Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 10:47 a.m. No.19406299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6331 >>6386 >>6638

Stew Peters Exposes the ADL’s Pedophile Origins


Jewish pedophile Leo Frank was convicted of raping and murdering a 13-year-old white girl, but to this day, the ADL blames a black maintenance worker for the crime.


Vanguard/blackrock run Rumble is blocking this video


Stew Peters EXPOSED the Anti-Defamation League’s pro-pedophile origins in a recent segment of the Stew Peters Show, harkening back to the birth of the ADL, which was formed to defend convicted Jewish pedophile and child-killer Leo Frank while accusing those who sought justice, including the child victim’s family, of antisemitism. To this day, the ADL blames a black man for the murder, despite overwhelming evidence and a jury of his peers convicting Leo Frank.


“It’s time for a little history lesson about the Anti-Defamation League,” Peters said at the segment’s opening, before exposing the ADL’s ties to Israeli intelligence and anti-American spy rings, then dropping the hammer, reminding the American People that the far-left ADL is rooted in the defense of a murderous pedophile and the actual defamation of an innocent black man.


“The ADL’s origins go back more than 100 years. They go to an infamous murder case in Georgia,” explained Peters.


“Leo Frank was the Jewish manager of a factory in Atlanta that relied on child labor,” Peters went on. “One of Frank’s workers, a 13-year-old girl named Mary Phagan was found raped and murdered in that factory.”


“Frank was put on trial, convicted ultimately and unanimously despite hiring the best legal team that money could buy, and [was] sentenced to death,” said Peters.


“But, after heavy political lobbying, Georgia’s Governor commuted Frank’s sentence to life in prison. So an outraged group of Georgia citizens calling themselves the ‘Knights of Mary Phagan’ broke into Frank’s jail, kidnapped him, and hanged him in Marietta, Georgia.”


Years later, thanks to massive political pressure from the ADL, Frank was given a symbolic pardon by Georgia’s state government, even over the objections of young Mary Phagan’s family, who, as Peters explained in the segment, “strongly believed that Frank was guilty.”


The case has received renewed interest in recent weeks, as a musical falsely proclaiming Leo Frank’s innocence once again plays on Broadway, and after the ADL marked the anniversary of Frank’s death by claiming that he was an innocent casualty of antisemitism.


“Last week, ADL leader Jonathan Greenblatt marked the anniversary of Frank’s death with a tweet, calling him the victim of an unjust conviction motivated by, of course, antisemitism,” Peters explained.


“But the ADL got something unexpected. The new Twitter or X community notes system – that’s the new post-Elon Musk system where people can add helpful, factual notes to the bottom of tweets.”


“Before Musk, the ADL practically ran Twitter’s censorship regime. Well now, censorship is at least superficially mostly gone and the fact-checking is in the hands of the people,” said Peters.


“[Leo Frank] raped and murdered a 13-year-old white girl and tried to frame the illiterate black night janitor,” the community notes attached to Greenblatt’s post read, exposing Leo Frank for the racist pedophilic murderer that he was, and exposing the ADL for the racist, pro-pedophile, pro-child killers that they are.


“His pardon, 73 years after his death, does not clear him of the accused crime and was likely politically-motivated,” the community notes went on to say, citing multiple web links.

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 10:49 a.m. No.19406314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6325 >>6386 >>6638

Liberal City's Police Chief Resigns Amid Crime Spike, Cop Shortages


Police Chief Joseph Chacon announced his retirement from the Austin Police Department (APD) on Monday due to the city’s surging crime and cop shortage.


“A few months ago, I began seriously considering retirement and after long conversations with my wife and family, and thoughtful prayer, I have now made the decision that the moment is right to hang it up on a 25 year career with APD,” Chacon wrote in a statement Monday shared on Twitter.


Robin Henderson, Chacon’s chief of staff, is set to fill the retiring police chief’s position after being asked by Interim City Manager Jesús Garza. He will serve until a new police chief is named following a national search expected to last several months. Whether Henderson seeks to permanently go for the job is not yet known.


The date of Chacon’s departure has yet to be announced. However, Henderson will be appointed in the first week of September. Chacon “will take on an advisory role for a short time to ensure a smooth transition.”


