When you look in the mirror its C_A staring back
https://web. archive.org/web/20070429054212/http://bannedinamerica.blogspot.com/2006/04/wikipedia-and-cia-how-us-intelligence.html
Wikipedia works like a cult. Wikipedia's power also derives from the short attention span and laziness of the average person.
A real grave danger of Wikipedia - and very obvious evil of it - comes out with regard to the "U" class of political criminals in America. These are government or corporate criminals who have political connections, but are so far Un-indicted, Un-investigated and Un-known to be criminals, thanks to a cover up by America's mainstream media
Contrary to what you might guess about celebrities, the media will indeed hide many things about celebrities who have good political connections. If the government is not prosecuting them, and they are truly politically connected, the media will join a cover-up of celebrity crime.
As is well understood now, in the US and is much of the world, the public view of reality is shaped by a small handful of media corporations, whose ownership is intermixed with the other large multi-national corporations who control much of the world economy. The control is very effective. Most of the stories you would want to hear, do not make it onto CNN.
Like much of America's CIA-backed operations since the 1970s, Wikipedia does its work under the friendly face of a "non-profit foundation".
It's very clear that Wikipedia is a government-backed operation to the highest degree, or otherwise the judges and lawyers would not be keeping away from it