next year, trump will get kicked from the GOP somehow, be it voter fraud or some morality clause, the trials will start and be broadcast and may even get to the supreme court and that might be a first broadcast as well. Each case to the public you will see how he was fucked over, however how a Judge allows shit is in the air. Could go either way. Far as I am aware if he ran third party then he could in theory run from prison, but do not think that is going to happen as something will have to trip before the election date, maybe people realize the choices they are being given are not choices and rebel against the system that way or maybe the eletion will not happen, maybe the fraud in the primaries will show Trump won that also but they put in Pence or Vivek as a Puppet, vivek is current guess. After it gets cloudy as to what happens but the total destruction of the united states government pretty much will have to happen and this will spread over the world not sure how that will happen but america has seem to be at the crux of this somehow. I think it is playing out as intended save some variations that had to happen but get a same result. Lots of casualties also but that was never not an option I don't think just a matter of how many.
yet you are here proving what a faggot you are.
why do I know it. I figure my presence here is a good indicator that I do not. Yet for someone who thinks they know , insulting a bunch of as you put it tards seems like a even sadder waste of your time. Tell me when are you going to end your fucking life.
the way to destroy the uniparty is to illustrate that you really never had a choice. It was all an illusion. Gop rejecting Trump does that, the DNC gets destroyed by the in the face corruption. New system after only way.
will americans have to pay for their wall also then?
do I mean Biden what?
Pence and Vivek are the DS solution to the problem, are you really that Naive to think that the primaries will not be fixed also. Come on now don't be stupid. Assuming I watch things is your next mistake. The US constitution is fine, but there are other problems that the constitution it self can not solve and with the amount of states that have been created since its inception and problems that have been added to the amendments to it all things must be considered before either one reverts to a system that was allowed to be perverted.