Anonymous ID: 8a57cd Aug. 24, 2023, 3:47 a.m. No.19417727   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Soooo… has anyone else watched their immediate family members getting fucked up from the clot shot?


Because I have… 3…4…5 shots for some… but… NO MORE.

It seems that watching someones legs turn black and so grossly swollen (we're all surprised the skin didn't rupture) has woken the family up to the misery of Trusting the government.


I kid you not… 2 elephant legs… we could tell they were legs because of the blackened toes that poked out from all the swelling.


Then the fantastic medical "help"…. what a fucking nightmare.


2 doctor types….. one that is just grinning from ear to ear with the money they are going to make from allllllll the test to try to understand why it's happened… it's a complete fucking mystery as to why…. but we can schedule in a few more tests.


Then there is the other kind of doctor….. that is genuinely fucking horrified and there is no doubt in their mind what caused it…… and that's the real scary part of the conversation because you can actually watch their train of thought go into survival mode…… they start to think about how many jabs they have had to take to keep their job and whether they can afford to end up as fucked up as my family member.


Then we have the medical industry…. that is FUCKED.

Try to find a doctor or nurse over 50….. you'll find a couple over 40, that's actively considering leaving before they die.

Then a few more over 30…. but the majority age is 20-30 years old with fuck all experience.


They crippled my family member and now they are in assisted care….. an even bigger nightmare.

Not enough staff and they are constantly advertising.

If you are going into any healthcare facility…. there is not enough staff….an emergency will be responded to in 30 mins of so… so if you can't walk and need a hand to get to a toilet…..then…… get used to nappies or sitting in a puddle of piss.


Ive wandered through so many "healthcare" facilities in the last few months and talked to many nurses and doctors.


The Australian healthcare system has morphed into the deathware system.


To do the damage equivalent to whats been done with the clot shot… we've had many discussions… I would have to beat someone non stop for hours….. then do that for months…… to see that injury.


But one little jab did it.




One nurse I spoke to had over 30 years experience. the second jab knocked her for 2 days…. the third knocked her for 2 weeks.

She doesn't believe she could survive another jab and now doesn't work because of the BULLSHIT VACCINE MANDATES.

Imagine seeing the carnage on a daily basis and being forced to submit or leave.


Even now with all the younger people working in healthcare…sorry… deathware…. it's a revolving door.

The emergency services in Australia are fucked .

Anonymous ID: 8a57cd Aug. 24, 2023, 4:08 a.m. No.19417772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7779 >>7790


He researched science… he understood a technology… he believes it has it's uses.

But he never signed off on it being a vaccine.

He said it would mutate and fuck things up and he was right.


Science doesn't kill people…. fucktards using it does……. a bit like the gun argument… fingers pulling the trigger kill people, not the gun.

Anonymous ID: 8a57cd Aug. 24, 2023, 4:15 a.m. No.19417787   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No one has the right to force any chemicals upon

a person… especially if it is known to kill you.


And that includes governments and their corrupt health departments.

Anonymous ID: 8a57cd Aug. 24, 2023, 5:57 a.m. No.19418105   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Whereas normal air has a carbon dioxide concentration of around 400 ppm, most plants fare better in environments with carbon dioxide concentrations of between 600 and 1,000 ppm. When carbon dioxide is added to greenhouse air, it can help increase yields of tomato, cucumber and lettuce by as much as 25-30 per cent.