Anonymous ID: 3a5022 Aug. 27, 2023, 10:39 a.m. No.19442170   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Want to see how fake news works? Bloomberg article insinuates massive environmental damage from initial launch of Starship.based on hysterical report from USFWS that "seven quail eggs and come blue crabs were incinerated".


Then the scum of the media swamp takes the Bloomberg article and re-writes it with blatant lies to vilify Space X even more.


There was no explosion on the pad, it was barely damaged, not "totally destroyed", the fire was in invasive grasses from mismanagement. It exploded miles up, far away from the pad and didn't "rain down chunks of concrete"!


This is the cabal going after Space X because he has cut their back door control of Twitter/X and published the "Twitter Files" exposing the rat lines between government and media. Make no mistake, they're coming after him.