is this an AI edit because if it is it is damn funny and good.
yup. It also helps people and myself see there are more black people than niggers. At least that is my hope and they will wake up to who is enslaving them and that it is not about race but cultural and that the culture has been created by these evil fucks to manipulate and enslave people and push them into bad choices instead of having the true freedom of what this world could be.
can you elaborate?
so? Don't care.
that just is too silly as to suggest a book that has spiritual and divine rights written by god himself save the thousands of people who have intentionally mistranslated the stories to suit their own needs and then write bits about how they are going to enslave people at the end times and if you change one word of these god inspired by the priest drinking too much wine book that somehow that people might be being mislead by half truths and lies by the people they trust the most and are giving their hard earned money to and yet they can never say anything when you have a legitimate question except pray more or read more or heathen, that is poppycock dear sir, poppycock I say.
I really tried super duper hard to make sure you could tell that was heavy sarcasm.