"Gold shall destroy FED."
Hey anons…one thing I've struggled with over the years is gold and a gold backed currency but I think I understand it now.
Please give me a little to set the table, I'll try to be quick:
If you wanted to be a free and independent country that controls it's own currency, why would you peg your currency to a commodity that you do not control?
Let's say you wanted to base your currency on diamonds…say one dollar is equivalent to a 1/4 carat…diamonds have had value for thousands of years.
Problem is, the price of diamonds are controlled by a few elites…they have vaults full of rough diamonds, if diamonds are discovered somewhere they buy up
the mine and control it's production…If they can't gain control of the diamond production in some region (parts of Africa) they will push legislation to have
those diamonds classified as Conflict Diamonds that can't be traded, reducing their value.
So those elites control the price of diamonds and in-turn your currency.
So let's look at gold…I've read that the elites control 70+ % of the worlds refined gold and the Rothschild's own the two largest mining companies in the world,
Glencore Mining Company and Rio Tinto Mining Corporation (gold in the ground).
Add to that the paper gold that they can issue…And, they control the price of Gold.
If you look at US history, we once had a currency called Colonial Script and many believe the Currency Act that made it illegal was the main cause of the revolution.
Several decades earlier, in the 1750s, the Colonies were very prosperous. There was no income tax, no unemployment, and stable prices.
When asked to explain this prosperity to leaders back in the motherland, Benjamin Franklin replied; “That is simple.
In the Colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and
industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money,
we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one”.
1764, the production of Colonial Script was made illegal by the Currency Act, passed into law in England (of course due to pressure from
the Bank of England) prohibiting the Colonies from issuing their own money, ordering them to use only the money that was provided
(in insufficient quantities) by the English bankers. Benjamin Franklin said,
“In one year, the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the
streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed”.
The currency that the colonies were forced to use was gold based.
So…why should we move to a gold based currency? It never made sense…
Instead, lets look at this from another angle…
The New World Order (NWO) wants to enslave us…
one of the methods of control is currency, you go against the narrative we take your money.
How do you get the sheep to accept a digital currency???
You make it the currency of the Dark Web…
Created by some unknown figure…
If the govt. could stop it they would…drugs, porn, trafficking …
Huge gains investing in it…
It must be secure….
If they knew DARPA, CIA, New World Order created it no one would accept it…
You really think they didn't incorporate a back door???
The reason for the push for physical Gold and Silver coins is…to provide an alternative currency…
Look at the truckers from Canada…their money was frozen…
If you do not have money…you can't get food, medicine, pay your mortgage, taxes…health care…you are a slave…
If all your assets are tied to a digital currency you are controlled …
But…If you have physical gold and silver under your mattress / buried in a coffee can in your back yard…
Now when you speak out…you can still provide…
There is an alternative currency to the digital one…
This is how Gold destroys the FED…