Depp's band is called Hollywood Vampires? Nothing to see here, folks
I think they're more partial to Pantera. RIP Vinnie
Here's my prediction:
One of the casualties in Maryland will be a Jew and the shooter will supposedly be an anon from the chans. This will allow the media to just discredit everything here as some anti-semitic movement.
This also explains why the two anons (one pro-Jew and one anti-Jew) have been arguing non-stop the past few days. It was all just race-bait to try and get people to post questionable stuff that the media can easily point to.
Of course, their tactics will fail since we can fight lies with facts and they'll just be giving us more eyes, but I'm sure they're plotting some underhanded BS to go after us
Exactly, the jokes on them if they try to claim that we ever leave our mom's basement. I'm loaded up on tendies and ready to shitpost the rest of the day
I might be wrong on the specifics, but I'm confident they're plotting something to discredit us with. The MSM is currently caught in a catch-22. They're dying to attack us, but they're also afraid to give us attention. All they need is one well-executed false flag to open the flood gates, much like the Comet Ping Pong shooter
When you take yourself too seriously, then you're not taken seriously. But if you weren't a newfag, you'd probably know that already