Anonymous ID: e1f9ab Aug. 20, 2023, 8:43 p.m. No.19396780   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6795


Hmmm, in the Civics Class I took the President of the United States may make treaties, but Congress must Ratify


Question: If everybody with half a brain leaves those cities before 2030, how big of a hit will BlackRock and Vanguard take on buildings with Property Taxes but no tenants?

Anonymous ID: e1f9ab Aug. 20, 2023, 9 p.m. No.19396872   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>He says Hillary will be arrested the morning of Monday Oct 30

Wasn't that the one with the false TripCode?

Sure does not seem like the first post to me

>Q also said the first arrest will send a shockwave

FIRST ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction.

>Hillary being the first arrest would definitely send a shockwave

Hussein would be the bigger shockwave, attention spans have wondered away from Killary

Brennan would be a big baddaboom, but mostly for the clowns, media wouldn't cover it and normies would not understand it

Anonymous ID: e1f9ab Aug. 20, 2023, 9:03 p.m. No.19396894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6903 >>6924 >>6939 >>6954


Many breads ago a kind anon had posted how the rising of CO2 levels is causing the expansion of plant growth as the levels have been down for several years. Biology class, Week One, photosynthesis. Carbon dioxide plus sunlight plus nice soil plus good water equals growing plant

Anonymous ID: e1f9ab Aug. 20, 2023, 9:23 p.m. No.19396985   🗄️.is 🔗kun


MAGA Patriots/MAGA Riots/MAGA Extractions/MAGA Civil War/MAGA Ex-Military/MAGA Mercenary/MAGA Code Red/MAGA Black Ops/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Point Blank/MAGA BlackOut Ops/MAGA Patriots 100% Cowboy/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Internet Key/MAGA Patriots Matrix Algebra/MAGA Patriots USA COMMAND CENTER/MAGA Cyber Warfare/MAGA AI Algorithms/ MAGA PATRIOTS CONSTITUTIONAL Americans/ MAGA AI Code Writers


Maga Patriots, the Patriot Front of 8Kun


What happened to that disclaimer you fedbois used to use about finding that stuff on the Dark Web?

Anonymous ID: e1f9ab Aug. 20, 2023, 9:35 p.m. No.19397023   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, standard issue government employee. Continue with assignment no matter how futile


MAGA Patriots/MAGA Riots/MAGA Extractions/MAGA Civil War/MAGA Ex-Military/MAGA Mercenary/MAGA Code Red/MAGA Black Ops/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Point Blank/MAGA BlackOut Ops/MAGA Patriots 100% Cowboy/MAGA Cyber/MAGA Internet Key/MAGA Patriots Matrix Algebra/MAGA Patriots USA COMMAND CENTER/MAGA Cyber Warfare/MAGA AI Algorithms/ MAGA PATRIOTS CONSTITUTIONAL Americans/ MAGA AI Code Writers/MAGA Command Center


Maga Patriots, the Patriot Front of 8Kun


Do you have your application in to Starbucks yet?

The Bureau will be disbanded. No severance pay, no pensions, no ability to hold any other government job down to Roadkill Collector

Anonymous ID: e1f9ab Aug. 20, 2023, 9:49 p.m. No.19397056   🗄️.is 🔗kun



34 Unforgettable Photos Of China’s Uninhabited Ghost Cities

By Natasha Ishak | Edited By John Kuroski

Published July 29, 2023 Updated August 8, 2023


The country's ambitious plans for urban growth have led to more than 50 abandoned cities whose empty buildings paint a dystopian landscape.

Anonymous ID: e1f9ab Aug. 20, 2023, 10:15 p.m. No.19397126   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And there it is…

Getting no results for the instigation and lacking originality the fedboi switches to the old shill tactic of starting arguments to waste bread

Anonymous ID: e1f9ab Aug. 20, 2023, 10:45 p.m. No.19397220   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notes passing 700


#23822 >>19396511

>>19396551 Richard Grenell reposted Charlie Kirk: The governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, just confirmed over 1,000 residents remain missing

>>19396553 The Next Major War Is Reportedly About To Begin, And “D-Day” Has Already Been Chosen (Niger)

>>19396578 14 U.S. Cities Sign WEF Treaty To Ban Meat, Diary, Private Cars by 2030

>>19396648 Potato: As soon as Tropical Storm Hilary’s path became clear, my Administration took immediate action to prepare

>>19396662 James Comer demands interacted NARA Recodes on Joe Biden pseudonyms including "Robert L. Peters" in investigation into influence peddling

>>19396729 HOW TO TAKE NOTES

>>19396753 FEMA administrator Deanne Criswell says emergency funds could be depleted within weeks

>>19396776 Clockfag: QClock August 20, 2023 - Bribery / Relieved of Command

>>19396969 Russian embassy in US blames Washington for trying to manage epidemics

>>19397016 Planefag: GEODE16 conducting traffic patterns over Travis AFB

>>19397096 Another State [Nevada] Declares State of Emergency as Hilary Rains on Southern California

Anonymous ID: e1f9ab Aug. 20, 2023, 10:54 p.m. No.19397242   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#23822 >>19396511

>>19396551 Richard Grenell reposted Charlie Kirk: The governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, just confirmed over 1,000 residents remain missing

>>19396553 The Next Major War Is Reportedly About To Begin, And “D-Day” Has Already Been Chosen (Niger)

>>19396578 14 U.S. Cities Sign WEF Treaty To Ban Meat, Diary, Private Cars by 2030

>>19396648 Potato: As soon as Tropical Storm Hilary’s path became clear, my Administration took immediate action to prepare

>>19396662 James Comer demands interacted NARA Recodes on Joe Biden pseudonyms including "Robert L. Peters" in investigation into influence peddling

>>19396729 HOW TO TAKE NOTES

>>19396753 FEMA administrator Deanne Criswell says emergency funds could be depleted within weeks

>>19396776 Clockfag: QClock August 20, 2023 - Bribery / Relieved of Command

>>19396969 Russian embassy in US blames Washington for trying to manage epidemics

>>19397016 Planefag: GEODE16 conducting traffic patterns over Travis AFB

>>19397096 Another State [Nevada] Declares State of Emergency as Hilary Rains on Southern California


Note Taker going to bake

Hold goodies for next bread please

might be a lag