Anons, autists, and Patriots around the world, today in August of 2023 we can clearly see, feel and experience, more so than ever before, especially after Trump's 4th indictment, and his and 18 other's indictments and arrest warrants, and then the planned humiliating booking, with finger prints and mugshots taken from this past Thursday, that instead of all of us being angered and pissed that Trump and others had to go through this, we're incredibly thrilled, excited and grateful for the long expected final stages of the coming major battle.
If you don't know already, and I'm sure you all do, the storm is most definitely here and this event has released "The Four Horseman" so to speak.
The final battle against the Globalists, Deep State, Cabalists is going to be like the decision by the US in WW2 to drop two nuclear bombs on the mainland of Japan to prevent what they thought would be the loss of 600K to 1M US soldiers if we would have decided to attack with a large force of troops and MIL equipment instead of dropping two nuclear weapon.
Trump has been very strategic throughout and he makes sure that his plans will not cause death and destruction to our country or the world.
So when Trump has to take horrible slings and arrows to prevent mass casualties or destruction of our way of life, he does and already has taken steps back which delays what is now here, the final battle.
FYI - The final battle is here, just listen to Trump's words, and we do know that if we lose 2024, we will lose our country forever and if America falls so too does the world.
But fear not, God has His hands in all of this!
And so for this reason, my drop here today.
Stay with me on this…so if we go back in time when Japanese Emperor Hirohito decided along with his military commanders to have the mighty Japanese fleet sail across the Pacific ocean in a well planned and overwhelming surprise attack on Peal Harbor, December 7th, 1941, many of Japan's leaders knew that at the very time of planning the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor to the actual attack, Japanese Generals made mention that the surprise attack on DEC 7, 1941 would be the beginning of their end by hands of the sleeping giant of The United States of America.
Like some of the Japanese Generals knew, so too did some of the leading Globalists, Deep State, Cabalists know, that what {THEY} were going to have to do against Trump, and that once {THEY} started {THEIR} attacks against Trump. it would be the beginning of {THEIR} end.
{THEY} knew {THEY} would be awakening the sheeple and creating Patriots not only in the US, but across the world.
{They} knew.
But {THEY} went ahead with {THEIR} typical arrogant plans.
{THEY} always felt untouchable.
{THEIR} arrogance was {THEIR} undoing.
A real estate mogul that had a reality TV series was the last of {THEIR} worries, or so {THEY} thought.
Do you remember when Hilary in total confusion and surprise said, "Why am I not 50 points ahead of Donald Trump?"
{THEY} never thought she would lose.
From then to now, Saturday, August 26, 2023?
And as you can see from this past week, {THEY'RE} in a frenzied panic.
At this point {THEY} don't care how bizarre {THEIR} actions will be seen by the populace here and around the world, and so Trump's words over the past years ring's more true than ever before, {THEY} are not after him, {THEY'RE} after you and me.
But at this point, {THEY'RE} going to have to kill Trump (As Tucker surprising but purposefully mentioned in his interview with Trump this past Thursday) because nothing else will work against Trump.
I've got bad news for all of {THEM}, Trump is Chosen By God so {THEY} will not be able to harm a hair on his head (Mark Taylor has stated the same for years since 2011).
I've come on here and shared this before but in minute detail, but now that The Storm is most assuredly upon us, it's important and comforting to know God's Hands are all over this.
And with that comment, comes my personal experiences.
God has somehow gifted me with unusual Spiritual Gifts of discernment.
I don't hear God's voice, nor seen Him, but I surely have Felt His words and presence and countenance.
My gifts scientifically are called Clairecognizance and Clairsentience.
You can look those terms up, but the way it works for me is that although my messages come from God, those messages are a KNOWING and FEELING and then I must sort the messages out.
Sometimes I know things instantly, and other times I am obligated to pray about these "knowings and feelings" over time.
Time is needed to discern these things, and only after some discernment work will the information become clear.