Seems like Bullshit….
You trust the plan. I can tell.
4th cocktail
No you fuck off..
Next time you'll state that's what the fuck you are doing. wont ya.
fucking whiny motherfucker.
Yeah back to Michal Baxters shop of horrors with ya then, really you fucking motherfukers better get your head out of your ass.
And fuck you again. You didn't state that's what you are doing. POST SOME MORE REAL RAW NEWS YOU PIECE OF SHIT
Anon posts real raw news caliber shit. Gets' called out. WHINES like a BITCH.
Go fuck yourself you are butt hurt too. Whiny fucking bitch.
we done with that fake news drama. Good.
RESPECT to Anons that dropped that ABC, CBS FOX PBS NBC argument. I know you didn't want to stop bitching about it. but you see there's no winning it. just shitting the bread up.
Sometimes Anon gets into shit and needs to stop too. But today wasn't that day for Anon.
These shit news sources cause so much confusion they even got us fighting.
For that I am sorry.
>ritual magic
Same here sucked the Mana out, maybe stole certain family bones;
WATCH for someone/a few to emerge with LOTS of Charisma.
water on the crack 17Km down?