>I think NAC will flush it out in 2 weeks.
THC is fat soluble, so it's deep in your tissues. takes 30 days or more to get below detectable levels, depending on how heavily you imbibe.
extended fasting is the only thing that helps.
>happiest childless millennial on earth
not as happy as the rest of us
poster children for abortions in the 120th trimester
>Question: if it's fat soluble, how come it comes out in urine ?
the METABOLITES (what it's broken down into) come out in urine
>for a $60,000 slave gig
poor baby
anon was college prof, never made more than $50k/y in lifetime
>i was in medical school for 12 yrs
yeah, you can trust this flunkie's opinion
med school AIN'T twelve yrs
>in Mississippi???
PA mostly, some WV (highest pay)
Christian colleges
notoriously shit pay
>Have I unwittingly combined two compounds that work synergistically?
maybe synergistically combined two compounds that work unwittingly