>shocked at how many people immediately started
Russia Releases 2,000 Page Report Proving Deep State & Big Pharma Manufactured Covid Pandemic
Russia has publicly accused Big Pharma and US Deep State actors of manufacturing the Covid-19 pandemic to take over the world, listing Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and George Soros as co-conspirators in the plot against humanity.
“Russia wants justice for the creation and release of SARS-CoV-2, while the West covered up the origins and censored scientists and journalists,” the Russian Embassy in the United States said on Thursday.
Russia has submitted all their evidence to the UN, which amounts to over 2,000 pages worth of reports proving their claims over the last 18 months.
According to Russian officials, the bio-research activity launched by the US Defense Department in Ukraine requires an appropriate legal assessment, including from relevant international bodies.
“Of particular concern is the activity deployed by the Pentagon in Ukraine. The United States has involved dozens of state institutions and private companies of the country in its projects,” the embassy stated.
“Civilians and military personnel of the republic became donors of biomaterial and simply experimental subjects. There is no doubt that such actions require an appropriate legal assessment, including from relevant international structures,” the statement continued.
The international community continues to raise serious questions about the uncontrolled dual-use research under the auspices of the US Defense Department and Russia has repeatedly pointed to “gross violations” by the United States of its obligations under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
Washington ignores the claims, justifying itself with a certain humanitarian component of its
programs,” the diplomats noted. “We emphasize that there is no question about any good goals of the projects of the US Defense Department. Evidence of US work with potential agents of biological weapons is available and they are far from isolated as well as evidence of attempts to deliberately enhance the properties of pathogens of economically significant infections.”
Under the guise of monitoring disease, the US Deep State has proliferated the world with illegal biolaboratories engaged in inhumane research, the embassy stressed.
The statement also pointed out that these institutions have been built up close to Russia’s borders, encircling the nation.
“The goal is obvious – to be able to create crisis situations of a biological nature at the right time, form artificial foci of infections. In other words, to manage epidemics, putting them at the service of their own interests,” the diplomats clarified.
The facts published by the Russian Ministry of Defense about the United States’ illegal military-biological activities should make one think again about the true objectives of the Deep State in Washington D.C., the statement said.
“Questions are also multiplying among ordinary Americans, demanding clarifications from the government on the sponsored programs,” the embassy pointed out. “It is high time for Washington to admit that if on the multilateral ‘platforms’ it is still possible to enlist the support of like-minded people and to silence those who have doubts, then the questions of their own population cannot be avoided.”
Jesus's birth and resurrection and stories of other divine or heroic figures from across the Mediterranean world, including supposed "dying-and-rising gods" such as Tammuz, Adonis, Attis, and Osiris, although the concept of "dying-and-rising gods" itself has received scholarly criticism.
>How do anons cope with the decline in society values
People have always been morans!
The other day I went out after some time, everybody suddenly wore beards.
Next time I went shopping, all wore masks.
Now I am at the beach; no beards anymore, hardly any masks, but everybody & their dog have tattoos….
Most sheeple act & behave acc. to what they see on TV & the MSM.
Think about the selfie-phenomenon for example, facebook, instagram or even "smart" phones …
Stick to the values you have been taught and live accordingly. Try not to waste your energy fighting windmills (or morans).
Those with eyes/brians will see what you're doing and appreciate it.
>yeah prolly i'm a "windmill fighter"
Kek! I tried that too, for a couple of years. then thought that while I do believe in "chivalry", I do not want to be remembered as a Don Quixote.
(pic relates only distantly. kek!)