>>1939723 (lb)
In Israel.
>>1939631 (lb)
Nice projection kike.
Pics for you.
>>1939723 (lb)
In Israel.
>>1939631 (lb)
Nice projection kike.
Pics for you.
What do you think about all the facts presented in this graph?
Jewish subversion IS the cornerstone of modern history (last 150 years).
Also as a bonus, as the Saudi involvement in the NWO and its connection to jews.
Re-uploading for exposure.
Do they follow the Scofield Bible?
That is a jewish-supremacist psyop to gather the support of Christians (which jewish-supremacists hate, pics related).
Have you read this?
“Jews have dominated and exploited the Black Civil Rights Movement for their own selfish and subversive ends.”
How to verify this claim:
-Find this article:
-Access this link for the archive of the article:
-Make sure to verify the bibliography of the article here:
-Archive link for the bibliography of the article:
Not jews per se, just jewish supremacism, and ALL the jewish interest groups that exist in the West (cuz they are used to subvert in name of ALL jews).
First we take care of jewish supremacism (the arsonists), then we can address other fires.
Remember pic related, and remember it was jews who brought the black slaves to the US.
The patriotic jews need to call for the removal of every jewish interest group in the West, because those are used by the globalist Cabal to subvert.
I do not agree with genocide until all peaceful options have been depleted.
Patriotic jews really need to call for the removal of all jewish interest groups in the West, because the globalist Cabal uses those to subvert and then everyone blames all the jews. Only the jews can save themselves from the backlash this whole mess is going to brew against them.
There needs to be a open and honest discussion regarding the subversive actions perpetrated by jewish interest groups in the West if we are going to fix things peacefully.
Only the jews can save the jews from the backlash this whole mess has brewed against them.
Pointing to jewish/zionist-supremacism is not an appeal to punish all the jews.
It's about defanging jewish nepotistic and subversive inclinations.
White people, Black people, Asian people, all the peoples have the right to self determination, independent of jews.
Jews as a group have repeatedly and continually subversed all nations that kindly host them, and in a way they operate like narcissistic sociopaths against all those that refuse to be controlled by them.
They are hurting themselves and going against their own interests because one day, people will get fed up of trying to fix these issues peacefully and being constantly being silenced, harassed and destroyed (even killed, like legendary patriot General George S. Patton) left and right just for stating FACTS and trying to stand up for their own interests and RIGHT TO SELF DETERMINATION.
>There are around 1000 to 2000 Jews who are part of a conspiracy
What about ALL the MILLIONS of Sayanim worldwide?
You are very stupid.
Kek, you kike shills are so stupid that you don't realize that people ARE going verify all the shit that gets posted here, and what they will find is that you are just trying some silly attempt at damage control, and when they do, they will only get MADDER at ALL jews.
Keep digging your grave yid :)
What else would they do?
Some are 4-6%, some are IDF conscripts on Hasbara duty (they can't NOT do it otherwise it is insubordination), others are involved and going to get the injection so they have nothing to lose, and others are going to get RICOed by working for Brock who is connected to James Alefantis so they are desperate too.
I find it very amusing :)
From the article:
“Many observers argue that the presumed Jewish altruism and social activism in the American civil rights movement of the 1960's had baser motives. Benjamin Ginsberg argues that the multicultural coalitions spearheaded by Jews in the civil rights era "was a political tactic" to "undermine the power" of those establishment social forces that hindered further Jewish socio-economic advancement. [GINSBERG, p. 125] In 1975 Hasia Dinner wrote a PhD thesis about the way that "Jewish support for black causes was a way for Jews to broaden their own rights without becoming conspicuous by advocating their group interests." [FEINGOLD, p. 130] "Jewish leaders," wrote Diner, "representing different socio-economic classes, ideologies, and cultural experiences committed themselves to black betterment and gave time, money, and energy to black organizations. The spectrum was so wide and the involvement so extensive that one must conclude that these leaders acted out of peculiarly Jewish motives … [My] book demonstrates that Jewish ends were secured by involvement with blacks." [DINER, p. xiv, xii] ”