Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 7:18 p.m. No.19451365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1409


It just shows what a lowly thing to do to get a nickname with a bad word.



I are proud to have created this name and to have it used by Anon.


This name has several meanings

・Use of animation

・In Japanese, 'Ani'(兄) is written as "elder brother.(This is in honor of being an excellent baker.)

・I have the image of calling brother well in cartoons.

・May refer to a senior as a brother(Aniki).


The only reason you can post shit is because of the Bakers(BO/BV+admin) who create this environment.


Can I become an Anon by simply submitting to QR?


Every single behavior creates an environment.


I'm so grateful to them because I don't bake well




Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 7:33 p.m. No.19451471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1520 >>1661 >>1807 >>1943

Biden to ask US Congress to fund new Covid vaccine


The US president said it was likely everybody would be “recommended” to take the new shot


US President Joe Biden has announced that he plans to request additional funding from Congress to develop a new Covid-19 vaccine, adding that it is likely everybody will be encouraged to take the new shot.


Speaking to reporters on Friday, the president was asked if the White House was planning a response to a reported uptick in Covid cases. The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had previously announced a 21.6% increase in Covid-related hospitalizations and a 21.4% increase in Covid-related deaths in recent weeks. The numbers are, however, still far below the levels seen during the pandemic.


Biden responded by stating that he has already signed off on a proposal to have Congress fund a new vaccine “that is needed, that’s necessary, that works.”


“It will likely be recommended everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not,” he added.


The president’s announcement comes after CNN suggested last week that people should mask up again as the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) warned of a surge in coronavirus cases and new variants.


“If you’re at high risk of serious illness or death from Covid-19, it’s time to dust off those N95 masks and place them snugly over your nose and mouth to protect yourself from a recent uptick of the virus,” CNN wrote, citing “a growing number of experts.”


On August 17, the CDC announced on X, formerly Twitter, that it was tracking a new “highly mutated lineage of the virus that causes Covid-19” called BA.2.86. The agency said it had detected the virus in the US, Denmark, the UK, and Israel.


The WHO confirmed on the same day that the BA.2.86 variant was “under monitoring” due to the large number of mutations it carries, but noted that only a handful of sequences of the variant had been reported so far.


The organization reiterated its calls for better surveillance, sequencing, and reporting of Covid cases, but did not call for any mask mandates or lockdowns.


Nevertheless, some institutions in the US – such as the Morris Brown College in Atlanta, Georgia, several hospitals in New York, and the Lionsgate film studios – have already begun to reinstate mask requirements for anyone on their premises.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 7:37 p.m. No.19451497   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why the West allowed Japan to get away with the Fukushima water dump


As Tokyo’s neighbours cry foul over the potential environmental disaster, its friends across the ocean maintain it’s not a threat


Tensions between China and Japan are escalating after Tokyo started dumping radioactive water from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant into the ocean.


Beijing, which insists the water is a hazard to the environment, has banned the import of seafood from Japan in response – and although South Korea’s right-wing, pro-Japanese government has sidestepped the issue, it has caused public outrage in the country.


The United States, as well as the pro-Western media, back Tokyo’s decision and insist that the discharge is safe, including through a deliberately misleading narrative that China dumps more “nuclear water” of its own into the ocean than Japan does, ignoring the facts that 1) there has been no nuclear disaster in China and 2) the isotopes involved are different. Despite this, the campaign to downplay China’s concerns as hypocritical and politically motivated has been coordinated.


The Fukushima water-dumping saga nonetheless reveals China’s lasting sensitivities about Japan, and in contrast, displays how the West is willing to defend Tokyo no matter what. How, for one, do you think the media would have reacted if China were responsible for such a disaster? The response to Covid-19 is a helpful template, with Beijing still being accused of a “cover up” and a “lack of transparency” over the origins of the pandemic and demands being bandied around that China “must pay” for its impact on the rest of the world. We can only imagine the concerted political outrage that would follow if Beijing were the one releasing potentially dangerous nuclear wastewater into the ocean. These contrasting reactions show us how, in political terms, Japan enjoys great privileges that China does not. One is able to get away with murder while the other is condemned for jaywalking (even when it’s only allegations).


