Anonymous ID: 39272e Aug. 24, 2023, 10:53 a.m. No.19419866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9979 >>0031 >>0148

HERE’S THE PROOF: The FBI and Attorney General Nessel Hid These from the People of Michigan – Piles of Fraudulent-Manufactured Ballot Registrations from the 2020 Election


Two weeks ago, The Gateway Pundit published our exclusive report on MASSIVE 2020 voter registrations fraud that our sources uncovered in Michigan.


The report included information on 8,000-10,000 fraudulent registrations and a police raid on a Democrat election registration group’s office in October 2020.


The police found semiautomatic weapons, silencers, burner phones, bags of pre-paid cash cards, and blank registrations in a GBI Strategies’ voter registration manufacturing center.


After several days Michigan Attorney General finally responded to our explosive investigation and confirmed our earlier reports.


We continue to hear back from individuals with intimate knowledge of this scandal.


Photos from a confidential source close to the Muskegon investigation reveal what far-left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel now admits is a stack of faked and fraudulent voter application forms with a return address at a Staybridge hotel, the base of operations for GBI Strategies in 2020 that sent out at least ten thousand fake voter registration applications for the election.


These photos and the source confirm that Muskegon Clerk Ann Meisch received these voter applications and received them in multiple batches, sometimes through the mail and sometimes in person.


This is possibly why Muskegon, far-left AG Nessel, and the FBI don’t want to give the Gateway Pundit access to the files: because the voter fraud is so obvious that all the voter signatures are in the same handwriting and just printed signatures, not real signings.


The fraud is so obvious here even an FBI agent could find it.


Why is no one being prosecuted for these crimes after three years? The Muskegon Police told the Gateway Pundit that they can’t get the FBI to return their phone calls about this case.


How far the ring of voter fraud extended across the state is currently suppressed by the FBI, coming up on the third year of its ‘investigation’ into voter fraud into the ‘safest and most secure election in history.’


Yet the Muskegon GOP has produced a report of serious ‘irregularities‘ in the Muskegon County voter file from 2020 that shows 32,000 more voters on the voter file than normal.


Left-wing extremist Nessel claims that this proves the system works, because this huge bloc of faked voter registration forms were caught and allegedly never processed into the state’s qualified voter file.

Anonymous ID: 39272e Aug. 24, 2023, 11:05 a.m. No.19419974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0148

Just Days Before Khan’s Car Crackdown Goes Live, One London Area Sees 90 Per Cent of Cameras Destroyed


Almost all of the licence-plate reading cameras that will enable London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s fresh crackdown on driving in the city in one neighbourhood have already been destroyed by ‘Blade Runners’, just days before the scheme is supposed to come into force.


As many as nine in ten of Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) cameras installed in the London suburb of Sydenham and Sidcup have already been disabled according to an online information-sharing group. According to The Times, the group takes submissions from the public when they see ULEZ cameras being installed, track locations on a viewable map, and record whether they are still functional or not.


Recent reports have noted the varying ways disgruntled members of the public — described as a criminal “small minority of people” by London government spokesmen but who call themselves ‘Blade Runners‘ — have found to take out the cameras they object to. Among them are full-on theft of the cameras themselves, detaching the power and data cables that feed into them from their street poles, cutting the wires, or less active acts as simple as pushing the camera upwards to point at the sky with a stick, or placing a sticker of the lens.


One recent video taken by a member of the public of an anti-camera activist in action as patrons at a local pub smoke and drink and watch the man at work reported by London’s local freesheet newspaper the Evening Standard shows him use a garden branch ‘lopper’ to cut the camera’s cables, rendering it useless.


Per The Times‘ report, 185 cameras have been spotted in Sydenham and Sidcup — a 56 square-mile area — and 156 of them have already been taken out of action, equivalent to 90 per cent. In other areas like Bromley, 80 per cent of known cameras have been vandalised, the group claims.


If all goes to plan, Khan’s plan to crack down on London traffic will go into force next Tuesday, the 29th of August. While he defends the scheme as one to enhance the air quality in London, critics say the rules which ban older cars and trucks from the street while imposing no fines on new vehicles has a pronounced effect on the less well-off and particularly blue-collar workers who rely on a truck to carry tools and materials.


