clearly outlined before {GO DEEP} as all the indicators were in place.


If you have followed the background, the purpose of Ron DeSantis meeting privately today with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, is very clear. Georgia is the fulcrum state of the 2024 Sea Island “Roadmap for Ron.”


(Via Politico) Ron DeSantis met privately with Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Friday, the latest in his effort to fortify relationships with three Republican governors alienated by Donald Trump.


The meeting, at a hotel in Buckhead, Georgia, preceded DeSantis’ appearance at a gathering of presidential candidates hosted by conservative talk radio host Erick Erickson. The two talked for about 30 minutes and did not discuss an endorsement, according to two people familiar with the meeting.


[…] Kemp represents one of the most critical general election swing states in the country, and the meeting Friday comes on the heels of Trump’s indictment in the state.


Earlier this week, Kemp ripped into Trump’s false claims about voter fraud there, writing, “For nearly three years now, anyone with evidence of fraud has failed to come forward — under oath — and prove anything in a court of law. Our elections in Georgia are secure, accessible, and fair and will continue to be as long as I am governor. The future of our country is at stake in 2024 and that must be our focus.”


DeSantis, the Florida governor, is still running second to Trump in national Republican primary polls, though he has fallen further behind.


In their meeting Friday, DeSantis and Kemp discussed DeSantis’ recent appearance at the Iowa State Fair and the first primary debate next week, according to the two people familiar with the conversation. They also talked about what it’s like to campaign with family members on the road and about college football.


It’s the second time in recent months that DeSantis has met with Kemp. He also huddled with the governor at the Georgia statehouse earlier this year. (more)


Georgia examples include the Sea Island reference points, the Mike Pence rally to support Kemp, George W Bush rallying support for Kemp, the intentional non requests for Trump ’22 campaigning, True the Vote’s Catherine Englebrecht documenting the systemic vote system corruption by Georgia Republican Governor Brian Kemp and his entire administration, or the MSM push to use Kemp as an example of a Trump slayer.


You guys already know the background of Georgia grassroots activists booing Kemp at the state convention, and the recent issue of Brian Kemp adviser Cody Hall joining team DeSantis while remaining a Kemp advisor.


The Sea Island group of billionaires, influence agents, GOPe politicians, multinationals, Wall Street hedge funds and corporate Republicans are manipulating the events in Georgia to support the roadmap that contains their nominee, Ron DeSantis.


Control is the key in these totalitarian illusions of democracy. If Fani Willis is targeting the group who organize against the interests of Brian Kemp and the Republican club leadership, she is doing them a favor. Brian Kemp and his Republican Party crew support corrupt District Attorney Fani Willis, just like former Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell supported U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in the targeting of the Tea Party (2011, 2012). The alignments are exactly identical.


Again, for reference, this is not a short-term issue. This is a long-term construct on behalf of the right-wing of the UniParty and the Bush clan apparatus to remove the threat of MAGA politics from their controlled party.


DeSantis is a tool, a willing vessel for these interests. The benefit DeSantis provides is not contained in his winning the 2024 primary, but rather in stopping Donald Trump from winning it.


In 2010, the Tea Party caught the corporate Republican Party off guard; they reassembled their machinery, and then attacked and removed the Tea Party influence in 2012. In 2016, the counterinsurgent Tea Party base found a way to fight back with Donald Trump; we reassembled and added more support from the middle and working class around the America First agenda and defeated Wall Street Republicans again. However, every moment thereafter has been this battle between the party control operatives and the MAGA insurgents.


That battle has continued, and Georgia is the latest visible evidence of the war raging in the background.


We told you this was going to be very ugly, and it is unfolding exactly as we would expect.


It will get worse, much worse. Cowboy up!

Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 6:06 a.m. No.19392782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2788

This is Donald Trump’s Most Brilliant Inside Move to Benefit the MAGA Movement 1/2


August 18, 2023 | Sundance | Going all the way back to 2016, the #1 value to the RNC from the candidacy of Donald Trump has always been the supporter data, the donor files and data of the people who support Donald Trump. This data floored Reince Priebus in 2016, because the RNC had never before seen such a scale of grassroots donor support in the history of the organization.