The Empire of Japan committed grave historical atrocities during its war against, and occupation of, parts of China. The best-known of these is the Nanjing Massacre of 1937-1938, when an estimated 200,000-300,000 Chinese were murdered at the hands of the Japanese. From China’s perspective, the Nanjing Massacre was perhaps the single worst act of foreign aggression in modern history, which scarred the country’s public consciousness. Worse still is the perception, which is also shared in Korea after its own occupation, that Japan never truly had to atone for its crimes, there was no justice for the aggression and atrocities committed by Tokyo during this era.


This lack of justice stems from the fact that Japan, unlike Nazi Germany, surrendered unilaterally to the US, which took the opportunity to immediately make the state its own strategic vassal in East Asia. In doing so, the US opted to give Japan a new constitution, but keep its leadership and society completely intact for fear of a communist takeover, which stood in contrast to the denazifaction of Germany, where former Nazi leaders were put on trial, jailed and executed, with its ideology completely dismantled and outlawed. Japan may have suffered from two atomic bombings, but it was otherwise rebranded and whitewashed, never having to come to terms with what it did. This history sowed great resentment in China.


Some parts omitted.


China’s perspective, however, is dismissed as mere propaganda. This is because, as evident from the above, the West does not care about Japan’s historical atrocities in China. While the West takes the opportunity every year to remind the world of the Tiananmen Square events of 1989, little to no attention is being paid to the memory of the Nanjing Massacre. This in turn reveals the structural inequalities between how China’s voice and perspective is ignored, but Japan is given a comfortable, protected status. While Japan is admired, China is loathed. It goes without question that concerning Fukushima, Beijing would never be allowed to get away with the same things, which is also a reminder of how “outrage” is manufactured, selective, and politically motivated. What China can do may be in any case branded a threat and crime against the entire world, but Japan? Nothing to worry about.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 7:39 p.m. No.19451506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1520 >>1661 >>1807 >>1943

Argentina Seeks Deal to Dump the Dollar, Use Chinese Yuan to Pay Brazil


Argentine Economy Minister Sergio Massa is in Brazil on Monday to discuss the details of an agreement with radical leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva that would allow Argentina to pay for Brazilian imports using the Chinese yuan instead of the U.S. dollar, the Argentina state-run Télam news agency reported.


Both Argentina and Brazil’s leftist governments have made significant efforts throughout the year to decouple themselves from the U.S. dollar and replace it with the Chinese yuan in their trading operations with China.


Argentina, under departing leftist President Alberto Fernández, is currently enduring a dire economic situation that has nearly depleted its U.S. dollar foreign reserves. The country signed an agreement with the Chinese Communist Party in April to stop using dollars to pay for Chinese imports and embrace the yuan instead. Argentina has also begun to pay its over $40 billion debt to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in yuan in favor of the dollar as of June.


In March, Brazil signed a similar agreement with China to discard the U.S. dollar and embrace the yuan in bilateral trade.


According to Télam, Massa — who is also the Argentine leftist government’s presidential candidate in the upcoming October election — will discuss the agreement’s details with Lula on Monday afternoon. Massa will also reportedly hold a meeting with Brazilian Finance Minister Fernando Haddad prior to his encounter with Lula.


If signed, Argentina will be able to pay for Brazilian imports using yuan obtained from a currency swap line that Argentina set up with China. The swap, initially secured in November, was renewed for an additional three-year period and expanded from its initial $5 billion to $10 billion in June. Brazilian Finance Minister Haddad explained that the mechanism to be used is a direct conversion from the yuan to the real by the state-owned Banco do Brasil that will amount to up to $140 million.


Brazilian exporters can have some flow of sales of their products with 100 percent guarantee,” Haddad said last week. “For Brazil, there is no problem, because the exchange rate will be made with the yuan per [Brazilian] real and this also assures the National Treasury that there is no risk of default.”


While Argentina is Brazil’s third largest business partner after China and the United States, it is the main buyer of Brazilian industrialized products, representing 4.6 percent of Brazil’s total exports in 2022.


