Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 10:33 a.m. No.19428797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8847 >>8944 >>9055 >>9139 >>9143

Fani Willis Campaign Director’s Connection to Team Biden and Anti-Trump Tweets Revealed – Locks Social Media Account


Is this a smoking gun proving collusion between the Fulton County prosecutors’ office and the Biden regime?


As Cristina Laila previously reported, Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.


A Fulton County grand jury last Monday returned a 41-count indictment which included RICO and conspiracy charges against President Trump.


Now, a possible link between the White House and Team Willis may have been uncovered. Natalie Winters, the co-host and producer for Steve Bannon’s The War Room on Thursday dropped a bombshell, revealing that Fani Willis’ campaign director, Jeremy Halbert Harris, worked for the Joe Biden campaign in Georgia during the 2020 presidential election cycle. He is also a deranged Trump hater and posted multiple tweets bashing the 45th President.


Winters notes that he has been trying to take Trump out since 2017.


It seems that Halbert-Harris panicked after Winters exposed his connections to Biden and his disgusting anti-Trump posts. He quickly locked his X (formerly Twitter) account in a possible attempt obfuscate the truth.


While Democrats will assert that a campaign director has little involvement in her investigation, there is no doubt Willis and Holber-Harris consistently communicate with each other. What are the odds that they have discussed the garbage Trump indictment?


One social media user correctly noted that this information uncovered by Winters should be made available to the Trump defense team.

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 10:34 a.m. No.19428807   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8834 >>8944 >>9055 >>9139

Rep. Nancy Mace: Joe Biden “Definitely” Took More than $50 Million – It’s “Staggeringly High” – He’s Probably Most Corrupt President in History


Rep. Nancy Mace joined Cheryl Casone on Mornings with Maria on FOX Business Network on Friday morning following the lawless indictment of President Donald Trump Thursday by a rookie Georgia District Attorney.


Nancy Mace told Cheryl that the total Joe Biden took away from all of his illegal international dealings and bribery schemes was WAY MORE than $50 million!


Mace also predicted that we will likely see a mugshot of Joe Biden in the future on actual crimes.


Cheryl Casone: You said, forget $20 million, it’s $50 million. And this is based on documents that you’ve seen, that we have not seen yet. So is it still $50 million? Is it more now? What do you know?


Rep. Nancy Mace: Oh it’staggeringly high. It’s definitely more than 50 million. It’s staggeringly high. I’m not allowed to share the confidential information in the Suspicious Activity Report sitting at the Treasury right now. But the amount of money we are talking about is staggering! And the fact that mainstream media has just ignored this, swept this under the rug and said all of this is normal, this is probably the most corrupt president in US history. And I don’t say that lightly. And I come from a very purple district. But the double standard here is very obvious. There’s two different standards of justice in this country. And, Joe Biden ought to probably have a mug shot when this thing is said and done. And I want the American people to see all the evidence that we have.


Now the Republicans just need to find the courage to impeach. What are they waiting for?

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 10:38 a.m. No.19428827   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8944 >>9055 >>9139

Modi Versus Xi: BRICS Partners, India and China Try To Negotiate a Peace on Their Contested Himalayan Frontier, Where Armed Clashes Killed Two Dozen in 2020


Before they can safely usher in a new, prosperous multipolar world that they envision with their expanded BRICS, nuclear-armed China and India will have to resolve their border tensions that left two dozen soldiers dead in a 2020 clash.


In the run-up to the Johannesburg summit, the 19th round of military-level talks between the two Asian giants failed to yield a breakthrough on the border deadlock.


So, on the sidelines of the main event, an impromptu meeting between the parts took place, reportedly at the request of India’s PM Modi, in which he highlighted India’s concerns about their unresolved border issues.


While that does not appear to be much, it’s an improvement over their last personal meeting in 2022, in Indonesia, for the G20. There, Xi and Modi exchanged pleasantries, but no real dialogue took place.


Associated Press reported:


“India’s prime minister and China’s leader agreed Thursday to intensify efforts to de-escalate tensions at the disputed border between them and bring home thousands of their troops deployed there, according to an official from India’s foreign ministry.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Xi Jinping met on the sidelines of a Johannesburg summit where the BRICS bloc of developing economies — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — invited six other countries to join the group, including Saudi Arabia and Iran.”


