Anonymous ID: 781e19 Aug. 29, 2023, 7:04 a.m. No.19453570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3587 >>3597 >>3611 >>3639 >>3658 >>3666 >>3686


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National Archives reveals it has 5,400 Biden emails in which the president potentially used FAKE NAMES to forward government information and discuss business with son Hunter


NARA has acknowledged holding around 5,400 emails, electronic records, and documents suggesting President Biden used pseudonyms while Obama's VP

The existence of the emails came to light in response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted in June 2022

Emails are connected to the aliases Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters, and JRB Ware — all pseudonyms the 80-year-old president was known to utilize while serving



UPDATED: 08:19 EDT, 29 August 2023


President Joe Biden may have used pseudonyms in nearly 5,400 emails, electronic records and documents when he was vice president, a bombshell letter from the National Archives and Records Administration reveals.


The trove of communications was confirmed after the Southeastern Legal Foundation (SLF) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) for emails connected to aliases allegedly used by Biden, including Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters, and JRB Ware.


Republicans have been demanding the release of the emails they say could show Biden used the names to discuss foreign business with his son and share information on countries where he was doing deals.


The White House has insisted Biden was never in business with his son, and vice presidents and high-level government officials often use pseudonyms to prevent being inundated with spam and emails from the public.


At the time, the Obama administration dismissed criticism the communications were 'secret' because they were all archived.


But the sheer volume of emails raises questions over whether then-VP Biden broke the 'absolute wall' he said he maintained between the 'the personal and private, and the government'.


Emails from Hunter's laptop also reveal business partners referred to Biden as the 'big guy'.


The SLF submitted the FOIA request in June 2022 and the results appear to confirm that Biden was using the emails connected to the aliases.


Biden used various private email addresses from which he sometimes sent, received and forwarded government correspondence.


The names are all pseudonyms that Biden was known to use while he served as Vice President under Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017 and were used on emails that were about both official and family business.


The Southeastern Legal Foundation took legal action against NARA on Monday to secure the records' release.


The Foundation alleges that the documents might potentially demonstrate instances where President Biden forwarded government information and discussed government matters with his son, Hunter Biden, together with other individuals.


'All too often, public officials abuse their power by using it for their personal or political benefit. When they do, many seek to hide it. The only way to preserve governmental integrity is for NARA to release Biden's nearly 5,400 emails to SLF and thus the public.


'The American public deserves to know what is in them,' Kimberly Hermann, SLF general counsel, said in a statement.


The Southeastern Legal Foundation also accuses NARA of using delaying tactics ever since the initial FOIA request was filed more than 14 months ago.


No specific emails have been provided despite NARA acknowledging their existence.

Anonymous ID: 781e19 Aug. 29, 2023, 7:07 a.m. No.19453587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3597 >>3611 >>3658 >>3666 >>3686

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The SLF submitted the FOIA request in June 2022 and the results appear to confirm that Biden was using the emails connected to the aliases.


Biden used various private email addresses from which he sometimes sent, received and forwarded government correspondence.


The names are all pseudonyms that Biden was known to use while he served as Vice President under Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017 and were used on emails that were about both official and family business.


The Southeastern Legal Foundation took legal action against NARA on Monday to secure the records' release.


The Foundation alleges that the documents might potentially demonstrate instances where President Biden forwarded government information and discussed government matters with his son, Hunter Biden, together with other individuals.


'All too often, public officials abuse their power by using it for their personal or political benefit. When they do, many seek to hide it. The only way to preserve governmental integrity is for NARA to release Biden's nearly 5,400 emails to SLF and thus the public.


'The American public deserves to know what is in them,' Kimberly Hermann, SLF general counsel, said in a statement.


The Southeastern Legal Foundation also accuses NARA of using delaying tactics ever since the initial FOIA request was filed more than 14 months ago.


No specific emails have been provided despite NARA acknowledging their existence.


'We have performed a search of our collection for Vice Presidential records related to your [June 9, 2022] request and have identified approximately 5,138 email messages, 25 electronic files and 200 pages of potentially responsive records that must be processed in order to respond to your request,' Stephannie Oriabure, director of NARA's archival operations division, wrote to the Southeastern Legal Foundation on in June 2022, the lawsuit revealed.


Earlier this month, Kentucky Republican James Comer, Chairman of the House Oversight Committee, demanded unredacted records from NARA, that similarly showed President Biden's use of a pseudonym during his vice presidency.


On that occasion, the purpose was to look into the role the former vice president played in his son's international business dealings.


Previously released emails from Hunter Biden's laptop indicated President Biden used the email address '' during his time as Vice President.


The emails also revealed correspondence between his aide and Hunter Biden over Joe Biden's daily schedule.


For at least four weeks in 2016, a worker in the Office of the Vice President, John Flynn, would send Biden his daily schedule to his private email address, while copying in Hunter.