Télam further reported that the proposal of paying for Brazilian imports in yuan came from the Brazilian government. According to the Argentine state-owned news agency, the agreement will seek to “maintain the rhythm of income of Brazilian inputs that are essential for the national industry,” while also “optimizing” the amount of limited U.S. dollar foreign reserves that the Argentine Central Bank has at its disposal. Last week, the IMF’s executive board completed its fifth and sixth reviews of its program with Argentina, issuing an immediate disbursement of approximately $7.5 billion to the South American nation.


The Argentine economy minister and leftist presidential candidate will also reportedly discuss with both Lula and Haddad matters pertaining to Argentina’s upcoming adhesion to the China-led BRICS economic and security bloc expected on January 1, 2024. BRICS — a coalition initially made up of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa — announced it would accept requests to join from six countries last week: Argentina. Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Lula, representing Brazil, was the biggest proponent of Argentina’s inclusion in the China-led bloc.


Massa will also reportedly discuss other bilateral matters with Lula and Haddad, such as the opening of agricultural markets, the tender for the second section of the Néstor Kirchner Gas Pipeline between both countries and matters pertaining to the administration and maintenance of the International Bridge of Integration, which connects the Brazilian town of São Borja with the Argentine city of Santo Tomé, among other topics.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 7:41 p.m. No.19451527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1535

3M to pay billions to settle lawsuits over US military earplugs – Bloomberg


More than 300,000 troops claim they suffered hearing loss and tinnitus due to company’s faulty product


American multinational conglomerate 3M has agreed to pay more than $5.5 billion to settle hundreds of thousands of lawsuits, claiming that it supplied defective combat earplugs to the US military, people familiar with the deal told Bloomberg.


According to the agreement, the company will be paying the money out over a five-year period, the agency reported on Sunday. 3M’s board is yet to sign off on the settlement, it added.


When approached on the issue by Bloomberg, a representative of 3M said the company does not comment on rumors or speculation.


3M faces more than 300,000 lawsuits from US troops, consolidated in a multi-district litigation, claiming that the earplugs that the company's subsidiary Aearo Technologies provided to the military between 2003 and 2015 were defective, and failed to protect their users from hearing loss and tinnitus.


Current and former servicemen alleged that the company knew its earplugs were faulty, but did not inform the military about the problem, while making no steps to fix the product.


The earplugs, designed to protect the hearing of troops during training and combat, were standard issue for US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.


3M failed 10 out of 16 early trials over the plugs, and has been told to pay over $250 million in damages to more than a dozen plaintiffs.


Bloomberg noted that the reported settlement would allow the company to avoid a much larger liability, which it estimated at up to $9.5 billion.


“Sounds like 3M negotiated a pretty good deal for itself, given this litigation has been weighing on them for the better part of a decade,” University of Richmond law professor Carl Tobias told the agency.


3M had earlier sought bankruptcy for Aearo Technologies in an attempt to shield itself from the lawsuits over earplugs. However, this June, a judge ruled that the firm’s financial troubles were not harsh enough to initiate the procedure.


The same month, 3M announced that it had reached a $10.3 billion settlement with a host of US public water systems to resolve water pollution claims tied to so-called “forever chemicals” or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) used in the company’s products.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 7:45 p.m. No.19451554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1562

France bans Islamic dress in schools


The move will uphold the nation’s secularism laws, the education minister has said


Schoolgirls in France will be banned from wearing the abaya – a full-length Islamic robe – in state schools starting from September, the education minister announced on Sunday, arguing that the garment violates laws on secular education.


“It will no longer be possible to wear the abaya at school,” Gabriel Attal told the TV channel TF1.


“Secularism means the freedom to emancipate oneself through school,” and wearing the Islamic garment in class undermines the school’s status as a “secular sanctuary,” the minister argued.


“When you walk into a classroom, you shouldn’t be able to identify the religion of a student by just looking at them.”


The issue has long been debated in France, amid claims that abayas worn in schools cause tensions between teachers and parents.


A 2004 French law prohibits items of clothing that “ostensibly show a religious affiliation” in schools, such as Islamic headscarves, Jewish kippahs, and large crosses.


