Remember some years back, Chelsea Clinton tweeted out a emoji of a mosquito? I have always thought they would try to infect many with them.
I am beginning to think that is where Trump was headed tonight. He mentioned the deaths from mosquitoes several times and Panama. Spitballing, maybe labs down there working on a deadly mosquito bite that purposely kills people. Being on chans/Q boards since 2016, nothing fucking surprises me. Even gorefag, no surprise or shock factor there.
I think this pic should have come first before his severed head pic. Just sayin’.
Spouse anon had call yesterday from his realtor that sells his homes he builds. She is out of state at her 42-yr-old daughter’s side because she had the booster required for her job and had a massive heart attack (was in perfect health prior to this) right afterwards. While she is in the hospital she suffered a second massive heart attack. They all know what caused it and the medical staff said secretly to her that the death and destruction they are seeing coming in is unbelievable from the vax. They even asked her if she had had a booster.