…except when Democrats control the House.
When Dems are in control somehow people end up being convicted of shit all the time.
Must have something to do with knowing how to use the power of the legislative branch and the bully pulpit of any elected official.
Remember all the impromptu press conferences on the steps of the Capitol during the Benghazi hearings? Remember Trey Gowdy's office issuing demands for DOJ action? Remember the threats to throw recalcitrant witnesses in jail?
Yeah, me neither. That's the Republican Party for you.
It's called Failure Theater: "Hey, we tried" is the GOP motto.
Now if Democrats were running the show there would be a 24 hours news blitz ongoing. Sergeants-At-Arms would be grabbing people and locking them up. The words "Constitutional crisis" would be all over the news.
With Republicans running the show, everyone will be going out for dinner together this evening.