The ban has received a mixed reaction. Eric Ciotti, leader of the conservative Les Republicains (The Republicans) party, welcomed the measure. “We have repeatedly called for the ban on abayas from our schools,” he wrote on X (aka Twitter).


Left-wing politicians have slammed the measure as “Islamophobic.” Clementine Autain, a lawmaker from the La France Insoumise (France Unbowed) party, called it “unconstitutional,” and a sign of the “obsessive rejection of Muslims.”

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 7:49 p.m. No.19451581   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1785

Taliban Bans Women from National Park: ‘Going Sightseeing Is Not a Must’


The Taliban’s Ministry for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice banned women from Band-e-Amir National Park this weekend – one of Afghanistan’s largest and most beautiful parks – on the grounds that some women had worn hijab inappropriately and that “sightseeing is not a must for women.”


The ban from the national park follows Taliban terrorists issuing similar edicts outlawing the presence of women in public parks while men are present, and the presence of women at all times at amusement parks, gyms, schools above the primary level, and virtually all jobs. In July, the Taliban also cracked down on women-only spaces, banning beauty salons – a major source of income for many women in Afghanistan.


Following their conquest of the country in 2021, top spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid announced that the jihadist terrorist group had banned women from public in general, claiming it would soon rescind the call to “stay at home for the moment” when they successfully taught their rank-and-file fighters “how to deal with women.”


Women have regularly defied these edicts with street protests, particularly in the capital of Kabul but have few resources to use against the uncontested rulers of the country.


The ban from Band-e-Amir National Park was necessary, Minister for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice Mohammad Khaled Hanafi said on Saturday, because women were violating the Taliban’s radical fundamentalist interpretation of Sharia, or Islamic law, in the park by not wearing sufficiently restrictive clothing.


“Women and our sisters cannot go to Band-e-Amir until we agree on a principle. The security agencies, elders and the inspectors should take action in this regard. Going for sightseeing is not obligatory,” Hanafi said, according to the Afghan network Tolo News.


The Taliban terrorists warned that they would use “security forces” to ban women from entering the park.


Last week, shortly before the national park ban, a spokesman for the Vice and Virtue Ministry lamented publicly that seeing women “is very bad” and that women faced the threat of declining in “value” if anyone sees their face.


“It is very bad to see women in some areas, and our scholars also agree that women’s faces should be hidden,” Molvi Mohammad Sadiq Akif told the Associated Press. “It’s not that her face will be harmed or damaged. A woman has her own value and that value decreases by men looking at her. Allah gives respect to females in hijab and there is value in this.”


Akif said the nation was overrun with jihadis tasked with intimidating civilians in “marks, public places, universities, schools, madrasas [Islamic schools], and mosques.”


“They visit all these places and watch people. They also speak with them and educate them. We monitor them and people also cooperate with and inform us,” he said.


Tolo News reported that locals in Bamiyan, where the park is located, expressed lament at the new rules and insisted that local women were not violating the fundamentalist clothing restrictions.


“There are complaints about the lack of hijab or bad hijab, these are not Bamiyan residents. They come here from other places, from other provinces or outside of Afghanistan,” Sayed Nasrullah Waezi, head of the Bamiyan Shia Ulema Council, told Tolo News.


Women in the country complained that the Taliban offered no rational explanation for how women existing in the park violated Islamic law and lamented that the restriction is the latest in a mounting set of policies meant to erase them from society.


“We are witnessing an increasing restriction on women. We hope the Islamic Emirate would have a motive for why women are banned from Band-e-Amir National Park,” women’s rights activist Tafseer Siah Posh told Tolo News.


“As long as we see, the restrictions have been increasing on a daily basis. We call on the Islamic Emirate to bring facilities for the women,” another Afghan woman identified only as Safa said.


