No weapon or artifice built or deployed by massively retarded faggots shall ever harm those who walk right next to the Almighty. If God is with me, all shillery is but vanity of fools.
Why the hell am I fucking retarded? Normally I'm just fucking retarded when I post. Since I'm now realizing I'm fucking retarded 24/7 it makes no sense for me to not remove my stuck up thumb out of my ass.
wouldn't surprise me kek
Hey Gorefag you're wasting your inconsequential efforts! All your idiotic bullshit has been renderedINVISIBLE!
it seems gorecunt's feelz were hurt in the process
poor thing
Get a new job you bureaucratic criminal piece of shit! One where you don't have to suck such an amount of dick! Or either one you prefer!
I've heard shills have to filter some anons 'cus they can't stand anons rubbing the TRUTH on their shillfuck faces! fucking KEK in G major
Suck it up like a bitch. Your job is USELESS fucking SHIT! you CANNOT HARM ANONS! Have you considered learning a trade? it's never too late KEK!!!!!!