Anyone who does not know that the organized Jew is the instigator of World Communism, of International Zionism, and is in a conspiracy to destroy Christian civilization, is too naive and too ignorant to deal with the problems we face. The Christ-hating Jew who conspires against our Christian Heritage, enjoys nothing better than the conservative who protects the Jew and will talk about everything dangerous to our country except the Hidden Hand of the Jew conspirators, the root of all evil which threatens Christian civilization. (While it is "the love of money" which "is the root of all evil" (I Tim. 6:10), the Jew exhibits far above other peoples, a love of money; and have an instinctive and compelling desire for attaining as much wealth as possible regardless of the means or harm it may cause.)
This evil force is the "ANTI-CHRIST," as revealed in the second letter of John, who says: "He is the Anti-Christ, that denies the Father and the Son." These Jew protecting conservative Americans are knowingly or unknowingly helping to destroy their own country. As a result
CAN WE ESCAPE? YES, BUT ONLY, if the Jew protecting conservatives, who are helping the ANTI-CHRIST ZIONIST to DIVIDE AND CONQUER will learn and accept the TRUTH and be guided by the warnings of OUR SAVIOUR (John 8:44, and Matt. 23:12, etc.), and never think that they know better than He, and if they will UNITE with REAL Americans who know the TRUTH, in a battle to save our Country, we can escape from the clutches of CHRIST'S WORST ENEMIES THE ANTI-CHRIST JEWS, for this is ONE of several ways in which our Country can be saved.
This means that whosoever forgets or omits the Jewish question, be it through ignorance, or fear, is unfit to be a preacher, teacher or official. This means that every Security risk, ONE WORLDERS ATLANTIC UNION PLOTTER and Alien ANTI-CHRIST ZIONIST, whose loyalty is to another Country, and all of their TRAITOR agents and stooges MUST BE BANISHED BY "REAL" AMERICANS UNITED FROM EVERY POSITION OF POWER AND INFLUENCE IN THIS NATION AND INSTEAD PUT NONE BUT REAL AMERICANS ON GUARD" – For this is the way by which our Country started, and thus the way it can be saved.