Anonymous ID: 5349a7 Aug. 23, 2023, 9:39 p.m. No.19416955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7089

October of 2020, around the 26th if memory serves. Definately before the "election", though. Rudy had been on prior to that talking about it. He had given Laptop From Hell info to hannity and hannity's water carrier, solomon back in early 2019.


VID: Around the 4:20 mark:


Rudy Giuliani Says Sean Hannity, John Solomon & Mike Pompeo “BURIED” Hunter Laptop from Hell in 2019


‘I gave it to Hannity in early 2019, then to John Solomon, then to Mike Pompeo, who also buried it.’


Remember when Sidney and Rudy wiht others did a press conference? Rudy had black sweat dripping down his face. I still do not know what that was about. I assumed it was a comms of some sort.


Do any anons remember and know why that was happening?

Anonymous ID: 5349a7 Aug. 23, 2023, 9:47 p.m. No.19416983   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6990 lb


Was this happening around the time Rudy sweating hair dye or something, just ran down his face under the hot press conference lights. What was that about, anyway, sweating seemed like a comm to anons, but I never found out what. And do you trust him? Is he hiding the 911 knowledge and having been told not to go in the towers on Sept 11, yet did not warn anyone else. I am suspicious of him. This story that he, being the guy who prosecuted the mafia, did not know how to get the evidence on the laptop submitted, sounds like b.s., further blaming others.



here is the lead in to this vid / interview

October of 2020, around the 26th if memory serves. Definitely before the 2020 "election", though. Rudy had been on prior to that talking about it. He had been given Laptop From Hell info to hannity and hannity's water carrier, solomon back in early 2019.


Rudy Giuliani Says Sean Hannity, John Solomon & Mike Pompeo “BURIED” Hunter Laptop from Hell in 2019


‘I gave it to Hannity in early 2019, then to John Solomon, then to Mike Pompeo, who also buried it.’



VID: Around the 4:20 mark:


Rudy Giuliani Says Sean Hannity, John Solomon & Mike Pompeo “BURIED” Hunter Laptop from Hell in 2019


‘I gave it to Hannity in early 2019, then to John Solomon, then to Mike Pompeo, who also buried it.’


Remember when Sidney and Rudy wiht others did a press conference? Rudy had black sweat dripping down his face. I still do not know what that was about. I assumed it was a comms of some sort.


Do any anons remember and know why that was happening?

Anonymous ID: 5349a7 Aug. 23, 2023, 9:53 p.m. No.19417007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7014




United States Marine Corps F-35 Lightning II 5th Generation Fighter/Bombers on Wednesday destroyed a FEMA barge off the California coast, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.


The late evening strike began when Third Marine Air Wing pilots sortied from Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California, with orders to sink a FEMA ship in international waters 50 miles west of Long Beach.


“General Smith got a good tip that a FEMA boat that left port in Seattle was heading south in deep water off the Pacific coast by California. It was unusual because FEMA typically keeps its boats on the east coast to exploit people during landfalling hurricanes. Being in the Pacific meant it would have to cross the Panama Canal to reach the eastern seaboard. Before the F-35s, the general sent a chopper to verify the claims,” our source said.


An SH-53 Sea Stallion confirmed the presence of an unflagged feeder ship—medium-size freight ships that collect shipping containers from different ports and transport them to central container terminals where they are loaded to bigger vessels or for further transport into the hub port’s hinterland—in the area the tipster had indicated.


https:// real raw news



Anonymous ID: 5349a7 Aug. 23, 2023, 10:23 p.m. No.19417126   🗄️.is 🔗kun



not quite

check this out


8001d058f69921762edbed2d4d9686c1da6b7c8f2dab6114dca48a1d8ba0d58b.pdf (

Anonymous ID: 5349a7 Aug. 23, 2023, 10:27 p.m. No.19417136   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not quite

Khazarian Mafia is at the root.

check this out




8001d058f69921762edbed2d4d9686c1da6b7c8f2dab6114dca48a1d8ba0d58b.pdf (

Anonymous ID: 5349a7 Aug. 23, 2023, 10:51 p.m. No.19417202   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>19417176 Creepy


"By the rivers of Babylon" redirects here. For other uses, see Rivers of Babylon (disambiguation).

This article is about Psalm 137 in Hebrew (Masoretic) numbering. For Psalm 137 in Greek Septuagint or Latin Vulgate numbering, see Psalm 138.

Psalm 137

← Psalm 136Psalm 138 →


Psalm 137 in the Eadwine Psalter (12th century)

Book Book of Psalms

Hebrew Bible part Ketuvim

Order in the Hebrew part 1

Category Sifrei Emet

Christian Bible part Old Testament

Order in the Christian part 19

Psalm 137 is the 137th psalm of the Book of Psalms in the Tanakh.[1] In English it is generally known as "By the rivers of Babylon", which is how its first words are translated in the King James Version of the Bible. Its Latin title is "Super flumina Babylonis".[2]


This psalm is Psalm 136 in the slightly different numbering system of the Greek Septuagint and the Latin Vulgate versions of the Bible.


The psalm is a communal lament about remembering Zion, and yearning for Jerusalem while dwelling in exile during the Babylonian captivity. The psalm forms a regular part of liturgy in Jewish, Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican and other Protestant traditions. It has often been set to music and paraphrased in hymns

(Written by those evil Israelites who were so disobedient to God, God let Babylon capture them) BTW Did God tell them to come back to Jerusalem?


Bashing babies against rocks is what the Khazarians and satanist do today. Witnesses to the abuse, having been forced to do as a child reveal it is being done by Satanists.


in THE OPEN DOOR: The powers of satan is given to those who bash children against rocks.

They seem to be happy about it.



Psalm 137:9 is found in one of the Imprecatory Psalms (or Precatory Psalms) that speak of violence against the enemies of God. That verse reads, “Happy is the one who seizes your infants / and dashes them against the rocks.” To “imprecate” means to “pray evil against,” and the imprecatory prayers in the Bible strike people today as strange or wrong. It is important to understand the context of this verse and others like it. The background is the Jewish people calling upon God to exact revenge upon their military enemies.

Anonymous ID: 5349a7 Aug. 23, 2023, 11:32 p.m. No.19417300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7309

Night shit and gone to the bad dogs.


I would rather lie awake in the bed that read anymore shitty posts after such a wonderful 100m views on Tucker interviewing Trump, who skipped the RNC debate. Winning


Nite , quit shitting.

Anonymous ID: 5349a7 Aug. 23, 2023, 11:35 p.m. No.19417305   🗄️.is 🔗kun

rogan is a tool



Seriously, he just happened to get a gig on fear factor. Gross auditions to become famous. Played the game with his controllers and now gets lots of viewers and interviews trend setters. Controlled. Seems nice enuf, but substance is not there.