The 55-year-old retiring police chief expressed dissatisfaction with the APD’s 330 vacancies in an address to the community Monday. Patrol ranks have the most empty positions. The Texas Department of Public Safety partnered with the APD from March to July, per the efforts of Mayor Kirk Watson.


“Where we sit in staffing today, I’m disappointed,” Chacon said. “I want us to get back to a place where we have more Austin police officers out there.”


Chacon became Austin police Chief two years ago, during the aftermath of the BLM protests and disputes over policing in May 2020. He dealt with conflict both inside his department and among the community.


“I thank Chief Chacon for serving as our Chief of Police and doing it with professionalism,” Watson said. “The role of Chief is not an easy one. Chief Chacon approached the job with an obvious desire to support his team and to protect our community.”

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 10:52 a.m. No.19406328   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6386 >>6638

50K Migrants Apprehended in Texas Based Border Sector in 15 Days


Border Patrol agents in the five Texas-based sectors apprehended nearly 50,000 migrants during the first 15 days of August. This is despite the blistering temperatures endangering the lives of migrants attempting to enter the United States between ports of entry illegally.


Border Patrol agents assigned to the Rio Grande Valley, Laredo, Del Rio, Big Bend, and El Paso Sectors apprehended approximately 49,500 migrants who crossed the border between ports of entry between August 1 and August 15, according to unofficial Border Patrol reports obtained from a law enforcement source.


During the 15-day period, the Rio Grande Valley Sector agents apprehended more migrants than any other Border Patrol sector. Agents took nearly 23,700 migrants into custody so far this month. The Tucson Sector fell to second with the apprehension of nearly 22,250 migrants.


This was followed by more than 13,000 in the Del Rio Sector and nearly 12,000 in the El Paso Sector. The Laredo and Big Bend Sectors rounded out the Texas-based sectors with approximately 1,400 and 280, respectively.


Agents in the nine southwest Border Patrol sectors apprehended more than 83,000 migrants during this period. The official report from U.S. Customs and Border Protections is expected to be released any day. Unofficial numbers indicate a major spike following the sharp drop in June apprehensions.

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:02 a.m. No.19406366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6386 >>6638

Hunter Biden’s Business Partner Used Government Post To Grease Wheels At Latvian Bank Where Hunter Sought Board Seat


Hunter Biden’s business partner used the federal position he was handed during the Obama administration to court an Eastern European company whose board Hunter was eager to join, according to a batch of emails obtained by The Daily Wire through a Freedom of Information Act request.


Eric Schwerin was appointed to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad by President Barack Obama in March 2015. The Commission is a tiny federal agency that — like Hunter and Schwerin’s business — sits at the intersection of U.S. government influence in Eastern Europe and raising money from private interests.


The appointment gave Schwerin, who was managing director of Hunter’s now-dissolved firm, the ability to present himself as a U.S. official, negotiate with Eastern European countries about the preservation of Holocaust-era cemeteries, and bring money to the table to fund the preservation projects — raised from private businesses and individuals.


Schwerin attempted to get a Latvian bank acknowledged on a plaque on a Commission project, during the same month that Hunter was seeking a board seat on the company. Schwerin apparently reneged on his efforts to have the bank to fund the genocide memorial after learning that any generosity would be anonymous rather than a public relations coup for the company.


Schwerin’s appointment to the Commission came less than a year after he brought it to Hunter’s attention, according to emails on Hunter’s abandoned laptop reviewed by The Daily Wire. In one September 2014 email, Schwerin sent Hunter an article about the Commission that mentioned its ability “to use its influence to leverage cooperation from foreign governments.”


After the appointment, Schwerin was able travel to Eastern Europe with a special government “Official Passport.” This could be a major perk for Schwerin, given his business with Hunter, Rosemont Seneca Partners, involved making deals in Eastern Europe based almost entirely on the pair’s political connections.


For his first official duty, Schwerin told the Commission he would raise money for the renovation of a memorial in Latvia. In April 2016, then-Commission chair Lesley Weiss wrote to the Latvian contact that Schwerin had a “relationship with Norvik Bank in Riga,” the nation’s capital. “They would contribute the funds,” Weiss stated.


The “relationship” with Norvik Bank, it turned out, was that Hunter’s fraudster business partner, Devon Archer, was a shareholder of Norvik, and Hunter wanted to be extended a lucrative board seat for himself, according to emails on Hunter’s laptop.


