How do anons cope with the decline in society values, like respecting elders etc…?
it's horrible in my eyes. i'm trying so much but this uses so much energy work, my energy is almost 0 % :(
How do anons cope with the decline in society values, like respecting elders etc…?
it's horrible in my eyes. i'm trying so much but this uses so much energy work, my energy is almost 0 % :(
actually i was talking about the way people nowadays treat others with disrespect
i don't like that at all
i know what you mean but i'm talking about the way people talk to each other and treat each other, i don't like this
Thanks God, He helps me recharging it
>Each of us who retains our values make a difference to what happens in the future.
ty, anon
you must not let the assholes rule the world
and you must not let the people fight eachother
my house made out of clay is fine
i make a 90 degree angle bow in front of my parents and even my elder brother and discuss things with decorum
will never ever change that
will listen and reply without interrupting
will pray and give thanks to the Almighty God
and hope everything will alright
glad there are still some observers out there
yeah prolly i'm a "windmill fighter"
but somebody has to do it