The RNC administrative leadership were floored when the data-sharing requirement forced Trump’s team to turn over the data right before the GOP convention. It was so far beyond the scale of what they had ever seen before, they could not believe it. Millions and millions of new first-time names. The core of middle-class America.


Data are people. MAGA people. Lots of them. More than the RNC has ever known…President Trump snubbing the RNC debate in Wisconsin is a direct shot against the RNC as a private corporation.


The RNC has been covertly hostile, but you will now see them become openly hostile. President Trump knows this, and his next move is brilliant.President Trump has created an “official seal of approval” which must accompany any campaign endorsement, donor request or ancillary aspect implying Trump support. This is directly done to counteract the ability of the RNC to exploit Trump’s affiliation and essentially hostage status.


In essence, the RNC cannot exploit the MAGA brand for RNC/MAGA endorsement, and or use the donor data files, without the Trump “seal of approval.” The data becomes worthless, because without the Trump seal any request is ignored. Additionally, without the seal any RNC candidate is ignored. This creates leverage. This is how the insurgency forces the compliance of the GOPe. At least that appears to be the goal from Donald Trump.


If the RNC, or any vendor or candidate they have sold the files to, including any candidate who runs but does not align with Trump, attempts to exploit the files without the Trump seal of approval, the fracture between Trump and the RNC becomes openly visible.


It is not coincidental this ‘Seal of Approval’ is announced after the debate decision was made public.


Donald J Trump – Bedminster, NJ — President Donald J. Trump will grant the right to use his “Seal of Approval” to an exclusive group of candidates and committees that the President endorses or otherwise supports. The purpose of the Seal is to help President Trump’s donors distinguish between authorized uses of his name and likeness, and unauthorized uses including oftentimes outright scams. It is intended to protect the President’s donors and supporters from illegitimate organizations falsely claiming some affiliation with President Trump and his campaign.


President Trump’s endorsement power is the most powerful force in American politics. His influence is election defining. When President Trump posts an endorsement on Truth Social, or a candidate onstage before tens of thousands of voters, America First patriots rally behind President Trump’s choice and deliver a decisive victory…


(Read all of this) continued..

Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.19392788   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2799




Unfortunately, some candidates, PACs and their fundraising vendors have drained millions of dollars from President Trump’s donors by falsely claiming that they support President Trump, that the President supports them, and that funds received in response to the solicitations will support, help, or defend President Trump. To fight this scam,President Trump’s endorsementwill now include the right to use his name and likeness in fundraising solicitations and other campaign communications, as signified by this Seal. The Seal will be a powerful signal to President Trump’s loyal donors that the sender is on Team Trump and is not a scammer.


Candidates and committees authorized to use the Seal shall be permitted, and indeed encouraged, to use the Seal in connection with their activities on social media, in paid advertising, and on merchandise.


This Seal is revocable, non-exclusive license, and the digital art file containing the Seal is non-transferable. Any entity that mimics or unlawfully uses the Seal without explicit approval from a representative of President Trump’s campaign may face legal action.


Before responding to a fundraising solicitation from a candidate or committee, President Trump’s donors should visit to review an up-to-date list of candidates and committees the President has endorsed or supports. Candidates and committees that wish to be a part of Official Team Trump and receive the right to use the Seal should visit to apply.


By granting a candidate or committee the right to use this seal, President Trump does not solicit contributions for or on behalf of such candidate or committee. Additionally, the seal does not indicate or imply that President Trump or Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. has reviewed or approved any fundraising solicitation or other communication in connection with the seal appears. Indeed, it has not done so and will not do so. (link)


There’s a new sheriff in town…

Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 6:09 a.m. No.19392799   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Team Trump Unveils New “Seal Of Approval” To Protect Loyal Donors From Scammers

August 18, 2023



Bedminster, NJ — President Donald J. Trump will grant the right to use his “Seal of Approval” to an exclusive group of candidates and committees that the President endorses or otherwise supports. The purpose of the Seal is to help President Trump’s donors distinguish between authorized uses of his name and likeness, and unauthorized uses including oftentimes outright scams. It is intended to protect the President’s donors and supporters from illegitimate organizations falsely claiming some affiliation with President Trump and his campaign.



