Anonymous ID: e28700 Aug. 24, 2023, 6:54 p.m. No.19424086   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Truly believe our President Truths some stuff for a reason…


Whoever designed and approved of the graphic which pops up on the piece which POTUS posted earlier for “american greatness” - Is that some sort of sick joke? If not, do not EVER mock CNN, ABC, or ANYONE on the so-called “left”. A fucking Career-Mockingbird entertainer spewing OPINION and riling Emotion whilst saying some of what the demographic wants to hear while suppressing every fucking TRUTH imaginable— This is exactly what’s WRONG. Where were the fucking FACTS, especially leading up to Rigged2020? (Lost in the MAIL with Hunter docs, right?) On OAN, of course, but who the hell ever gave a flying fuck about that channel? People just want to be ENTERTAINED 24-7/365.

IF you’re going to go all Lenin, why not National File, or (God Forbid!) OAN which was reporting EVERYTHING YEARS ago? FYI: On top of the Treason, “totally good guy” Hunter and his “warm and affectionate” dad have done some VERY bad things to very little children which was well-known PRIOR to Rigged2020. Yet another Water Carrier out for the CLICK$? Aren’t there enough already among “conservative” pravda? Who the hell ever needed CNN…


Leading up to Rigged2020, here is small sampling of topics which could never be mentioned to people tuning into faux & its kingclown every night:

Jeffrey Epstein & Co., Soros, Laptop From Hell, Ukraine and/OR China Corruption involving both “Rs” and “Ds”, Communists having infiltrated literally every crevice of this Country (since the 1930s, perhaps earlier)… The TRUTHS regarding our President, especially his life and History LONG prior to even running for office. Everything from describing how gold-digging GROUPIES are (pussytape), to his history with everyday PEOPLE; His employees, Rappers, and everyone else of all races and denominations who was a big fan until 2015…