But after the Latvian representative explained that the language on a plaque could not be changed because of politics in Latvia, Schwerin said the donation might be contingent on the donor getting publicly credited.


“This makes it a little heavier a lift if they can’t get some recognition. While I believe all charity should be anonymous I think in this case this donor might like to be recognized,” Schwerin wrote on May 5, 2016. He later added, referring to a discussion about changes in the plaque’s language: “I always believe doing something first and not asking for permission is a good strategy in situations like this.”


(The Latvian contact Schwerin and the Commission were working with on the memorial was later revealed to be a former Soviet Union spy, according to Israel Hayom.)

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:05 a.m. No.19406376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6381 >>6386 >>6390 >>6449

Biden hires 'tough as nails' former federal prosecutor as impeachment threat intensifies: New White House counsel is an Obama-era official who helped Democrats fend off Benghazi probe


Ed Siskel served in Obama White House amid Benghazi probe

He served as Corporation Counsel for Rahm Mayor Emanuel in Chicago


President Joe Biden is bringing on a new White House counsel who is known as a tough former federal prosecutor to help counter an array of House Republican probes and a growing impeachment threat.


Ed Siskel served as deputy counsel during the Obama administration, where he helped defend the administration against heated GOP probes into four U.S. deaths at the U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya.


He went on to serve as corporation counsel for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel – who developed his own reputation for brass tacks and served as Obama's White House chief of staff.


The move comes amid a flurry of GOP probes, ranging from the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan to multi-pronged inquiries into the business dealings of Biden's son, Hunter.

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:09 a.m. No.19406388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6391 >>6392 >>6402 >>6404 >>6410 >>6415 >>6418 >>6422 >>6437 >>6496 >>6501 >>6554 >>6638

The UN is Building a “Digital Army” To Fight What it Calls “Deadly Disinformation”


The UN is tripling down on its role as an important global player in the “fight against online misinformation” and amplification of the narrative of a supposedly serious threat this allegedly new phenomenon brings to humankind.


Thus UN peacekeepers are adding another task to the duties the member-states fund when they approve their missions meant to help people and countries devastated by war and other disasters: they are now also “building a digital army.”


And according to a writeup on the UN website, “misinformation” is viewed by the world organization in exceedingly alarmist terms as, “deadly,” and posing “existential” risk to such core building blocks of modern societies as democratic institutions and fundamental human rights.


They really do make that connection, verbatim. And they now use the term “war” and “battlefield” to describe (mis)information and other goings on in the media, too.


We’ve heard this before, of course, from the Biden administration regarding the Covid vaccines/pandemic – but the identical wording may or may not be a coincidence.


In order to justify as much as it can this considerable shift in policy and focus from UN’s traditional operations and purpose, the UN article doesn’t talk only about things like undermining epidemic(s)-containing efforts, protecting scientific truths and facts (and, as recent experience has shown, “facts” as well ), and the like.


To prop up the argument, it is claimed that the peacekeeping work itself, and the safety and lives of peacekeepers are also falling victim to “large scale misinformation.”


The UN’s solutions: effectively testing “proactive” approaches to the problem they defined, and doing this in a number of war-torn African countries.


Leading the charge seems to be the UN mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, known as MONUSCO (a French-language acronym).


Then there’s something called the UN Verified initiative, which offers a course free of charge that is supposed to “educate” people in these physically dangerous places on how to keep themselves safe from – online “misinformation.”


This effort expands on several basic topics, including how to recognize “disinformation,” and the UN will also tell you why it is being spread.


Another one is to be able to discern emotional, dramatic, and provocative content (some might say the article from the UN site referenced here might easily qualify.)

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:13 a.m. No.19406408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6431 >>6638

School district’s new ‘equitable grading’ practices won’t penalize late work or issue zeros, even for cheating


A Portland, Oregon, school district recently issued new “equitable grading” practices that will require teachers to accept late work without penalty and refrain from giving students zeros, even if they are caught cheating, according to documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.


A new district handout titled “Portland Public Schools Equitable Grading Practices Summary” highlights the district’s “rationale” for implementing a so-called “equitable” approach to grading students’ class performance.


“Historical data shows that there are racial disparities in our pass/fail rate in multiple subjects in both middle grades and high school,” the district’s handout stated. “During the pandemic we adjusted our grading to accommodate for some of the inequities in access to curriculum and instruction. This caused many teachers to begin the journey towards equitable grading but has led to a mosaic of grading practices across schools and across the district that is confusing to students and families. We need to organize and consolidate our efforts towards common policies to more consistently and better support students and families with equitable grading.”


