Anonymous ID: 02c84d Aug. 25, 2023, 1:07 p.m. No.19429853   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Teachers embittered by low pay, low social status, low public recognition took their revenge through the children, guided by the friendly pedos who controlled their state, national and international unions.


They built the teacher's colleges, and these nest built the self-righteous, obedient and unquestioning minds who taught the generations of increasingly compliant unquestioning minds until the present.


Assert art is "self expression" and anyone can do it. Treat people who can think as aliens and isolate them from the public. Treat dements and perverts as celebrities, establish oppressive mind control system encompassing and controlling the lives of 5 billion individuals and the economies of every nation on earth.


NPCs are deliberately deprived of the education in logic, rhetoric and mathematics the tools of thought. They are encouraged to display pathologies and shamed for expressing and thoughts as might allow understanding to root and grow with reflection. Now we have a 5-to-7-minute attention span, talk like urban ferals and possesses not one idea or opinion outside those circulating on social media.


A "woke" high school banned William Shakespeare, political reasons were cited, but the truth is, even the best students are no longer able to understand Shakespeare.


After more than a century of legally required education we are not as intelligent as we were in 1858. Twenty thousand farmers travelled for days by foot and on horse to stand in silence and listen for 4 hours to the Lincoln Douglas debates. The debate was so engaging it was celebrated on a stamp.