The national park is one of Afghanistan’s few large-scale tourist attractions. It joins a long list of places where the Taliban has made it illegal to be a woman. In November, an edict from the terrorist group declared that women could no longer enter parks and gyms on the grounds that “the orders were not obeyed and the rules were violated,” meaning hijab rules. A month later, an edict banned women from seeking post-primary education and kicked them out of the vast majority of jobs, including working with international organizations such as the United Nations.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 7:55 p.m. No.19451607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1649 >>1661 >>1807 >>1943

‘The West has become a victim of its own propaganda’ – Austrian colonel


Markus Reisner said many Westerners had overestimated the fighting power of Ukrainian troops


Ukrainian troops are not super-soldiers who can continue tirelessly without sufficient weapons, contrary to their portrayal in Western propaganda, Austrian Colonel Markus Reisner has warned.


The military expert, who served as commander of the Austrian contingents in Mali and Kosovo, argued that it was unrealistic to expect miracles on the front line while Kiev’s backers fail to provide the country with enough hardware for an effective offensive.


In an interview with Germany’s ZDF TV channel on Friday, Reisner said: “The problem is [that] we are the victims of our own propaganda, I tell it like it is bluntly.”


He explained that “at the start of the war, we talked ourselves into believing that the Ukrainian soldiers with the German Panzerfausts [grenade launchers] in their hands were containing the Russians.”


Reisner noted that those forces had continuously been worn down since then, with the West providing only between 50% and 60% of what the Ukrainian top brass was asking for to launch an offensive of its own.


According to the Austrian colonel, Kiev has made the most of what is available to it, but is lacking “crucial elements, such as, for example, a functional air force.”


He added that the slow progress of the Ukrainian offensive is giving Russian forces an opportunity to set up new defense lines some distance away from the current front line.


In the absence of any significant success, the US media have already begun looking for a scapegoat for the counteroffensive’s apparent failure, but the high expectations were unrealistic in the first place, Reisner said.


Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal, citing anonymous officials in Washington, reported last week that the US was unlikely to give Ukraine “anywhere near the same level” of military aid in 2024 compared to this year.


The media outlet also claimed that Washington believes it has provided Kiev with enough military hardware and equipment to breach Russian defenses.


According to the paper, American military officials are urging their Ukrainian colleagues to stick to the NATO tactics they were shown ahead of the summer counteroffensive. The Ukrainians’ refusal to do so is reportedly the source of growing frustration among US top brass.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 7:57 p.m. No.19451625   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1635

Using Ukraine to fight Russia offers great value – US Senator


Ex-presidential candidate Mitt Romney has claimed that sending weapons to Kiev is Washington’s best defense investment in history


US Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) has touted Washington’s strategy of trying to weaken Russia by providing massive military aid to Kiev, allegedly degrading Moscow’s forces while only Ukrainian troops are put in harm’s way.


Romney, who as the Republican Party’s nominee, lost the 2012 presidential election to Barack Obama, made his comments during a visit on Tuesday to Utah-based defense contractor Strider Technologies. He argued that the best way for the US to mitigate the security threat posed by China is to ensure that Russia is defeated in Ukraine.


“Russia being weakened weakens their ally China,” Romney said. “And by the way, being able to take an amount that equals about 5% of our military budget… to help the Ukrainians is about the best national defense spending I think we’ve ever done.”


While American forces have been spared bloodshed – at least officially – Ukrainian troops haven’t been as fortunate. An estimated 43,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed since Kiev began a counteroffensive operation in early June, according to an August 4 estimate by the Russian Defense Ministry. Since the conflict began in February 2022, Ukraine has lost 400,000 troops, former Pentagon senior advisor Douglas Macgregor, a retired US Army colonel, said last week in an interview with Tucker Carlson.


Nevertheless, Romney claimed that the US effort to hurt Moscow through a proxy combatant has been successful, sending a message to Chinese leaders and to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He has previously argued that Russia is a “geopolitical adversary” and is the “only real ally” of China.


“A weakened Russia is a good thing,” Romney said. “It tells China to rethink their territorial ambition. It tells Russia, perhaps most importantly, that the Putin vision of re-establishing the Russian empire and grabbing the old former Soviet Republics that that’s not something that’s going to work.”


