they don't take prisoners
let's all hope the POTATO picked up a shiny rock or something to take home as a souvenir, and piss off Pele for sure.
>Gorefag is showing us Democratic voters
you can bet they're all still on the voter rolls
>does anyone believe the shitty Indian moon landing hoax?
why don't you ask the ham radiofags who are tracking the telemetry signals coming from the moon?
you must be very busy with gorefag posting all the DS suicide weekend selfies
hey DUMBFUCKโฆ. they made us watch the gore flicks in highschool assembly to try scare us into being safer drivers
everyone just laughed
you think you're accomplishing anything?
that will be you, asshat, bcs when we're done, we will let comrade vlad deal with all the shills
>We don't dox people here anon.
you ASSUME they are people, or deserve to be treated as such?
aksing for a fren, frenโฆโฆ.
it's unmanned, fuckwit
>kek, you moon-cucks are hilariously stupid
when you're standing just below the crest of a hill, the "horizon" could be only a few feet away.
your idiotic argument (and i use the term VERY generously) is absurd on its face
NOW who is clutching at straws to support a retarded argument?
>>19416840 <โโโ the moment when you realize your entire life is irrelevant