Anonymous ID: af1f73 Aug. 22, 2023, 11:38 a.m. No.19406548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6577 >>6587


>We are seeing the mass sacrifice children in the name of false god and false idols

How can this be proven though? It may look like that but the skeptic will only see the coincidence How to show it was a sacrifice for what? So Oprah can buy up their plane? Those people have been getting calls from real estate "Investors" for pennies on the dollar, they are opportunist vultures but it doesn't show sacrifice to Moloch or whatever. .

Anonymous ID: af1f73 Aug. 22, 2023, 11:49 a.m. No.19406595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6680 >>6981


My Dr recommend the book "This is your brain on food"


This book This is your brain on food on how to get off Adderall, I haven't read it, but she recommends get off sugar first. I started drinking my coffee black, but it upsets my stomach and I throw up half the time. I am in recovery for Meth addiction, and adderall seems to hit those receptors and helps out, I know the synthetic timeline is going away and I need to do something.

Anonymous ID: af1f73 Aug. 22, 2023, 11:56 a.m. No.19406639   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It still seems like conjecture. I have pt animals to sleep and hey never mentioned it was sacrificed, they say put down, let go, put to sleep. If you are eating the animal i guess you might say it sacrificed its life for you. I have seen a Demon come out of a musical during an Imagine Dragons concert and I have met Jesus so I do understand this exists. It was through my meeting with Jesus that I Sacrificed a future of being Rich for a Psychic gift. It sucks being poor but I can help people heal face to face, and people say I have a very calming effect on them so that is important to me. These Evil forces are being exposed but it is hard to see for many people.

A friend of mine was saying how great "Jelly Roll" was because he knows addicts and sings about addiction, I listened toh im and I think he promotes addiction and creates more of it, VS Tom Macdonald who raps at a higher vibration, to me the difference is night and day , but she can't see it and thinks I just shit on her likes.

Anonymous ID: af1f73 Aug. 22, 2023, 12:24 p.m. No.19406802   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It wouldn't let me do the amazon link because it was saying something about spammers and use a URL shortening site or something. I have heard great things about Magnesium but it every one says they are the best other kinds don't absorb correctly. IDK just gotta go natural and eat green leafy vegetables.

Anonymous ID: af1f73 Aug. 22, 2023, 12:32 p.m. No.19406853   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Don't want the shedding and all

Trust God and do the right think. I met a Ukrainian Woman who lived in Crimea during Chernobyl and her village never got sick from radiation because Spiritually they were strong, strengthen your faith and take him in. Act like you can't be hurt by shedding be fearless, right now you're a fucking coward worrying about shedding and potentially letting him suffer. So many people are vaxxed are you going to wear a mask everywhere to protect yourself. Grow some balls and be fearless you faggot.