Nigel Farage ally Richard Tice, leader of Reform UK said that move to push the ULEZ out from the very centre of London all the way to its orbital ring road is an “attack on ordinary working people, going to work, in their vehicles, it’s an assault, it’s a financial assault on people coming in to do a decent days work to earn some cash, to pay your bills.”


“He’s got no idea how big of an impact this will have on people’s lives. And for those who say ‘I don’t live near London, that doesn’t affect me’, yes it will because it’s coming to a city near you,” he added.

Anonymous ID: 39272e Aug. 24, 2023, 11:08 a.m. No.19419992   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0010 >>0014

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) v-safe website quietly stopped collecting adverse event reports with no reason or explanation. The V-safe website simply states: “Thank you for your participation. Data collection for COVID-19 vaccines concluded on June 30, 2023.” If you go there today, v-safe directs users to the FDA’s VAERS website for adverse event reporting, even though officials continually derided VAERS as “passive” and “unverified.”


VAERS and v-safe are mutually exclusive safety collection databases operated by the FDA and CDC, respectively. VAERS is an older way of collecting safety data where one can fill out a form online, or manually, or by calling a toll-free number, whereas V-safe is a device “app” which requires online registration. Both VAERS and v-safe collect personal information, lot numbers, dates and associated information, but V-safe was an active collection system geared towards a younger app-using demographic.


Does this mean that the CDC believes that the mRNA Covid-19 injections are so safe, there is no need to monitor adverse event reports any longer? What is the argument against continued monitoring, especially since the v-safe website was already up and paid for?


While CDC’s v-safe was stealthily and abruptly turned off, refusing to accept new safety reports, to this very day the CDC continues to urge everyone ages 6 months and older to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines and boosters.


As a drug safety expert, I personally can’t cite another example of any agency or manufacturer halting collection of safety data. It seems even worse because mRNA technology is relatively new with long-term manifestations unknown. On top of this, both manufacturers and the FDA refuse to share the list of ingredients, such as lipid nanoparticles, which could affect individuals differently and take a long time to manifest clinically.


Safety Data Collection Should Never Stop:


Now, contrast that with the fact that the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) will still accept a safety report for a 30-year-old Ford Bronco II. Indeed, this is an oddly specific example, but only because I drove this exact vehicle as a family hand-me-down as a student, through my residency, fellowship, for my tenure as a Yale professor on the mean streets of New Haven and even during my years at the FDA as a medical officer/senior medical analyst.


Like mRNA shots, Bronco IIs are still available on the market and people are still using them up to this very day. My Bronco became an intermittent topic of conversation with friends and FDA colleagues. One day, I was informed by a patrolling security guard at the FDA that it was the oldest car on campus.


I didn’t know much about cars (or mRNA technology) back then, but when a fellow FDA-er informed me that my Bronco II had noteworthy safety problems and that the NHTSA still had their eye on this vehicle (rollover accidents were more common and more fatal) I addressed the problem: I got rid of the reliable relic, even though I really liked it. NHTSA Is still accepting safety reports three decades later.

Anonymous ID: 39272e Aug. 24, 2023, 11:11 a.m. No.19420016   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0148

State Department Approves Sale of F-16 Search and Track Systems to Taiwan


The State Department on Wednesday approved a potential $500 million arms sale to Taiwan for infrared search and track systems for the island’s F-16 fighter jets.


The Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency said the sale is to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office, Taiwan’s de facto embassy in the US, as Washington and Taipei don’t have formal diplomatic relations. The principal contractor for the deal is Lockheed Martin.


The State Department’s approval begins a period where Congress could block the potential deal, but there is widespread bipartisan support for arming Taiwan and virtually no opposition.


The approval came almost a month after the Biden administration provided Taiwan with $345 million in military aid using the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), which allows the US to send weapons straight from Pentagon stockpiles, the primary way the US has been arming Ukraine.


Using the PDA to arm Taiwan is unprecedented as the US has sold weapons to Taiwan since Washington severed diplomatic relations with Taipei in 1979 but has never financed the purchases or provided arms free of charge. China issued several stern rebukes to the new form of US support for Taiwan.


The deal approved on Tuesday will also draw a rebuke from Beijing as China opposes all US arms sales to Taiwan. In 1982, the US and China issued a third joint communiqué on their freshly normalized ties regarding US arms sales to Taiwan.