During his unsuccessful presidential campaign in 2012, Romney called Russia “America’s No. 1 geopolitical foe.” Obama responded by quipping that “the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”


Romney claimed to have been vindicated when Russia began its military offensive against Ukraine last year. During his visit to Strider, he said, “It is very much in America’s national interest, in our national interest, to help Ukraine, and the best thing we can do for America is to see people who have nuclear weapons aimed at us getting weaker.”

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 7:59 p.m. No.19451638   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1661 >>1807 >>1943

Another Killing Field Discovered in Cartel-Controlled Border City in Mexico


Authorities and human rights activists found another cartel-connected killing field located just south of the Texas-Mexico border. Cartel gunmen are believed to have incinerated an unknown number of victims. The discovery of the killing field and several clandestine mass graves come at a time when Tamaulipas government officials publicly claim that crime is down under their watch.


Late last week, a group from the Amor Por Los Desaparecidos search party found a series of incinerated human remains in a rural community south of Reynosa, Tamaulipas. The searchers found what appeared to be several burn sites with charred fragments of human remains on the floor. The cartel killing field is off a rural road called La Retama near the highway that connects Reynosa and San Fernando.


The site is believed to have been used by the Gulf Cartel to dispose of the bodies of their victims. It is unknown how many bodies were incinerated in that area. However, as Breitbart Texas reported, in prior years, the Gulf Cartel has had several clandestine crematoriums in operation, some even inside homes in populated areas.


In addition to the cartel killing field, search parties have found at least three other clandestine gravesites in recent weeks in various parts of the city.


The discovery of cartel killing-fields and clandestine gravesites comes at a time when Mexican officials and authorities claim that crime is decreasing, even though Reynosa is ground zero for a fierce cartel turf war that began in late April.


In 2016, Breitbart Texas reported on a similar cartel killing field in the border city of Matamoros, where Gulf Cartel gunmen incinerated a large number of victims. At the time, the Tamaulipas government tried to cover up the case and claimed they could not tell if the bone fragments were human or animal. By 2021, government officials confirmed that the remains were human, but the number of victims killed and disposed of remains unknown.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 8:02 p.m. No.19451656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1661 >>1673 >>1807 >>1943

Woman Who Escaped Communist China Under Mao Reacts to Trump Arrest – Sounds Alarm About ‘Cultural Revolution’ In America (VIDEO)


Xi Van Fleet escaped from communist China, but not before witnessing the horrors of life under Mao Zedong, who was responsible for the deaths of millions of people, mostly by starvation.


When she looks at what the left is doing to Trump, she has a warning for America. She says this is just what China’s ‘Cultural Revolution’ looked like.


She accuses the left of being Marxists and says that no one is safe because they will eventually come for everyone.


XI VAN FLEET: I lived through the most brutal communist regime in China and I witnessed a lot, and now I recount one of the darkest moments I witnessed is the day when the former president of the United States was indicted and mugshot in Georgia prison. I have to say I think America is quickly becoming a communist country and our rule of law has been turned into what Marxists call proletarian dictatorship. The party in power is after its political opposition and it is not just the president, but people like activists are now in jail, as political prisoners in the free country of the United States.


Forget about Donald Trump, what is happening in America is that the party in power is abusing their power and going after any opposition, Now it is Donald Trump and MAGA, but eventually, it is everybody because a communist regime does not tolerate any opposition, any dissenting voice. So they are coming after all of us, including those who are cheering now for Trump’s indictment and think they are on the winning team. They are not. We all will become victims if we let them succeed.


I really have a word for everybody, including the conservatives: learn a little bit about history and about the Cultural Revolution. What’s happening here is a repeat.


The left doesn’t see what they are doing as dangerous, despite the warnings of history.


And Ms. Van Fleet is right. This is a repeat.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 8:09 p.m. No.19451683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1694 >>1807 >>1943

Maui Officials Reveal Cause of the Devastating Wildfires – Blowing Up Leftist Democrats’ “Climate Change” Narrative


The cause of the catastrophic wildfires that have likely killed thousands of innocent Hawaiians has reportedly been identified. In the process, it completely blows up the Democrats’ climate change narrative.


As Fox News reported, officials in Maui said the fires were caused by downed power lines and failures by the state’s main power utility company.