The disputed boundary in the Himalayan frontier has led to a three-year standoff between tens of thousands of Indian and Chinese soldiers in the area, where an armed clash in 2020 killed 20 Indian soldiers and four Chinese.


A Line of Actual Control (LAC) now separates Chinese and Indian-held territories. That was NOT the first confrontation between the countries in the area.

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 10:39 a.m. No.19428832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8860 >>8879 >>8944 >>9055 >>9139

Biden-Appointed Judge Rules Maryland Parents Have No Right to Opt Their Children Out of Woke LGBTQ Curriculum


A district judge appointed by Joe Biden has ruled that parents in Montgomery County, Maryland, have no right to opt their children out of the school’s woke LGBTQ curriculum.


United States District Judge Deborah L. Boardman ruled against the Muslim-led group of parents who did not want their children exposed to far-left propaganda about sex and gender.


The parents sought an injunction before the first day of school on August 28 after the district changed its policies in March to no longer allow parents to opt their children out of being assigned books that advocate pride parades, gender transitioning, and pronoun preferences for kids as young as pre-kindergarten.


Becket, a non-profit law firm, represented multiple parents in the district in a lawsuit alleging that the policy violated their First Amendment religious rights to determine their children’s educations.


In a press release, Becket explained, “The new ‘inclusivity’ books were announced last fall for students in pre-K through fifth grade. However, instead of focusing on basic principles of respect and kindness, the books champion controversial ideology around gender and sexuality. For example, one book tasks three and four-year-olds to search for images from a word list that includes ‘intersex flag,’ ‘drag queen,’ ‘underwear,’ ‘leather,’ and the name of a celebrated LGBTQ activist and sex worker. Another book advocates a child-knows-best approach to gender transitioning, telling students that a decision to transition doesn’t have to ‘make sense’; teachers are instructed to say doctors only ‘guess’ when identifying a newborn’s sex anyway. Other books focus on children’s romantic feelings.”


“The School Board revoked notice and opt-outs for these storybooks earlier this year, contrary to Maryland law and the Board’s policies,” the law firm added. “Even the Board’s elementary school principals protested that the books were age-inappropriate, dismissive of students’ religious beliefs, and present as facts information that is not factual.”

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 10:42 a.m. No.19428850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8859 >>8944 >>9055 >>9139

Gabe Sterling Bragged About Hiring ACLU Operatives to Process Absentee Ballots – Paul Sperry Reveals HUNDREDS Were Hired in Fulton County


In November 2020 The Gateway Pundit published information on a little known YouTube video with only 50 or so views at the time. In the video Gabriel Sterling shows up to discuss a number of things regarding the election process.


Gabriel Sterling was appointed the COO of the Secretary of State’s office by Brad Raffensperger shortly after Raffensperger was elected to the position in November 2018.


Sterling, as COO, would be in charge of budgetary, human resources and administrative operations for the Secretary of State’s office. Sterling, strangely, has also been referred to, in multiple, recent media accounts, as Georgia’s “Statewide Voting System Implementation Manager.”


Starting at the 7:00 mark Sterling shares the following:

** Sterling talks about how the Secretary of State’s office “expanded the emergency rule to provide for drop boxes to go through the entire election cycle now.”


At the 8:00 mark Sterling talks about:

** “Working with the ACLU and the Chamber of Commerce” and has given more than 6,000 names to counties for the election.


What is this radical far-left operative doing as the Georgia statewide voting systems manager under Brad Raffensperger?


What kind of Republican would partner with the ACLU to hire election workers to process absentee ballots?


Here is the entire video that is still live on YouTube.


On Thursday night investigative journalist Paul Sperry reported that, via POIA records, Fulton county officials in 2020 deputized hundreds of anti-Trump Democrats from the ACLU and gave them power to process absentee ballots.


Gabe Sterling bragged about this back in 2020.

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 10:44 a.m. No.19428869   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Large-Scale Attack On Crimea: Ukraine Sends 73 Drones In 24-Hour Period


Ukraine forces have continued attacks on Crimea, on Friday unleashing the largest wave of drone attacks on the peninsula since the start of the war. It comes the same week Secretary Blinken reasserted that "Crimea is Ukraine".


Russia's military initially said it downed a barrage of 42 drones near Crimea. A defense ministry (MoD) statement nine drones were "destroyed… over the territory of the Republic of Crimea," while 33 others "were suppressed by electronic warfare and crashed without reaching their targets." The figure was later in the day revised upward to 73 Ukrainian drones launched over the prior 24-hour period.


