they of course will change the rules although they did have Trump sign that non compete shit last time around if he lost the primaries. My guess is they are going to rely on some fucking morality clause in running they have something archaic they can bring up to remove him from the ticket.
I think if it comes to that there are bigger problems. The question is not even if the RNC will allow him on the ticket it would be an issue of if the states allow him to run. Then you have the issue of will the state allow a third party. It is hard to get that process going and has to be done by a certain point. This is why if all the Republicans dropped out and then only Trump was winning the states would be forced to keep him on the ticket, however this option does not destroy the GOP see previous answer again. If he is a write in then that will be the craziest ending to this but even then the vote would always be contested.
it will be right up to the line is my guess. Trump trials all summer while kids are home so parents will be watching tv and shit they will not be able to escape the coverage to the point they might just check out, but the GOP is going to play dirty other wise they would not have all these other fucks running. They are all seeking something. Vivek is the one I am the most suspicious of because he is saying all the right things. So if he were to be the nominee that would siphon off a large portion of Trump people initially until they hear the evidence in the nationally televised trials. Chris Christie has to think he has a chance if he is running against pence for example, almost like they were promised something if they ran.