the maintenance records for all the power pole infrastructure around that locale, including all pole transfers, which should happen periodically, need to be acquired and scrutinized to see if the power company was actually maintaining their grid.
be careful who you shill for.
perfect speech is required by your type. no one can do a bit that channels the truth unless it's your truth, right?
crawl back under the rock you came out of.
> 315476
It is sickening to me that obcessive compulsive false-accusation makers shill these breads.
did you review Curt Cobain's lyrics when he said 'rape me'?
were you horrified by the Song Polly?
If Patsy Cline was really 'Crazy' then why does everyone love her voice?
What about all those 'love' songs from the 1960s which really seem to be someone who is obcessed and mentally disturbed? did you review all those?
how about Pete Townsands 'rough boys' song, can you review that for us too?
go away paid hater!
pretty ridiculous saying that 'God' is funding an invasion.
the people who decided who they wanted and who they didn't want anymore
are not gods, anon.
it's blasphemy to say that they are.
how cute.
an apologist for an alledged mass murderer using the term 'prolly' to try to fit in here.
The moon is in orbit around the Sun.
it weaves back and forth around the Earth, but actually it orbits the Sun, with the Earth, as a double planet.
huh, no more sword anon?
no more punch in cartoon Ralph?
were they here yesterday.
that's a switch.
you like thinking about that, and what you post is called 'kink'
no, not everyone wants to read your crap, and have to be constantly reminded of your bad habits and obcessive personality disorder.
no, all sex is not 'kink'.
you say that because you don't want to face the disease you have of being obsessive and having to always talk about sex.
and you want to feel that it's OK by conning others into agreeing with you.
how did they get a camara why off to the side to take a photograph so quickly?
sorry, that and the position of the sun in the photo makes it look fake.
ya, it's not a photo of anything on the moon.
the right way is not to be a pervert by talking about it constantly and trying to get everyone else to join in, like you do.
they must not have thought it through.
they are posting ray-traced renderings and forgetting 'no one would have been there to take the picture'.
obviously these images aren't real, but virtual.
they are rendered from a ray tracer.
that doesn't prove that the craft didn't land there, but it proves that the media isn't being honest to the public about what they are showing on their pages as if it's a vessel landing on the moon.
NASA did the same kind of thing, didn't they?
how is being an expert on rendering and imagery enough so that debunking BS renderings passed off as if they are actual photographs being a 'bigot'?
maybe you can include that though India says they landed a probe on the moon, that the images provided, that are supposed to be the craft either landing or on the moon, seem rendered and artificial?
you are merely trying to awaken the lower chakras in the anon and get them thinking about the obsessive compulsive urges that then result.