The communiqué said that the US government intended “gradually to reduce its sale of arms to Taiwan, leading, over a period of time, to a final resolution.” But US officials at the time made clear they were leaving the commitment open to their own interpretation.


On the same day the communiqué was issued, President Reagan said in an internal memo that “the US willingness to reduce its arms sales to Taiwan is conditioned absolutely upon the continued commitment of China to the peaceful solution of the Taiwan-PRC [People’s Republic of China] differences. It should be clearly understood that the linkage between these two matters is a permanent imperative of US foreign policy.”


In recent years, China has increased military pressure on Taiwan, but the activity has primarily been a response to the US increasing its diplomatic and military support for Taiwan, which Beijing views as a violation of the conditions of the US-China normalization.

Anonymous ID: 39272e Aug. 24, 2023, 11:13 a.m. No.19420028   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CIA stairwell attack among flood of sexual misconduct complaints at spy agency


In a secluded stairwell at CIA headquarters last year, officer trainee Ashkan Bayatpour came up behind a colleague, wrapped a scarf around her neck and plainly spoke as he tried to kiss her on the mouth.


“There are many uses for this,” the woman recalls him saying. “This is what I want to do to you.”


Bayatpour was convicted Wednesday of a state misdemeanor charge of assault and battery in a case that was remarkable for breaking through the CIA’s veil of ultra-secrecy and playing out in a public courtroom where it has emboldened a sexual misconduct reckoning.


At least two-dozen women have come forward in recent months with their own complaints of abusive treatment within the CIA, telling authorities and Congress not only about sexual assaults, unwanted touching and coercion but of what they contend is a campaign by the spy agency to keep them from speaking out, with dire warnings it could wreck their careers and even endanger national security.


“There are harassers everywhere and bosses that try to cover them up,” said Kristin Alden, a Washington attorney who represents some of the women who have filed complaints. “But the whole nature of intelligence work — the culture of secrecy and people working under assumed names — really elevates the chilling effect of retaliation and isolation that victims feel.”


Details of Bayatpour’s July 13, 2022, stairwell attack have not been previously reported but were confirmed by The Associated Press through court records and by several people familiar with the case who spoke on the condition of anonymity.


The 39-year-old Alabama native and former U.S. Navy intelligence officer has remained on the job for more than a year since the woman reported the assault to the CIA and nine months since she reported it to the FBI and local law enforcement.


Several of the woman’s female co-workers attended Wednesday’s proceedings, becoming emotional after Fairfax General District Court Judge Dipti Pidikiti-Smith found Bayatpour guilty, sentenced him to six months’ probation and ordered him to surrender any firearms and stay away from the woman. His attorney has appealed.


The CIA declined to say whether Bayatpour has faced internal discipline, saying it does not comment on whether individuals are affiliated with the agency.


“This guilty verdict came despite and not because of the CIA,” said Kevin Carroll, the attorney for Bayatpour’s accuser. The AP does not identify victims of alleged sexual abuse or domestic violence.


“It is a gigantic problem that the agency has not yet begun to get its arms around,” he added. “It’s an environment where a lot of stuff is secret, and that attracts some bad actors.”


Complaints to the CIA’s Office of Equal Employment Opportunity about sexual harassment and discrimination this year have already doubled last year’s total, detailing 76 separate incidents.


The top Democrat and Republican overseeing the CIA, Virginia Sen. Mark Warner and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, have called for a watchdog investigation and are considering hearings into why the agency has failed women in their ranks for so long. Since 2018, out of 290 total employment-related complaints, the agency has substantiated just a single case based on sex.

Anonymous ID: 39272e Aug. 24, 2023, 11:17 a.m. No.19420050   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Joe Biden Lied At Least 16 Times About His Family’s Business Schemes


Joe Biden has repeatedly lied about his family’s business dealings. Joe Biden claims he never spoke to his family about their business dealings; his family never received $1 million in payments through a third party; his son never made money in China; his son’s dealings were ethical; and his son did nothing wrong. Below are 16 times that Joe Biden lied about his family’s dealings over the years.

Anonymous ID: 39272e Aug. 24, 2023, 11:18 a.m. No.19420061   🗄️.is 🔗kun

T-Mobile to lay off 5,000 employees



T-Mobile on Thursday announced it plans to lay off 5,000 employees, or around 7% of its total staff, over the next five weeks.