"Russian forces have downed 73 Ukrainian drones over the past 24 hours after a night of mass attacks centered on Crimea," the MoD stated. "Explosions hit a Russian base in Crimea on Friday, according to reports, following Kyiv’s largest-ever drone attack on the peninsula."


There was no mention of casualties or damage due to the large-scale drone attack. Multiple drones were observed destroyed over water off Crimea's Cape Khersones, near the major naval port of Sevastopol.


"All forces and services are in a state of combat readiness," Sevastopol Governor Mikhail Razvozhayev announced on Telegram. This week Ukraine touted that its forces destroyed a S-400 defense system in Crimea, and further that special operatives conducted an amphibious landing Wednesday night, and safely returned from the mission.


The Russian MoD describe a separate attack involving a Ukrainian missile fired toward Moscow. "The Russian defence ministry said a modified S-200 missile had been shot down over the Kaluga region, which borders the Moscow region," Reuters said of the statement. "The city of Kaluga is less than 200 km (124 miles) from Moscow."


The MoD noted, "The missile was detected and destroyed by air defences over the territory of the Kaluga region" - and further there were no casualties.


Drone attacks on central Moscow have now become weekly, but Ukraine's counteroffensive is still stalled and failing - according to most battlefield accounts, which points to the growth of cross-border attacks being a sign of desperation.


Ukraine's government might also be desperate enough to orchestrate an intentionally escalatory situation which would attempt "ensure" the West gets more directly dragged into the war.

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.19428961   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9055 >>9139

=‘Got What They Wanted’: Donald Trump’s Iconic Mugshot Lands Front Page of Newspapers


Former President Donald Trump’s instantly iconic mugshot dominated the front page of major newspapers throughout the nation on Friday morning.


The mugshot was confirmed authentic around 9:00 p.m. EDT Thursday after floating around Twitter for about an hour. First confirmed by CNN, the image spread like wildfire on social media.


Trump compounded the circulation by posting the image on Twitter. The tweet was the former president’s first since 2021.


Newspapers worked late Thursday to quickly add the iconic image to their Friday editions. In the morning, most newspapers printed the mugshot on their front pages, accommodating the late breaking news before it hit the printing presses.


Though the image landed in every paper, the newspapers placed it in different positions above the fold. The publications also ran distinct image captions.


The New York Post blew the image up to feature almost the entire front page with a small caption at the bottom: “Donald Trump glowers in the first mug shot ever taken of a president on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 Georgia election.”


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a paper widely read in Fulton County, also printed Trump’s mugshot on its entire front page with the title “BOOKED.”


The New York Times printed the mugshot above the fold. But the image was placed on the side of the front page as the second lead story. “Trump Is Booked at Jail in Atlanta in Election Case,” the headline read.


The New York Daily News put Trump’s mugshot above the fold with the headline, “Enemy of Democracy.”


The Wall Street Journal published the iconic image above the fold in the center as the lead story. “Trump Booked, Stands for Mugshot,” the headline read.


The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette printed the image as the second lead story on the right column with a smaller image. “Trump Booked in GA.” the paper’s caption read.


VOZ, an American conservative Spanish-language newspaper, printed the image with the caption, “They Got What They Wanted,” a reference to Democrats’ alleged urge to capture a Trump mugshot.

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 10:59 a.m. No.19428981   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8993 >>9055 >>9139

Germany Hands Jail Sentence to Judge Who Ruled Against Government’s Mask Mandates


A judge who struck down government rules that children must wear masks at school in a German state in 2021 stands to lose his legal career and pension, and has been handed a two-year suspended prison sentence for “perverting the law”.


Judge Christian Dettmar struck down the order by German state Thuringia in 2021 that, as part of Coronavirus lockdown procedures, children must wear masks while at school, should keep a minimum distance from each other, and should be subjected to virus tests. Ruling that this was not compatible with the welfare of the children involved, Judge Dettmar ordered two schools in the city of Weimar, Thuringa no longer had to enforce the order, and the judge’s decision caused instant outrage in state government.


His ruling was overturned by a higher court following a complaint by the state’s education department meaning masks returned to schools, and a prosecution against Judge Dettmar was launched, as he stood accused of “perverting the law” and ruling on a matter he did not have authority over. It was also alleged when making his original decision, the judge had only listened to evidence from experts who were critical of lockdown rules.


