Because Biden will not be the candidate in 2024.
Biden is finished. Biden is a failed president. The American people despise him. He makes Jimmy Carter look popular.
Obama is the real President. He is clearly the power behind the throne. He calls all the shots. Biden is his puppet, his frontman. Biden is Obama’s “useful idiot.” Make no mistake- this is the 3rd term of Obama.
Obama knows Biden has out-lived his usefulness. Biden is old, feeble, literally brain-dead with dementia, and getting worse every day. Biden must be replaced before the election.
I’m betting on Michelle Obama as the replacement
You can feel it coming. This move will re-invigorate the Democrat base. It will bring black and brown voters back into the Democrat fold. It energizes young votes and female votes. No one in the GOP, but Trump, has a prayer to beat Michelle Obama.
The celebrity of the Trump brand is the only one that can match the Obama brand.
Electing Michelle would be the 4th and 5th terms of Obama. Michelle is “the new Biden 2.0”- a popular, friendly face and celebrity personality for Obama, the real power behind the throne. Barack Obama would again be the real president- calling the shots.