Anonymous ID: a9adb7 Aug. 28, 2023, 10:57 a.m. No.19448323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8340

28 Aug, 2023 15:27


EU states issue Wagner ultimatum to Belarus


Poland and the Baltic countries have demanded that Minsk expel the Russian private military company


A group of EU nations bordering Belarus has demanded that Minsk expels the Russian Wagner private military company and repatriate illegal migrants allegedly massing in the country at their borders.


Speaking on Monday during a joint press conference with his Latvian, Estonian, and Lithuanian counterparts, Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Kaminski warned that the countries could shut their borders with Belarus.


“If there is a critical incident, regardless of whether it is at the Polish or Lithuanian border, we will retaliate immediately. All border crossings that have been opened so far will be closed,” Kaminski stated. He branded the Wagner Group an “extremely dangerous” yet “demoralized” force, which he claimed was “capable of anything.”


We demand from the authorities in Minsk that the Wagner Group immediately leaves the territory of Belarus and that illegal migrants immediately leave the border area and are sent back to their home countries.


Poland has repeatedly accused Belarus of facilitating illegal migration, alleging that it has deliberately been steering the flow of people from the Middle East and Africa to the EU.


“This situation is escalating. For several months, we have been dealing with attempts by migrants to illegally cross [the border],”Kaminski said. According to the Polish border guard, some 19,000 migrants have tried to enter Poland from Belarus thus far this year, compared to 16,000 during all of 2022.


The ultimatum to Minsk follows the death of Wagner Group leader Evgeny Prigozhin in a plane crash in Russia last week. Several other senior members of the private military company were also killed in the incident. Thus far, Minsk has not responded to the demands from Poland and the Baltic states.


The Wagner Group was re-deployed to Belarus after launching a short-lived insurrection in Russia in late June. The presence of the group in Belarus has fueled the long-standing tensions between Minsk and Warsaw. Poland has claimed that the private military company is active along the border and is waging “hybrid warfare” against it. Minsk has dismissed the allegations, while Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko claimed Warsaw had “gone mad” with speculation surrounding Wagner.


(Belarus should demand the 100s of 1000s NATO and US soldiers expelled, calling them an existential threat to Belarus!)

Anonymous ID: a9adb7 Aug. 28, 2023, 11:04 a.m. No.19448369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8475 >>8618 >>8721 >>8784

28 Aug, 2023 14:03


Ukrainian military depot hit by navy missiles – Russian MOD


The group strike was launched overnight and destroyed aviation weapons and ammunition, Moscow has claimed


An overnight barrage of missiles has destroyed a Ukrainian ammunition depot, the Russian Defense Ministry reported during a daily briefing on Monday.


The “group attack” by Russian Navy assets involved long-range precision munitions, according to the ministry’s statement. The target stored aviation weapons and other military supplies, it added, offering no further details.


The Ukrainian military reported detecting Russian Kalibr missiles incoming from the Black Sea early on Monday morning. Hours later the national Air Force claimed intercepting two of these as well as two Kh-59 air-launched missiles fired by Russian warplanes.


“There has been a hit at a civilian industrial object in the Poltava Region,” the statement added, without explaining what weapons were responsible.


The head of the local administration Dmitry Lynin said an “entire workshop” was destroyed in the strike. He reported that at least three people were killed and two injured, while another remained missing. Ukrainian Interior Minister Igor Klimenko claimed that the targeted facility was a butter factory and that a night shift was on duty. (Kek, butter factory=The Farm in langely)


Ukrainian military spokesperson Natalya Gumenyuk identified the source of the Kalibr missiles as the Russian frigate Admiral Essen and accused Moscow of choosing the nighttime for the launch as a method of “hybrid warfare.” (Nighttime attacks have always been a warfare tactic, Russians probably wanted to kill less people than during the day)


The Russian military has denied Ukrainian claims that it selects non-military targets for its attacks. Moscow has said it seeks to minimize Ukrainian civilian casualties in the hostilities and has accused the US and its allies of standing in the way of peaceful resolution of the conflict.