Now the Thuringian district court has found against the judge, giving him a two-year suspended sentence. His lawyers had argued for acquittal and the prosecution had asked for a three-year sentence, so now both will appeal the sentence, reports local radio station MDR which has been following the story since it broke in 2021.


During the case, the court heard allegations that the judge had made the ruling as a political statement against lockdowns rather than out of genuine concern for the children involved, and that he had allegedly deleted emails and files from his computers to cover his tracks. The defence argued the trial was politically motivated and was intended to silence dissenters, while Judge Detmarr himself said he felt no regret and would make the same ruling again “out of deep inner conviction”.


While a two-year suspended sentence may not seem like a serious outcome, it will have massive consequences for Judge Dettmar, as German law dictates any civil servant sentenced to a custodial sentence of more than 12 months is deprived of both their position and their pension, it is reported. He has already been suspended on probation pending the outcome of the challenges, and police searched his home, offices, and digital devices.

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 11:05 a.m. No.19429032   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9055 >>9139

Pentagon official warns of new ‘pandemics’ and other ‘biothreats’


A senior Pentagon official recently highlighted the need for the United States to have a “departmentwide focus” on increasing biological threats after the Covid-19 pandemic.


Deborah G. Rosenblum, assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs, recently noted that the United States is facing a rapidly increasing number of biological threats across the globe, including those posed by “competitors, non-state actors and naturally occurring pandemics” that require an “integrated” focus by the Department of Defense.


Rosenblum suggested that an “integrated deterrence” against biological threats will require a “combat credible force” that is “capable of fighting through biothreats and being resilient” in the face of increasing dangers.


“These threats certainly impact the readiness and resilience of our military forces,” Rosenblum claimed. “Biodefense is no longer something that’s the purview of just specialized units who have traditionally been worried about these threats.”


The Pentagon released its first Biodefense Posture Review earlier this month, which outlines how the Department of Defense can make changes to effectively guard against biothreats from now until 2035.


According to the Department of Defense, the Biodefense Posture Review was ordered by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III in a 2021 memo that unveiled the department’s vision for biodefense.

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 11:12 a.m. No.19429065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9139

FEMA Holds Employee Trainings on ‘White Supremacy’ As More Than 1,000 Hawaiians Remain Missing


Disaster agency's diversity presentations say 'white supremacy' is 'ingrained in nearly every system'


The federal government agency tasked with leading the response to natural disasters has its hands full as more than 1,000 Americans remain missing following wildfires that devastated the Hawaiian island of Maui. FEMA nonetheless is mandating a three-hour diversity training for employees that argues, among other things, that white supremacy is "ingrained in nearly every system and institution in the U.S."


While it's unclear how many of FEMA's 20,000-plus employees were required to complete the training, internal emails reviewed by the Free Beacon indicate that the agency’s "resilience" division was advised of a requirement to complete one of three three-hour diversity training modules between Aug. 1 and Sept. 28. "FEMA Resilience" works to "help communities across the United States equitably adapt, survive, recover and thrive in the face of natural disasters" and boasts roughly 2,600 employees, according to someone familiar. The division is led by Biden administration appointee Victoria Salinas, the agency's website says.


The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion trainings contend that the United States is "rooted in extreme, extraordinary violence" and demand participants acknowledge "that systemic racism and oppression exist," according to screenshots of the training obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.


FEMA leaders informed staff of the training in a July email, indicating that the effort is "part of our ongoing commitment to instill Equity as a Foundation of Emergency Management." Staffers are required to take at least one course to meet their "DEI training requirement," according to the email.


FEMA's email says its equity trainings were "developed by the Institute for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Management." The institute's CEO, Chauncia Willis, told the Free Beacon she delivered the training live to FEMA employees "months ago." FEMA appears to have recorded Willis's live presentation to play back to employees, with the agency using its internal "resilience equity adviser," Christopher Smith, to pause the presentation and direct employees to engage in small group discussions, a video of the training obtained by the Free Beacon shows.


"White supremacy is an ideology, a pattern of values and beliefs that are ingrained in nearly every system and institution in the U.S.," the presentation says in a section titled, "Why Start With White Supremacy and Race?" In another section, titled, "The Uncomfortable Truth," the presentation says the United States "was established and rooted in extreme, extraordinary violence."