The district explained that its new grading practices would be based on Joe Feldman’s book, “Grading for Equity,” which provides a framework based on three pillars — “accurate, bias-resistant, and motivational.”


The PPS handout described the equitable grading practices as “accurate” because they are “based on calculations that are mathematically sound.” Those practices include never giving students a grade of zero. Instead, teachers are told to “provide a minimum grade greater than or equal to 50% for work that does not meet expectations, is incomplete, or is missing.” This guideline also applies to students caught cheating.


Educators are also asked to abandon a 0-100 grading scale and replace it with a 0-4 scale, which it stated is “more mathematically accurate.” Students’ grades will be weighted against their most recent performance instead of assessed over the entire semester.


To combat educators’ “implicit bias,” homework will not be graded. Teachers cannot penalize late work or provide extra credit. Students will be allowed the opportunity to retake tests and redo assignments. “Non-academic factors,” including attendance, performance, effort, attitude, and behavior, will also not be included in students’ grades.


The new guidelines are expected to be implemented districtwide by 2025.


Parents Defending Education’s outreach director Erika Sanzi told the Washington Free Beacon that the district’s framework would harm students.


“These equitable grading policies, however well intended, are a disaster for the students who struggle most and for the students who need accelerated coursework,” Sanzi said.

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:18 a.m. No.19406430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6438 >>6638

International Elites Rush to Embrace Clinton Global Initiative


World Bank President Ajay Banga and the Bahamas’ Prime Minister Philip E. Davis will be there. So too Hollywood stars Jose Andres, Orlando Bloom, and Matt Damon. Those are just some of the people who have put their hands up to attend the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) 2023 next month in New York City.


All the Clinton family will be on hand to personally meet them, too, along with major corporations including Cisco, JetBlue and Pfizer, who will help with charitable funding.


Former President Bill Clinton, former Secretary of State and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, and Clinton Foundation Vice Chair Chelsea Clinton announced Monday the conference this year would seek even more commitments to “address climate change, health care issues, gender-based violence, the war in Ukraine and a host of other issues.”


A subset of the Clinton Foundation, the CGI “convenes global and emerging leaders to create and implement solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges,” according to its website.


The annual call for financial contributions follows a long and controversial tradition with the CGI, an organisation which infamously had its genesis on a celebrity-laden private plane flight to Davos and subsequent assertions of charitable efforts around the globe.


The CGI ended in 2016 as Hillary Clinton launched her presidential campaign.


The year before, donations plummeted by 37 percent amid allegations Clinton used the charity to solicit millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments and corporations in exchange for giving these entities favorable treatment while she served as Secretary of State.


Breitbart News and its senior contributor Peter Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash first revealed the worldwide nexus of shady deal-making between Clinton Foundation donors, their impact and link to the CGI, the six-figure speeches given by Bill Clinton, and the corresponding actions approved by the U.S. State Department while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:20 a.m. No.19406448   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6638 >>6919

HHS announces $1.5 billion in awards to partners to develop 'next generation COVID-19 vaccines'


HHS officials: COVID cases are spiking, which is expected to continue heading into the fall and emerging variants are being monitored



The Health and Human Services Department and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority on Tuesday announced a $1.5 billion initiative through Project NextGen for its partners to develop the "next generation" of COVID-19 vaccines and therapeutics.


Several new COVID-19 variants have emerged and HHS officials said the department is closely monitoring the situation as the vaccines are developed.


According to HHS, COVID cases are spiking, which is expected to continue heading into the fall.


HHS and BARDA officials expect to announce more grants for COVID vaccine development in the future.

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.19406458   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6471 >>6638

Former Thai prime minister goes to jail same day parliament elects his ally as leader


The former prime minister was brought to prison to serve an eight year sentence for conflicts of interest and abuse of power.


The parliament of Thailand on Tuesday ended months of deadlock by electing Srettha Thavisin as prime minister, which came on the same day that his political ally, former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra returned from a self-imposed exile and was sent to jail.


The populist Pheu Thai Party backed Srettha, a 60-year-old real estate tycoon, for the position, and he received 482 votes out of 747 possible in the country's bicameral parliament, according to CNN.


