Anonymous ID: e3e577 Aug. 20, 2023, 5:20 a.m. No.19392636   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Texas 11-Year-Old Raped and Found Dead Under Bed Murdered by Guatemalan Who Crossed Into El Paso In January


Maria Gonzalez, 11, was raped and murdered and left under her father’s bed in Pasadena, Texas last Saturday.


Gonzalez was found dead just a few hours after she sent a text message to her father that a stranger was knocking on the front door.


Maria Gonzalez’s father found his daughter stuffed in a trash bag under his bed a few hours after he got home from work later that day.


Police arrested 18-year-old Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez in Shreveport, Louisiana and he is awaiting his extradition to Texas.


According to police, a key left behind at the scene next to the deceased girl’s body at a Pasadena apartment complex led authorities to the killer.


Police matched the key to the unit where Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez was staying in the same apartment complex.


Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez crossed the US border into El Paso from Guatemala in January.


Border Patrol agents promptly released Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez to his sponsors in Louisiana in January.


He then went on to sexually assault and murder a child.


KTRK reported:


The man accused of sexually assaulting an 11-year-old girl in Pasadena before allegedly strangling her to death was arrested out of state, according to police.


On Saturday, authorities confirmed that the Shreveport Louisiana Police Department arrested 18-year-old Juan Carlos Garcia-Rodriguez, who is awaiting to be extradited back to Texas.


Sources told Eyewitness News that Garcia-Rodriguez “gave a full confession” after he was arrested in Shreveport.


“We want to say thank you to the Pasadena Police Department and to Louisiana police and any officials that participated in bringing this cold-blooded murderer into custody. This arrest has brought the family and community some peace. We are extremely thankful that he cannot cause this type of pain to anybody again. I ask for those who are in charge to give us justice. May he be burdened with the full weight of the law, for what he has done to my daughter,” the victim’s family said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: e3e577 Aug. 20, 2023, 5:23 a.m. No.19392647   🗄️.is đź”—kun

“Most Anti-Science College” in America Set to Kick Out Students this Month for Being Unvaccinated – Senator Rand Paul Responds


The university often referred to as the “most anti-science” college in the U.S. is living up to it’s reputation once more and has drawn the ire of Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). reported Friday that Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey has confirmed that it will disenroll students who refuse to comply with their vaccine requirement.


Outrageously, this has been Rutgers’ standard policy since August 2021 according to the Brownstone Institute. On March 25, 2021, it became the first university in the nation to announce it would require students to take COVID vaccines for fall 2021 enrollment.


Rutgers then doubled down in 2022 even after the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) admitted that the Covid shots could not prevent transmission or infection.


Rutgers as of today remains one of less than 100 universities out of 2,679 four-year colleges and universities that maintain COVID vaccine mandates.


Paul responded on X (formally Twitter) blasting this asinine policy and dropped some brutal facts regarding the risks of myocarditis in vaccinated young people compared to ones who have not taken the shot.


Requiring 3 COVID vax for college freshman is not just bad science but malpractice. Risk of myocarditis is 28x higher in young men w/COVID vaccine than the risk of myocarditis from COVID. Germany released stats – no healthy young people died from Covid.


Requiring 3 COVID vax for college freshman is not just bad science but malpractice. Risk of myocarditis is 28x higher in young men w/COVID vaccine than the risk of myocarditis from COVID. Germany released stats – no healthy young people died from Covid.


— Rand Paul (@RandPaul) August 18, 2023


The student population at risk simple because university faculty members remain afraid of a virus that has evolved to be less dangerous. It will also be around forever.


The Gateway Pundit has extensively reported on the unusual number of young people who have died suddenly in recent years. Some have alleged a connection between the vaccine and these tragic passings.


In any case, science has shown time and again that young, healthy people do not need the COVID shot. When will our so-called institutions of higher-learning catch up to this reality?