"The established economic, justice, and social systems all require subjugation of certain groups," the presentation continues.

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 11:16 a.m. No.19429091   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9112 >>9120

Man removed from school board meeting while reading from sexually explicit book that had been available in school library


A man was forcibly removed from a Tuesday school board meeting by law enforcement while reading a passage from a sexually explicit LGBT book that was previously available in the district's libraries.


Mike Cee was escorted out of a Fort Worth Independent School District board meeting this week when he began reading vulgar passages from the book "Flamer" by Mike Curato.


Curato's book is described as a "semi-autobiographical graphic novel" set in 1995 that follows the story of a child named Aiden as he "navigates friendships, deals with bullies, and spends time with Elias (a boy he can't stop thinking about), he finds himself on a path of self-discovery and acceptance."


"Flamer" is listed as one of the "most challenged books of 2022," according to the American Library Association. The graphic novel has been challenged at least 62 times, the ALA reported. The book discusses masturbation and oral sex.


During public comment, district officials warned Cee that he could not read explicit excerpts, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported.


A video of the school board meeting captured Cee reading a line from the controversial book, "On page one, 'Who wants my hot wiener?'"


Cee was immediately interrupted by a board member who slammed her gavel repeatedly and demanded that security remove him from the meeting, the video showed.


The man attempted to continue reading from the vulgar book as multiple law enforcement officers surrounded him. The audience shouted over one another as officers escorted Cee away from the podium.


One person yelled, "Hey, he's not breaking the law."


Another stated, "Unconstitutional."


The Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported that the graphic novel was removed from the district's elementary and middle school libraries over the summer. Other sexually explicit books, including "Gender Queer: A Memoir" by Maia Kobabe, were also removed from library shelves.


Fort Worth ISD's libraries are closed for the first two weeks of classes as school officials review and flag any potentially age-inappropriate content to comply with state law set to go into effect September 1.


Some speakers at the Tuesday meeting thanked district officials for removing approximately 100 books deemed inappropriate for children. They requested that policies be implemented to prevent additional explicit content from making its way into school libraries in the future.


Kenya Alu, executive director of the Tarrant County chapter of Citizens Defending Freedom, stated during the meeting, "To those who label us as book banners, let me be clear. We are not for banning books, we're for protecting children."


"Just as movies have ratings and require an adult to accompany a child to an R-rated movie, we are simply asking the same for books," she added.


Fort Worth ISD did not respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital.

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 11:18 a.m. No.19429106   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9114 >>9117 >>9124

CDC admits COVID infection could be more likely among vaccinated individuals


An update from the CDC states that the variant BA.2.86, dubbed “Pirola”, may be causing increased infections among the vaccinated.


An update from the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows the federal health agency has admitted that a new omicron BA.2.86 sublineage variant could be more capable of infecting vaccinated than unvaccinated individuals.


CDC admits it


An August 23 update by the CDC states that the variant BA.2.86, dubbed “Pirola”, may be causing increased infections among those who have received the COVID vaccine.


“BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines,” the CDC’s risk assessment update reads.


“Scientists are evaluating the effectiveness of the forthcoming, updated COVID-19 vaccine.”


The CDC further stated that they believe yet another booster shot, to be released sometime in the fall, will be effective at reducing severe disease and hospitalization.


The CDC has been at the forefront of providing guidance on COVID-19 prevention and control measures. They have developed and updated guidelines for various aspects of the pandemic, including mask-wearing, social distancing, testing, and vaccination.


Last year, the CDC dropped special quarantine recommendations for unvaccinated persons, finally admitting that natural immunity should be considered and that vaccines don’t stop infection.


Most Canadian provinces stopped publishing infection data according to vaccine status last summer, which was right around the time the vaccinated population was beginning to show higher rates of infection per capita.

US College reimposes mask mandate


Just last week, Morris Brown College, based in Atlanta, made the decision to reimpose its COVID mask mandate for the coming two weeks.


The move reportedly comes as a response to the detection of positive COVID cases within the Atlanta University Center, a prominent institution within the city.

Anonymous ID: a614ec Aug. 25, 2023, 11:25 a.m. No.19429157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9168

Populating Oded Yinon - Greater Israel Project


The Zionist Plan for the Greater Israel by dividing Middle East: Oded Yinon Plan