King Maha Vajirilongkorn still needs to endorse Srettha before he can officially assume the position of prime minister.


Meanwhile, Pheu Thai founder Thaksin returned to the country Tuesday following more than 15 years of self-imposed exile.


Thaksin, a 74-year-old former telecoms tycoon who owned Manchester City Football Club, was prime minister from 2001 until 2006 when he was ousted in a coup as he attended a United Nations meeting in New York.


The former prime minister was taken into police custody in Bangkok, and he was brought to prison to serve an eight year sentence for conflicts of interest and abuse of power, according to Reuters.

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:38 a.m. No.19406546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6559 >>6638 >>6735

Former Puerto Rico Mayor Sentenced for Accepting Bribes


The former mayor of the municipality of Humacao, Puerto Rico, was sentenced today to three years and one month in prison for his involvement in a bribery scheme in which he received cash payments for awarding municipal contracts to two companies.

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:46 a.m. No.19406585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6638

Look How Google Shoos You Away From The Biden Family Biz And Other Big News


While fact-checking a Federalist article early Monday morning, I did a quick Google search for “hunter biden joe biden ‘an absolute wall.’”


It’s the language now-President Joe Biden used during the 2020 campaign to allege a separation between his vice-presidential duties and his son’s overseas work for the family business. It’s back in the news after the House Oversight Committee on Thursday asked the National Archives and Records Administration for unredacted communications containing three of Joe Biden’s vice presidential pseudonyms: Robert Peters, Robin Ware, and JRB Ware.


Google, however, apparently didn’t want me to find too much information — at least not from certain sources.


“It looks like the results below are changing quickly. If this topic is new, it can sometimes take time for reliable sources to publish information,” Google alerted me, prompting me to make sure the source is “trusted on this topic” and maybe just to “come back later.”


Here’s the thing: This isn’t a new topic; it’s four years old. It was all the way back in August 2019 that Biden was making the “absolute wall” pledge, according to contemporaneous articles from regime-approved media such as Politico. More than “a few hours or days” have passed.


So why did Google want me to come back later? Perhaps because in 2023, Biden’s “absolute wall” resembles the one on our southern border or surrounding the biblical Jericho: at best easily penetrable and at worst completely tumbled down.


Now that his campaign promise has been exposed as utter horse pucky — just check the receipts, whistleblower testimony, texts from Hunter Biden, assertions from former Biden family business partners, “highly credible” FBI source evidence, and more — the only journalists covering it, consistently and without burying the lede, are outside of Big Tech-boosted leftist media.


Yet those excellent reporters aren’t the types tech giants consider “reliable” or “trustworthy,” due entirely to their political leanings. Those labels are reserved for the media laundering juicy disinformation straight from the “Big Guy’s” DOJ and Hunter’s lawyers.


If the 2024 election cycle is anything like the last one, this is exactly the kind of foul play we now expect from Big Tech. Recall some of the many ways tech oligarchs interfered in the 2020 election. Remember when Google allegedly disproportionately sent 2020 GOP campaign emails to spam folders?


Perhaps worst of all, social media giants colluded with the FBI to make sure the fewest possible people could see or share the bombshell story about Hunter Biden’s laptop (which the FBI knew was authentic). That true story implicated then-candidate Joe Biden in a pay-to-play scheme.

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:49 a.m. No.19406597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6608 >>6612

MSNBC: "Do you still think the election was stolen?"


EASTMAN: "Absolutely."


MSNBC: "Absolutely? Still?!"


EASTMAN: "No question."

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 11:57 a.m. No.19406647   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6677

Utah Fugitive and Alleged Drug Trafficking Ringleader Among 28 Defendants Charged in Major Multi-Agency Operation

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 12:10 p.m. No.19406716   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for Ukraine forever war craters


A PR offensive to inundate the American public with pro-Ukraine war advertisements during the 2024 election is the latest initiative of neocon chickenhawk Bill Kristol. While targeted at GOP voters, the campaign appears to be another Democratic Party front.


Defending Democracy Together, a neoconservative outfit led by career chickenhawk scribe Bill Kristol, has launched a new initiative called “Republicans for Ukraine” to transform the 2024 presidential election into a referendum on US funding for the NATO proxy war.