(I knew this was coming, there will be more! The probably did in anticipation to F16s showing up)

Anonymous ID: a9adb7 Aug. 28, 2023, 11:12 a.m. No.19448438   🗄️.is 🔗kun

28 Aug, 2023

EU commissioner offers reality check on Ukraine NATO bid


Thierry Breton said Kiev would never join the US-led bloc while its conflict with Russia continued, as that would spell a major war


Ukraine stands no chance of becoming a member of NATO as long as it is locked in a military conflict with Russia, European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton has predicted. The official explained that if Kiev were to be admitted into the US-led military bloc now, it would automatically lead to all of the other members getting directly involved in the fighting.


In an interview with France’s LCI TV channel on Monday, Breton said: “As long as the conflict continues on European territory, Ukraine cannot become a member of NATO,” noting that “otherwise, under Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, this will mean entry into the conflict of all of the countries in the alliance.”


The EU commissioner praised Brussels for the way it was keeping its promise to provide Kiev with one million artillery shells within a year, adding that the bloc is planning to ramp up ammunition production on its territory in the long term as well.


Speaking at a press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg as the alliance wrapped up its summit in Vilnius in July, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky acknowledged that it was “logical and understandable” that “some are afraid to talk about our membership in NATO, because no one wants to start a world war.”


He added that “Ukraine understands that it can’t be a member of NATO as long as the war[with Russia] continues.”


Earlier, the Ukrainian head of state slammed the military bloc over its “indecisiveness” and “weakness” – much to the annoyance of the US delegation, as several media outlets claimed at the time.


While NATO did reaffirm its readiness to grant Ukraine membership at some unspecified point in the future, its final statement made it clear that this would only happen “when allies agree and conditions are met.”


Commenting on the prospect of Ukraine’s immediate accession, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan argued at the time that, at the moment, granting Ukraine NATO membership would lead the US-led military bloc “into a war with Russia.”


President Joe Biden, in turn, noted that it was “premature” to talk about Kiev’s accession, adding that the country would need to carry out more reforms and achieve “democratization” first.


(Ukraine had many mandates for years that they had to eliminate corruption, they have made progress but its gotten worse, no country wants them in NATO for that and many other reasons such as they are a welfare nation. Also when they lose the war, it will be a double whammy another reason why they will be admitted. This is the carrot and stick principle! It will never happen.)

Anonymous ID: a9adb7 Aug. 28, 2023, 11:21 a.m. No.19448509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sunday Talks, Vivek Ramaswamy -VS- Chuck Todd, As Media Push Racism Narrative


August 27, 2023 | Sundance |


The Jacksonville shooter, Ryan Christoper Palmeter (21), was subject to Baker Act detention in 2017. Palmeter would have been approximately 15 or 16. He was obviously an unstable and mentally challenged individual who presumably left a manifesto expressing his intention to kill black people. The media are quick to jump on the typeset and report a racist shooting resulting in 3 deaths.


In a pattern that is all too familiar, every Sunday talk show leads with this Jacksonville racist killing story as their lead. The white male killing black people storyline is the apex narrative for corporate media. There is no media narrative that achieves a higher level of promotion than a white racist mass shooter.


As would be expected, NBC’s Chuck Todd grills Vivek Ramaswamy about the Republican support for racist white men and asks why it is only white people who target and kill black people. This is the media frenzy in its fullest form. WATCH:


Todd says social media is part of thisps. Palmeter is the first 21-year-old in modern US history with zero social media presence. Odd.

Anonymous ID: a9adb7 Aug. 28, 2023, 11:41 a.m. No.19448691   🗄️.is 🔗kun


RINOs in the house are democrats, these people are on the team of anti Trump. These people in Congress need to be primaried for pretending they are at all conservative. Fuck all of them!

Anonymous ID: a9adb7 Aug. 28, 2023, 11:54 a.m. No.19448787   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rudy Giuliani Walks Through Bombshell Allegations From Shokin Against Bidens


Anonymous ID: a9adb7 Aug. 28, 2023, 11:56 a.m. No.19448810   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mace said its $50 million but its staggering higher of what the Bidans have received. She’s not allowed to reveal due to the SARS reports she’s seen. It will be so much more money they received.