Colorado Dems Go Full Commie, Choose Open
Marxist Who Calls for Cultural Revolution
for State House Seat
PJ Media, by Robert Spencer
Posted By: ladydawgfan, 8/28/2023 3:25:22 PM
Just in case you have any lingering doubt about what the Democrats plan to inflict upon America, consider the case of Tim Hernández, whom Colorado party apparatchiks have just selected to fill a vacant state House seat in the Denver area. The charming Hernández is an open and proud Marxist, frequently rails against “Whiteness,” and has called for a “FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution.” He is also, of course, a schoolteacher, busy raising up new cadres of Bolsheviks to bring about the revolution he desires. Every Marxist revolution in history has been accompanied by appalling bloodlust; if Hernández ever gets what he wants, Coloradans can’t say they didn’t see it coming.