Osiris ID: a911e4 Aug. 23, 2023, 7:15 p.m. No.19415852   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This whole time I thought I was the one holding everything back, but now I know it had nothing to do with me.


Maybe this world was never meant to change after all.


Maybe there is no such thing as a Golden Age. …


Maybe this is just what reality is…

Watching rich people act retarded while we make the most out of not being rich.

It used to demoralize me being in public places and pretty much being a ghost. Everywhere I go, it's like no one sees me.


I am the absolute definition of a Nobody.


I have 0 friends & 0 women in my life.

Think about this…

There's not 1 woman on this entire planet that cares about me that isn't my mother.


..A WHOLE FUCKING PLANET loaded with millions of females, lmfao.


That shit would make anyone sad. It used to make me sad, but now it just makes me laugh.


I'm sure there's a lesson in that somewhere.





Oh well. At least I stopped aging.