President Trump’s endorsement power is the most powerful force in American politics. His influence is election defining. When President Trump posts an endorsement on Truth Social, or a candidate onstage before tens of thousands of voters, America First patriots rally behind President Trump’s choice and deliver a decisive victory.



Unfortunately, some candidates, PACs and their fundraising vendors have drained millions of dollars from President Trump’s donors by falsely claiming that they support President Trump, that the President supports them, and that funds received in response to the solicitations will support, help, or defend President Trump. To fight this scam, President Trump’s endorsement will now include the right to use his name and likeness in fundraising solicitations and other campaign communications, as signified by this Seal. The Seal will be a powerful signal to President Trump’s loyal donors that the sender is on Team Trump, and is not a scammer.



Candidates and committees authorized to use the Seal shall be permitted, and indeed encouraged, to use the Seal in connection with their activities on social media, in paid advertising, and on merchandise.



This Seal is revocable, non-exclusive license, and the digital art file containing the Seal is non-transferable. Any entity that mimics or unlawfully uses the Seal without explicit approval from a representative of President Trump’s campaign may face legal action.



Before responding to a fundraising solicitation from a candidate or committee, President Trump’s donors should visit to review an up-to-date list of candidates and committees the President has endorsed or supports. Candidates and committees that wish to be a part of Official Team Trump and receive the right to use the Seal should visit to apply.



By granting a candidate or committee the right to use this seal, President Trump does not solicit contributions for or on behalf of such candidate or committee. Additionally, the seal does not indicate or imply that President Trump or Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. has reviewed or approved any fundraising solicitation or other communication in connection with the seal appears. Indeed, it has not done so and will not do so.

Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 6:14 a.m. No.19392826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2835 >>2839 >>2847 >>2861 >>2956 >>3168

Nolte: Report – ‘CNN Leadership Unhappy’ With Kaitlan Collins and Her Dismal Ratings

JOHN NOLTE25 Jul 2023


The latest reporting from inside CNN, the basement-rated fake news outlet that will almost certainly be sold for parts within the next few years, suggests that the outlet’s leadership is not pleased with Kaitlan Collins, nor with the ratings of The Source.


CNN should’ve listened to me. After all, my advice is as insightful as it is free. Nurse Ratched was never going to succeed as an anchor, much less a prime-time anchor, much less the 9:00 p.m. anchor. Collins has all the appeal of a first wife, so why put her directly against MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Monday nights and Alex Wagner Tuesday through Friday nights?


Collins is a left-wing extremist with zero charm. Maddow and Wagner are equally left-wing but more pleasant to spend time with.


So what did Collins have to offer?


Only downside, baby. And when you’re talking about CNNLOL, the downside is all that’s for sale anymore.




It is currently unclear what Collins’ fate will be now that Licht is gone from the network, but CNN’s new leadership is reportedly unhappy with Collins and The Source’s ratings.


Puck reported that The Source “has shown little substantive growth” since its inception in early June and that Collins “draws roughly a third of the audience that Rachel Maddow and Alex Wagner average on MSNBC.”


Also shocking was the outlet’s report that Collins only draws a “quarter of the audience Sean Hannity draws on Fox News.”


“Other CNN insiders reportedly questioned how long Collins can remain in the 9 p.m. timeslot,” continues the report.


Here’s the worst of it: “Kaitlin Collins will go down as Chris Licht’s original sin.” Ouch.


Chris Licht, of course, is the recently removed CNNLOL CEO. What was he thinking? Collins had failed in her role as a morning co-anchor. Collins had failed spectacularly during her gloriously devastating role as the moderator of former President Trump’s triumphant town hall. So, as is always the case in the corporate media, Collins failed all the way up to CNN’s plum primetime slot.


