When does Trump halt the pole shift and solar micronova? Or is all this just to distract from that?
Video from the ground
-to deliver an engineered bioweapon followed by a DARPA contracted, gene editing, mrna nanoweapon
-to test and deploy EMF weapons and 5G+ technology
-to launch and or manage airborne, drone, and space based DEW delivery platforms
-to allow and 'enforce' FCC licensed bandwidth to MSM entities that deceive and traumatize as a business model
-to allow global human trafficking and organ harvesting be a protected and unobstructed business
there is no more wide spread piece of media on earth than the bible.
trust media?
medea is greek for sorceress, enchantress
medea- sorcery
pharmakeia- sorcery
those two alone have the world on lock, and under delusion.