How's the MP4 doing you American Heros? Or you still stopping truth like in Maui. Faggots.
You fucking faggots 😊
Jewish grandmother when the gefilte fish ran out. 🤣
My last bar mitzvah
My first bar mitzvah
my 2nd bar mitzvah
My 3rd bar mitzvah
A view into the jewish mind.
Sun tanning in Tel AVIV.
When no one knows how o cook the 25 Classic Jewish Foods Everyone Should Learn To Cook
When the Horah The Horah goes south.
Jewish date night one bad. He couldn't get it up.
Miss Israel. After she dated a Palestinian with a big dick.
Your future.
Big tits flat ass. Phone home. 🤡
Grade C
Modi says India landed on the moon. He's a fucking liar. Do not ever trust this globalist garbage. The moon is a plasma mirror reflection. Learn geography and you'll see your self. 😎
Who ever you are should be put to death. Stop by any time.