Here’s the thing…


It doesn’t matter what CNN does with Nurse Ratched or with the 9:00 p.m. slot. CNN is doomed. CNN cannot survive on merit, which is advertising revenue based on ratings. No one watches CNN. The fake news network’s survival is wholly dependent on the affirmative action of cable TV carriage fees, and that affirmative action is quickly coming to an end.


It gets worse for these liars. A few years ago, CNN’s ratings were terrible, but it could still make waves and influence the news cycle. Today, CNN cannot even do that. CNN has no influence on the daily narrative. It is the proverbial tree falling in the forest with no one listening. Why? Because no one believes anything CNN reports. Why? Read on…


Russia Collusion Hoax

Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax

Jussie Smollett Hoax

Covington KKKids Hoax

Very Fine People Hoax

Seven-Hour Gap Hoax

Global Warming Hoax

Russian Bounties Hoax

Trump Trashes Troops Hoax

Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax

Rittenhouse Hoax

Eating While Black Hoax

Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax

NASCAR Noose Hoax

The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax

Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax

MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax

COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax

Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax

Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax

COVID Deaths are Overcounted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax

Anyway, what kind of professional news network programs its primetime schedule this way…?


Hey, let’s promote someone who will say the exact same stuff MSNBC says, but our anchor will not have any charm, insight, personality, facial movement, or magnetism.


And then, when that formula failed with Jake Tapper, CNN decided to try it again with Nurse Ratched. And here’s the result.


The only news CNN makes anymore surrounds the outlet’s slow-motion implosion, something every decent American should enjoy, like it’s ice cream and pie in a world where every day is Saturday and every pretty girl has a sense of humor.

Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 6:21 a.m. No.19392853   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2860 >>2864 >>2873 >>2884 >>2904

Biden Regime to Reinstate COVID-19 Restrictions Beginning with Mask Mandate as “COVID Cases Rise”, Say TSA and Border Patrol Whistleblowers

by Jim Hᴏft Aug. 18, 2023 7:00 pm

The Biden regime is preparing to reinstate full COVID-19 lockdowns, beginning with masking mandates for TSA and airport employees reportedly as early as mid-September, Infowars first to report.


A high-level TSA official reached out to Infowars, detailing a Tuesday meeting where TSA managers were informed of new memorandums and policies that would reimplement mask-wearing.


These policies will reinstate the mask mandate for TSA and airport employees starting in mid-September.


According to the TSA official, further details on how the policy will escalate will be provided next week.


The official added that by mid-October, mask-wearing will be mandated for pilots, flight staff, passengers, and all airport patrons.


Following this disclosure from the TSA official, Infowars reached out to a trusted Border Patrol source, also in a managerial position.


This source corroborated the directives, confirming that similar measures were being planned for Border Patrol personnel.


“They were told it was not a matter of “if” but “when” official Covid numbers will go back up and they expect by mid-October a return to forced-masking policies that the Biden administration previously only reluctantly ended after massive pressure,” Infowarsreported.


The news outlet added, “Both whistleblowers were told this rollout will be in tandem with the new Covid “variant” hysteria that the MSM has been reporting on this week.”


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that health experts are now sounding the alarm on the new COVID variant.


The World Health Organization classified the EG.5 coronavirus strain circulating in the United States and China as a “variant of interest” but stressed it did not seem to pose more of a threat to public health than other variants. Despite the message from WHO, some health experts are sounding the alarm.


On Thursday, WHO made a formal announcement on Thursday, categorizing the BA.2.86 variant—a highly mutated variant—as a “variant under monitoring.”


This designation represents the lowest of three levels of alert set by the global health body.


Meanwhile, the so-called “high flying” variants EG.5, XBB.1.5, and XBB.1.6 have been elevated to the status of “variants of interest,” signaling a higher level of concern.


Among all current variants, only Omicron retains the classification of a “variant of concern,” which is the WHO’s most urgent level of alert, according to Fortune.


The media is now pushing for another lockdown. Another fear porn from the so-called health experts and media just in time for the next election. The same old playbook.


Dr. Naomi Wolf discussed this new variant being pushed by the media.