The reductions will largely affect corporate and back-office jobs that are “primarily duplicative” to other roles and will reduce the company’s middle management layers, CEO Mike Sievert said in a letter to employees Thursday. The company also plans to reduce its spending on “external workers and resources,” but its retail and “consumer care” staff who work directly with customers will not be affected, he said.


“What it takes to attract and retain customers is materially more expensive than it was just a few quarters ago,” Sievert said.


T-Mobile’s cuts comes after months of mass layoff announcements at a range of other technology companies — including Microsoft and Meta — as firms grapple with an uncertain economic environment.


In its most recent quarterly earnings report last month, T-Mobile reported sales down 2.5% year-over-year and net customer additions fell slightly from the same period in the prior year, although it posted record low customer churn and profit growth. T-Mobile’s stock has fallen more than 7% since last August. Shares were trading down around 1% following its layoff announcement.


In Thursday’s letter, Sievert said that in the three years since closing T-Mobile’s acquisition of rival carrier Sprint, it has been working to streamline the combined businesses and accelerate the build-out of its high-speed internet business. However, he suggested it was important for the company to now narrow its focus.


“It is clear that doing everything we are doing and just doing it faster is not enough to deliver on these changing customer expectations going forward,” he said. “Today’s changes are all about getting us efficiently focused on a finite set of winning strategies.”


T-Mobile plans to notify employees who will be laid off by the end of September. The company estimates it will incur a pre-tax charge of $450 million in the September quarter related to the reductions, according to a Thursday securities filing.


Affected employees will receive “competitive severance packages” based on tenure, as well as accelerated stock vesting, access to career transition services and other benefits, Sievert told employees. He added that the company is not planning additional, widespread employee reductions in the foreseeable future.

Anonymous ID: 39272e Aug. 24, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.19420084   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Shin Bet: 4 Israelis arrested as part of Hezbollah ‘weapons smuggling ring’


Residents of Kafr Qasim and Lod were recruited by Iran-backed terror group ‘for the purpose of distributing unusual illegal weapons to various parties,’ security agency says


The Shin Bet security agency revealed on Thursday that in July, four Israeli citizens were arrested for suspected ties to the Hezbollah terror group, and were allegedly involved in smuggling Iranian-made explosive devices into the country.


According to the Shin Bet, three residents of the northern Arab town of Kafr Qasim were arrested over suspicions they had smuggled into Israel “a large number of quality weapons.” The agency said two Iranian-made explosive devices, among other weapons, were seized during their arrest.


In a separate raid in the central city of Lod, security forces arrested another Israeli planning to use a similar explosive device for a criminal-related bombing.


device seized during their arrests in July. (Shin Bet)


The Shin Bet security agency revealed on Thursday that in July, four Israeli citizens were arrested for suspected ties to the Hezbollah terror group, and were allegedly involved in smuggling Iranian-made explosive devices into the country.


According to the Shin Bet, three residents of the northern Arab town of Kafr Qasim were arrested over suspicions they had smuggled into Israel “a large number of quality weapons.” The agency said two Iranian-made explosive devices, among other weapons, were seized during their arrest.


In a separate raid in the central city of Lod, security forces arrested another Israeli planning to use a similar explosive device for a criminal-related bombing.

State of Jerusalem: The Maqdasyin


“The Shin Bet investigation revealed that Hezbollah worked to recruit and operate an infrastructure of smugglers in Israel for the purpose of distributing unusual illegal weapons to various parties, including criminal elements,” the agency said in a statement.


The Shin Bet named the suspects as Jalal Khursa, 28, Ahmed Issa, 30, and Muhammed Issa, 39, from Kafr Qasim, and Nuh Assam, 30, from Lod. They were indicted Wednesday on various weapons offenses, prompting the agency to publicize details of the investigation.


An image released by the Shin Bet showed one of the explosive devices, which resembled a Claymore mine.


“This affair once again illustrates the efforts of terror elements from Hezbollah and Iran to exploit the Arab citizens of Israel for [terror] activities against the state,” a senior Shin Bet official said.


“It also emerged in the investigation that the line between [terror] and criminal [activity] is extremely thin,” the official added.


Hezbollah has been accused in the past of being involved in weapons and drug smuggling attempts from Lebanon into Israel.


Police officials have previously warned that arms smuggled into the country, heading to criminal organizations in the Arab community, would also be available for terror attacks in the event of a surge in violence between Jews and Arabs.