Why do I need your jesus?
why do you need reading comprehension lessons? Also fuck off biblefag, no time for your fairy tales today.
I did and you gave a bullshit answer. Now fuck off cultist.
No it just makes it your opinion that you know what truth is? You are a fucking cultist. I am fine you are the brainwashed gimp.
just hate you now nigger.
most do not see this that all religion divides and is evil. Does not matter who you think is the Messiah operating a method of government based on the beliefs of some is a scam to have control. If you want to believe you can but damn if you start pushing your crap on other people claiming you have special secret truth. We all have been lied to time to just suck it up and realize we are a bunch of fucking retards with no clue about what reality really is. But ya know magic book says so.
thinking for ones self is the most dangerous thing a person can do. It alienates you as soon as you question the programming.
that will be the distinction Trump draws as he runs independent. the system must be razed.
you win thats good
Da Kek RamaSwampy
not wrong and with the comments he made last night this is extra fishy. This seems like a set up.
you know how you have that one character in the movie that always states the title of the movie in the movie, yeah. well that and the op said it was fishy so I was already looking at it with that perception in some manner.
no, but that does not mean they are not going to try and people get hurt. Just seems like another cluster fuck waiting to happen.
no check out what a Cassandra complex is. most anons should at least have some form of this now. Some more than others depending how long they have been in the know.
first off this never happened and you are a liar, secondly you are being a nigger. Stop it. No one likes you.
see. look you are crying just like a lying nigger.
perfect representation you vapid cunt smear.
preemptively going to apologize you may be friendly fire, still think your story is fishy as fuck and sounds cucked but your other posts check out I guess.