“What’s creepy about this sudden everywhere narrative that there’s a new variant in town… If you read them carefully, there was one we just tore apart in our local Salem, Massachusetts newspaper that basically admitted there really isn’t a spike and didn’t come up with any real numbers. They said something like, there are two new cases per 100,000, and they referenced a community that has only 22,000 inhabitants in it. So they’re imaginary numbers.”


“You can’t check any of these claims that there’s a new variant in town that’s different from the old variant. You just have to take their word for it,” Wolf added.

Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 6:36 a.m. No.19392925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2945 >>2952


Hell Is Freezing Over: CNN's Jake Tapper Admits, 'Trump Was Right, Biden Was Wrong'

August 19, 2013


Let's face it, CNN is not exactly an objective news agency. We saw some attempts when Chris Licht was in charge to make noises about being objective. But then he got the boot, and I don't think they'll be convincing anyone anytime soon that they've changed. That's why when they have moments of lucidity, where they're finally forced to admit a little truth, it's noteworthy and often funny.


There was one of those moments on Friday when hell was starting to freeze over. Jake Tapper who, I think, hates former President Donald Trump with the passion of a thousand suns was forced to admit, "Trump was right."


Tapper was part of a panel talking about the Biden family scandal. He pointed to a Washington Post story about Hunter Biden admitting in court that he made “$2.4 million in income in 2017 and $2.2 million in income in 2018 — most of which came from Chinese or Ukrainian interests.”


“This directly goes against what Joe Biden said in the debate in 2020 with Donald Trump,” Tapper said. He then ran a clip of what Biden said during the debate when Biden denied that Hunter had made any money in China. Trump nailed him good, refuting that, "He made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow, and various other places" as Biden falsely ranted, "That is simply not true!"


Tapper admitted, "Trump was right. I mean he did make a fortune from China, and Joe Biden was wrong. I don’t know that he was lying about it. He might not have been told by Hunter, but this blind spot is a problem." Andy Levin, a Democrat on the panel, pushed the Democratic talking point that there was nothing to connect Joe Biden, which anyone following along knows is nonsense.


Welcome to reality, Jake Tapper. We've just been saying this since 2019. We've been laying out a mountain of stories about Hunter Biden's foreign dealings and Joe Biden's various connections. The truth was there to be had if you acted like journalists in 2020 during that debate when Joe Biden was pushing that falsehood. Talk about a blind spot, CNN didn't want to address the questions about Biden.


Even now as Tapper makes these admissions, he doesn't quite go all the way, saying that he doesn't if Joe Biden "was lying about it."


So there's that thing about being a journalist again. CNN or Tapper could talk with Tony Bobulinski and ask him about Sinohawk – the Chinese-connected company the Bidens had been trying to form with the infamous "10 percent" for the "big guy." You could ask why did Joe think he was meeting with Hunter's business associate Jonathan Li in Beijing? Or writing college recommendations for Li's kidsif he didn't know about Hunter's business dealings with him? And that's just China. What about the dinners and the photos with all the business associates?


The House Oversight Committee came out this past week with bank records showing $20 million went to the Bidens including from people from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan. The Chair of the Committee, Rep. James Comer (R-KY) also promised that they would be subpoenaing the Biden family.


Tapper is finally admitting reality, but there's so much more there. So while hell is starting to freeze over a bit, they still have so much further to go.

Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 6:42 a.m. No.19392946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2955 >>2972

Hersh: Antony Blinken “Figured Out US Will Not Win War” After CIA Told Him “Ukraine Offense Not Going to Work”

by Richard Abelson Aug. 20, 2023

The CIA warned US Secretary of State Antony Blinken that “the Ukrainian offense was not going to work,“ reports veteran journalist Seymour Hersh. The end of the Biden Regime’s “murderous and failing war policy in Ukraine” is near, Hersh wrote.


Hersh cites an unnamed intel official who said that SecState Antony Blinken “has figured out that the United States” and Ukraine “will not win the war” against Russia. On Thursday, the Washington Post reported the U.S. intel community realizes the Ukrainian offensive will fail to achieve its key goal of taking the southeastern city of Melitopol, a strategic Russian logistics hub.