Due to these facts, the government of Maui County, Hawaii has filed a lawsuit against the Hawaii Electric Company and its subsidiaries for neglecting to properly power down live electrical equipment amid a red flag windstorm earlier this month.


Because of this occurrence, downed power lines operated by the utility company sparked the series of deadly fires on the island.


Maui County released the following statement regarding the lawsuit:


The lawsuit alleges that the Defendants acted negligently by failing to power down their electrical equipment despite a National Weather Service Red Flag Warning on August 7th.


The lawsuit further alleges HECO’s energized and downed power lines ignited dry fuel such as grass and brush, causing the fires. The lawsuit also alleges failure to maintain the system and power grid, which caused the systemic failures starting three different fires on August 8th.


Moreover, Maui County said HECO had a duty “to properly maintain and repair the electric transmission lines, and other equipment including utility poles associated with their transmission of electricity, and to keep vegetation properly trimmed and maintained so as to prevent contact with overhead power lines and other electric equipment.”


These facts revealed in this lawsuit pour cold water on the claims by national and Hawaii state Democrats that the fires were caused by “climate change.”


As Cristina Laila previously reported, Hawaii Governor Josh Green went on CBS’s “Face the Nation” last week and blamed climate change for amplifying the fires.


White House clean energy “czar” John Podesta not only blamed climate change for the devastating wildfires, but he touted the so-called Inflation Reduction Act as a solution.


John Podesta Blames Climate Change for Maui Fire, Touts Inflation Reduction Act as Solution


— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) August 16, 2023


Far-left Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush demanded Joe Biden declare a climate emergency.


Devastating fires in Maui, a tropical storm in California, Canada is burning, a historic heat dome over the central US — all just this week.


Our planet is not ok. The climate crisis is here.


It’s time for @POTUS to declare a climate emergency.


— Cori Bush (@CoriBush) August 23, 2023


According to Fox News, Illinois Senator Dick Durbin, The Senate Majority Whip, said the wildfires were a “devastating view of our planet as we fail to adequately address the climate crisis.”


Do not expect any apologies coming from these ghouls who sought to capitalize on the tragedy before families had a chance to heal. They will wait for the next crisis and try to ensure it does not go to waste.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 8:12 p.m. No.19451702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1807 >>1943

SICK: Former FBI Contractor Charged With Child Sex Crimes


A former FBI contractor allegedly forced over a dozen minors into sending him explicit content through various social media apps.


Brett Janes, 26, of Virginia was charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of children, one count of receipt of child pornography, one count of coercion and enticement, and a count of producing child sexual abuse content.


Janes was arrested after the father of one of the 13-year-old victims contacted the police.


According to court documents, Janes allegedly told minors over Discord and video game chat rooms that he worked for a U.S. intelligence agency.


Janes then would coerce the young boys in the chat rooms to send him explicit material, and if the boys refused, he then proceeded to threaten to commit suicide


FBI contractor allegedly coerced minors into sending explicit images, and other sexual acts


— NEWS MAKER (@NEWS_MAKER) August 28, 2023


Per Fox News:


A retired FBI contractor allegedly coerced nearly a dozen minors into sharing explicit content and engaging in sexual acts over social media, according to federal authorities.


Brett Janes, 26, of Arlington, Virginia, is charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of children and production of child sexual abuse material, one count of attempted coercion and enticement, and one count of receipt of child pornography after the father of one 13-year-old victim contacted police.


Janes contacted the 13-year-old boy, identified as minor victim 1 (MV1) in a federal complaint, through a video game called Valorant and through Discord, an instant messaging platform.


The FBI in recent years has been plagued with sexual abuse scandals.


Last year the Gateway Pundit reported 65-year-old FBI employee Robert Alexander Smith was arrested for sexually abusing children in Utah.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 8:15 p.m. No.19451718   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1807 >>1943

Biden Admin Says Border is Closed — Migrant Releases in Texas Continue


EAGLE PASS, Texas — The Biden administration continues releasing migrants in the Texas border town of Eagle Pass. This is despite repeated claims by the administration that the border is “not open.”