Anonymous ID: 781e19 Aug. 29, 2023, 7:09 a.m. No.19453597   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3611 >>3658 >>3666 >>3686

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There were 10 such e-mails which were copied to Hunter between May 18 and June 15, 2016.


The Robert Peters e-mail address used a domain. The service had been labeled as problematic by the DNS Institute's Domain Name System security report in 2020.


One email from Flynn to being sent to Joe, a.k.a Robert Peters, from May 2016 which was also cc'd to Hunter schedules '8.45am prep for 9am phonecall with Pres Poroshenko' who was the Ukrainian president.


At the time, Hunter was being paid $83,333 a month to sit on the board of corrupt Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings Ltd.


He had started working for Burisma in 2014 and finally departed two months after his father left the office of vice president.


Just months earlier, in December 2015, Biden had threatened Poroshenko that he would withhold $1 billion in US aid unless he fired Ukraine's top prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the owner of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky.


Shokin was widely accused of corruption and removed from office in March 2016.


State Department officials are said to have attempted to raise concerns with directly with Biden about Hunter's involvement with Burisma but the complaints were rebuffed.


Another forwarded email from Joe Biden using one of his alias private emails,, saw him write to both Hunter and his brother Beau, who was the Delaware attorney general, on March 26, 2012.


The forwarded e-mail was from Deputy Secretary of State (and now current Secretary of State) Antony Blinken.


The email was from the US Ambassador to Ukraine John Tefft: 'Beau visited Kyev [Ukraine] on the Friday and gave a talk on corruption at the Hyatt . . . then attended reception at the residence where he met many young Ukrainian lawyers. We received many compliments on his presentation and for simply a frank discussion of a problem that still bedevils this country.'


Hunter started working for Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian gas company, in 2014.


He earned $83,333-a-month from Burisma until two months after Biden left office.


He was referred to as 'the big guy' and described in an email from a Ukrainian executive at Burisma which suggested he'd gotten access to him through Hunter.


It raised serious questions because the executive was also being investigated by a Ukrainian prosecutor who was ousted after Joe leveraged $1billion in American aide money to get him out.


President Biden has in the past denied ever offering access to him or the White House to any of Hunter's business associates.


Biden has long claimed there was complete separation between his family's business activities and his vice presidential responsibilities but Rep. Comer said that evidence appears to suggest otherwise.


'Joe Biden has stated there was 'an absolute wall' between his family's foreign business schemes and his duties as Vice President, but evidence reveals that access was wide open for his family's influence peddling,' Comer said in a statement on August 17.


'The National Archives must provide these unredacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family's corruption,' he added.


One concerning May 2016 email referenced in Comer’s letter and previously reported by shows White House staffers sent Joe’s schedule, including a call with then-Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko, to Joe’s secret email ‘Robert L. Peters’.


The staffer, John Flynn, also inexplicably copied Hunter, who was working for allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm Burisma at the time, on the email.


White House staffers copied Hunter on a total of 10 emails to Joe’s alias addresses, records from his laptop show.


Joe and Hunter appeared to use the then-VP’s secret email to discuss government business in another incident in June 2014.


Hunter used his Rosemont Seneca consultancy email address to write to his father on June 23, 2014 about the employment of then-deputy White House counsel John McGrail.


‘Before you fill position pls talk to me — J. McGrail very much wants to serve as detail fr treasury,’ Hunter wrote.


‘Re Johnny call me right away Dad,’ Joe wrote back from the email


McGrail was promoted to VP’s counsel the following year, then got his desired move to the Treasury as Senior Counsel in January 2017. He is currently Counselor to the Under Secretary for Domestic Finance at the department, according to his LinkedIn account.


Senators Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson have been asking for unredacted records from NARA regarding Joe’s alias emails since 2021.

Anonymous ID: 781e19 Aug. 29, 2023, 7:11 a.m. No.19453611   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3658 >>3666 >>3686

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In their letters they cited the Presidential Records Act which requires POTUS to provide copies of all communications involving government business, whether on personal email addresses or not, to the National Archives.


Comer has now also joined the push. In his August 17 letter to NARA, he pointed out that the emails challenge Joe’s previous claim that while VP he had ‘an absolute wall between the personal and private, and the government’.


‘Evidence reveals that access was wide open for his family’s influence peddling,’ Comer said in a statement last week.


‘We already have evidence of then-Vice President Biden speaking, dining, and having coffee with his son’s foreign business associates. We also know that Hunter Biden and his associates were informed of then-Vice President Biden’s official government duties in countries where they had a financial interest.


‘The National Archives must provide these unredacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family’s corruption.’


Other emails show Secretary of State Antony Blinken wrote to Joe using his alias addresses while acting as National Security Advisor to then-VP Joe.


Blinken forwarded a March 26 2012 email from Ukraine ambassador John Tefft to Joe’s ‘Robin Ware’ address, describing a speech given by Beau to Ukrainian members of parliament in Kyiv on the topic of corruption.