Urging Republicans in Congress to support more funding for Ukraine in the upcoming appropriations bill is also a key item on the agenda.


Kristol had defined himself as a leader of the Republican Party’s neoconservative faction, bashing isolationist and antiwar GOP figures on the pages of his now-defunct Weekly Standard magazine while laying the intellectual groundwork for the invasion of Iraq through his Project for a New American Century.


By fashioning his Defending Democracy Together as a bastion of Never Trumpism, Kristol was able to ingratiate himself with elite Democrats eager for Republican allies in their messianic battle against the Bad Orange Man. His anti-Trump efforts ultimately earned him a cringeworthy MSNBC tribute celebrating the unrepentant neocon as “Woke Bill Kristol.”


Now, as the Ukrainian counteroffensive fails and a majority of Americans declare opposition for the first time to sending more military aid to Ukraine, Kristol is launching a multimillion dollar ad blitz to keep the tanks slogging through the Donbas mud and the dark money flowing into his bank accounts.


“Ukrainian troops fought alongside Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now they are fighting to defend their democracy,” Kristol’s campaign announces on its website. “Most importantly, American military, financial, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine has helped them weaken Russia.”


His initiative has therefore invoked the military debacles that turned the GOP base firmly against neoconservatism and into the arms of Trump, presenting Ukraine’s participation in these forever wars as justification for a new one.


And as we will see, Kristol’s supposedly Republican operation has been funded by a top Democratic Party donor with close ties to US intelligence.

Pro-war ads for a GOP base turning firmly against NATO’s proxy war


To generate viral content for its $2 million “Republicans for Ukraine” campaign, Defending Democracy Together gathered testimony from 50 GOP voters, drawing from a base of mostly white collar baby boomers alienated by the non-interventionist direction of the party base.


In each testimonial, the interviewees spouted boilerplate talking points on “defending democracy” and opposing authoritarianism that could have just as easily been produced by senior fellows at any arms industry funded think tank on DC’s K Street.

Anonymous ID: d7bb8e Aug. 22, 2023, 12:13 p.m. No.19406732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6767 >>6782 >>6793 >>6826

New York Times op-ed pushes claim that 'elections are bad for democracy'


The New York Times published an essay Monday suggesting that American democracy would be better off if voters were spared from the daunting task of using their free will and God-given rights to select the candidate of their choosing.


Instead, Adam Grant, a so-called organizational psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, suggested that the fundamental choice characterizing the demos' "-cracy" in the American constitutional republic should be thrown out.


While the paper has since changed the title of its essay from "Elections Are Bad for Democracy" to "The Worst People Run for Office. It's Time for a Better Way," Grant's solution to the apparent problem of American kakistocracy remains the same: bar voters from electing personalities that may prove distasteful to progressive elites at the Wharton School and other Times readers.


"If we want public office to have integrity, we might be better off eliminating elections altogether," wrote Grant, undoubtedly cognizant that former President Donald Trump — facing charges for allegedly threatening to disenfranchise voters — and President Joe Biden are now neck-and-neck in the polls.


Integrity for the organizational psychologist apparently means swapping out America's 247-year-old system for Powerball.


Rather than allowing the electorate to winnow the field of candidates down to a handful from which they could then select a leader, Grant suggested that "democracy" would be better served if candidates were selected by way of randomized lottery.


A lottery, according to Grant, might not only help short, meek, and conventionally unsuitable candidates obtain power, but also help with the alleged problem of persons with "what psychologists call the dark triad of personality traits" getting elected.


The dark triad comprises "narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychology."


Grant presumes these traits are necessarily distasteful, claiming that if "the dark triad wins an election, we all lose."


Grant provided some examples of apparent dark triad figures, including Russian President Vladimir Putin, popular among his own people. However, Grant also included the popular Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as an example, indicating that his supposed antipathy for kakistocracy may actually be a revulsion for democratic results unfavorable to the liberal order.


Since publicly demanding that Soviet troops leave Hungary in 1989, Orbán has been a popular pro-Christian politician, despised by liberal elites for having sought to protect his nation from LGBT activists' cultural imperialism, internationalizing efforts by unelected bureaucrats in Brussels, and unchecked immigration.


"Eliminate voting, and candidates" such as Orbán or perhaps his repeatedly elected American analogues (e.g., Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis) "would be less likely than they are now to rise to the top," suggested Grant.