19 posts (you) is 18.269230769231% of 104 (total bred).
Anon auto filters at 10%. I'm just one anon, so it shouldn't matter much. You should be able to shrug it off and carry on without replying. But the demons that control you will force you to reply.
oh, just barely over ten percent of bred. rules are rules. sorry. filtered.
should have said personal rule anon, sorry
but someone has to do something to try and restore this place to something resembling it's former self. anon is open to ides.
stop going off hair triggered and think about what I wrote
>Please do tell faggot.
think for yourself, anon
if you were sorry to see the way things have gone here then what strategies would you consider to try and put a few degrees of turn on the tiller?
Should you explain them? Or just do them? Don't answer that question. Yes anon understands that some are saying fuck it. There is nothing I can do change anything here. But if you have been here long enough you tend to see some trends. and some cause and effect to things. They might be tiny. But at this point just about anything would be an improvement.
you never used the word ego until I pointed out your's to you. filtered
>Only shills project "the filter"
so that's "your" rule then. If you find yourself behind enemy lines without your weapon is it ok to pick one up off a dead enemy soldier? Or do I need to stand on principle and just fight with a tree branch that I find on the ground?
>Hey buddy. Only shills project "the filter" as a means of reverse psychology through the power of suggestion in order to get others to do the same or otherwise disregard the information. It also concedes defeat in an argument because you have nothing left but deflection.
So if I find myself behind enemy lines without my weapon I am forbidden from picking up a weapon off a dead enemy soldier and instead should pick up a tree branch to fight with?
> Either way god bless you with love and light Anon. Even the most stupid and annoying of the poor bastards among us can be saved.
Spare me the passive/agressive blessings anon. They are, in fact, curses.