“The word was getting to (Blinken) through the Agency that the Ukrainian offense was not going to work. It was a show by Zelensky and there were some in the administration who believed his bullshit,“ Hersh’s source said.


“Blinken wanted to broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine as Kissinger did in Paris to end the Vietnam war,” according to the official.


Hersh’s source said that the recent peace conference in Saudia Arabia was National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan’s “baby,” planned as a crowning achievement after a successful Ukrainian counter-offensive. Instead, the Jeddah Peace Conference without Russian attendance fizzled.


Sullivan “planned it to be Biden’s equivalent of (President Woodrow) Wilson’s Versailles. The grand alliance of the free world meeting in a victory celebration after the humiliating defeat of the hated foe to determine the shape of nations for the next generation. Fame and Glory. Promotion and re-election. The jewel in the crown was to be Zelensky’s achievement of Putin’s unconditional surrender after the lightning spring offensive. They were even planning a Nuremberg type trial at the world court, with Jake as our representative. Just one more fuck-up, but who is counting?”


The CIA had warned SecState Blinken that the Spring counter-offensive “was going to be a big lose,” Hersh writes. “Blinken found himself way over his skis. But he does not want to go down as the court jester.”


When war hawk Blinken was “suddenly having doubts,” CIA director Bill Burns “made his move to join the sinking ship,” Hersh writes. Burns may have been jockeying to replace “a disillusioned Blinken,” according to Hersh, but only got “a token promotion: an appointment to Biden’s cabinet.”


At the same time, “ultra-hawkish” Victoria Nuland was promoted by Biden from Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs to Acting Deputy Secretary of State ”over the heated objections of many in the State Department,” Hersh writes. “She has not been formally nominated as the deputy for fear that her nomination would lead to a hellish fight in the Senate. “


“Tony Blinken, who publicly vowed just a few months ago that there would be no immediate ceasefire in Ukraine, is still in office and, if asked, would certainly dispute any notion of discontent with Zelensky or the administration’s murderous and failing war policy in Ukraine,” Hersh writes. The White House’s “wishful approach to the war, when it comes to realistic talk to the American people, will continue apace,” Hersh said. “But the end is nearing, even if the assessments supplied by Biden to the public are out of a comic strip.”


In November, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley said that a victory by Ukraine may not be achieved militarily and that Kiev should look for a diplomatic solution to the crisis. “We may have missed a window to push for earlier talks,” a US official told Politico, admitting that “Milley had a point.”


The governor of Zaporozhye region, Yevgeny Balitsky, claimed “mass desertions” are taking place among Ukrainian conscripts, stating that that approx. 500 Ukrainian soldiers had fled the fighting on the Zaporozhye front. “I just received information that two of the three airmobile battalions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine refused to participate in offensive operations in the direction of our positions due to their low moral and psychological state,” Balitsky wrote on Telegram.


Pro-Russian news channels are currently being censored, making it harder to get a more balanced point of view to contrast with Biden Regime-controlled media. On August 11, YouTube terminated the account of former US intel analyst Scott Ritter and deleted all of his videos. On August 18, the domain of pro-Russian website was taken down internationally “without any advance notice and explanation,” SouthFront writes on Telegram. It has now been replaced with SouthFront has also been censored from YouTube, Facebook and Twitter and its volunteers interrogated by the FBI, the pro-Russian platform writes.

Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 6:51 a.m. No.19392979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Tour of Duty with Scott Ritter

7 days ago

Gonzalo Lira's Latest Disappearance



Anonymous ID: aa694b Aug. 20, 2023, 8:15 a.m. No.19393323   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Neil Oliver, It’s All a Political Pantomime but the Audience Isn’t Buying It…


August 19, 2023 | Sundance


For his weekly monologue, Neil Oliver hits on a familiar metaphor. The grand theatrical performance of global politics and the orchestration of the actors and scripts. The difference, in this modern era, is that no one in the audience is watching the pantomime any longer; it is all too predictable. WATCH:


It sounds like he revealing

The Great Awakeninghas come to fruition