Anonymous ID: d36ed1 Aug. 27, 2023, 11:18 p.m. No.19445906   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the story of Daniel and the lion's den, he is top adviser to a king called Darius along with others in a council of advisers. The story takes into account how when a king made a law it could not be undone. Daniel had enemies that plotted to get him out of the way so they can be in the position to 'advise' the king considering that the king would always take Daniel's wise advice. They deceived the king into agreeing and putting his seal on a law that made everyone worship the king for a short time knowing Daniel only prayed to one god. The punishment for those who broke this law was execution by lion on the same night of the offense.


When the day came to worship the king and Daniel did not show, the conspirators went straight to Daniel which was praying and took him away to face judgment before the very king. Darius favored him very much but could not save Daniel from his fate. As it turns out when Daniel is placed in the lion's den with starving lion's for the night, he survives it and in the morning the king ends up waking and rushing to see what happened to Daniel finding him still alive and in one piece.


For deceiving the king into signing a law intended to kill his top adviser, he judged the other advisers who plotted against Daniel as traitors and sentenced them to be executed by lion immediately having them thrown into the den of starving lions where they were gobbled up bring the story to a morbid but reciprocal ending.


Conspirators will reap what they sow. You can't lie to everyone forever. Wherever there is good, evil is hiding in it's shadow. The same can be said about good if the tables were turned.