Despite repeated social media messaging by President Biden’s Department of Homeland Security advising the public, “The U.S. border is not open to unlawful migration,” more than two hundred migrants unlawfully entered the United States in the border town of Eagle Pass by daybreak. Also, in contrast to the assertion, Customs and Border Protection-contracted buses continue to release migrants into the United States at a local non-government shelter.


Breitbart Texas posted along the Rio Grande in the early morning hours on Sunday and witnessed several groups of migrants crossing from Coahuila, Mexico, into the United States near the heart of Eagle Pass. Within hours, Breitbart captured video of migrant families being released by CBP officials to pursue asylum claims within the United States rather than facing the stern consequences posted in warnings on DHS/CBP social media.


The video (top of page) shows one bus arriving at the shelter to unload nearly 50 migrants — mostly families with small children. The FEMA-funded Mission Border Hope Shelter aids the migrants with temporary shelter and travel to the interior of the United States. Breitbart Texas observed the CBP-contracted bus arrive shortly after daybreak on Sunday. According to a source within CBP, not authorized to speak to the media, the buses release migrants daily, without exception, to ease overcrowding at a nearby migrant processing facility.


According to the CBP source, Eagle Pass leads the nation in the apprehension of large migrant groups. The agency classifies a large group as more than 100 migrants crossing in a single event. Just before daybreak, Border Patrol agents arrested one group of migrants numbering 158 north of the city. Breitbart Texas observed one group of nearly 30 migrants crossing the Rio Grande arm in arm to avoid drowning.


During the first three weeks of August, Del Rio Sector (which includes Eagle Pass) agents apprehended nearly 20,000 migrants, according to unofficial numbers received from a law enforcement source.


On Saturday, CBP released its latest social media post advising the public and the migrant community that the border is not open. The agency releases similar messages almost daily that highlight the consequences of illegal migration, warning, “Individuals and families who arrive will be subject to removal and non-citizens can be returned to their country of origin.” However, the practice of “catch and release” continues daily in Eagle Pass and other border communities.


Despite witnessing the migrant group crossings and the CBP migrant releases at the non-government shelter on Sunday, the social media messaging by CBP urges readers to ignore other sources of information, emphasizing, “Individuals should rely on official U.S. government information, not social media rumors or other unofficial sources.”


The CBP source tells Breitbart Texas there is an effort to conduct removals according to the messaging, but the resources dedicated to the effort are overwhelmed by the number of migrants crossing daily. “The migrants are crossing around the clock all across the southwest border; our removal operations for those who are not from Mexico cannot keep up,” the source explained. “It’s release them or deal with severe overcrowding at our facilities.”


By mid-day Sunday, flight tracking software showed no international ICE Air removal flights being operated. Three domestic flights were underway or completed by noon on Sunday. The repatriation flights are conducted by Swift Air LLC, part of the iAero group — a private company under contract to ICE to transport migrants within the United States and fly international repatriation flights.

Anonymous ID: d01aa1 Aug. 28, 2023, 8:18 p.m. No.19451737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1807 >>1943

WATCH: 17 Migrants Make Boat Landing on Florida Beach


Miami Sector Border Patrol agents responded to the scene of an illegal migrant boat landing near Jupiter, Florida, on Friday. A video shows the migrants jumping off the boat and running onto the beach.


A video posted on X, formerly Twitter, shows a boat being pursued by a helicopter beaching on the shoreline in Jupiter on Friday. The video shows the migrants jumping out of the boat and running away, and onlookers watched and shot cell phone videos.


Miami Sector Chief Patrol Agent Walter Slosar reported his agents responded to the scene. The agents apprehended 17 migrants. The agents identified the migrants as citizens of Haiti (16) and Bahama (1).


WPTV NBC5 reported that the migrant smuggling incident was initially interdicted by a Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office marine unit. The law enforcement crew intercepted the migrant-filled boat east of the Jupiter inlet.


The marine unit reported the smuggling boat’s captain, later identified as Bazaeluis Francois, age 30, by ramming his boat into the sheriff’s office boat. The collision damaged two engines on the craft.


Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested Francois on suspicion of human smuggling, federal officials told the local NBC affiliate.