Anonymous ID: 960164 Aug. 29, 2023, 5:47 a.m. No.19453220   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3226 >>3227


you're being illogical.

the way you, as a boy, can love 'men' is to stay away from them. why are you here if you are young?

do you want to make them into unholy sex junkies?

why don't you become a man and love men in a normal way, as a friend and pillar of the community? why do you think that love and intimacy needs sex?

how, as a boy, did you learn about sex so young?

if you stay away from men that's the wrong thing to do.

you need to NOT have sexual relationships with them.

I think you should learn wrestling. that way you can have contact but it will be non sexual.

and you can learn that men don't have to stay away from each other and don't need to be sex obsessed.

the solution is understanding that you don't have relationships with men because you confuse sex with a relationship.

get a coach who won't sexualize you and make you into a man by exercise and hard work.

Anonymous ID: 960164 Aug. 29, 2023, 6:22 a.m. No.19453389   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3405


and there it is that you're just a stupid sliding liar who is sex obsessed.

you think of people as objects, and display narcisscistic tendancies.

pretty much this: you slide the board with your fake 'boo hoo hoo' and waste everyone elses time and pretend and are

AN ENEMY of the board.

be gone, faker!

Anonymous ID: 960164 Aug. 29, 2023, 6:39 a.m. No.19453468   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3480 >>3481


you don't think with your head.

being here crying babying about being 'trans' and then posting pornish pictures of a hulk

is a cry for help and asking, basically, for advice.

but then you turn it around into "I don't need any help"

no, you need help. you just can't get it here.

but you do disrupt the board and do your 'nothing anyone does ever helps me, boo hoo hoo, why don't they understand me.' bit, which is a psyop.

then you pull out the long knifes and do the fuck you bit.


seriously you are so predictible.

go away from here and don't come back until you decide to not slide your pathetic need to be attended to and your fake cry for help followed by 'I will not hatchet murder you' response.

It's no wonder that men shun you.

Anonymous ID: 960164 Aug. 29, 2023, 6:43 a.m. No.19453496   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3510 >>3513 >>3515


you don't listen, you don't learn, you just repulse anyone who might care and then cry baby "why don't they love me . . . "

So if I told you you didn't bother to hear what I said: let me repeat it

you drive away the people who would be your friends, alpha males who speak their minds, by pretending to be a broken person but then when you are challanged you do a full frontal assault and try to harm and hurt the other person and drive away someone who, actually, you adore and crave.

but you're so loathsome that no one will love you back.

Anonymous ID: 960164 Aug. 29, 2023, 6:54 a.m. No.19453529   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3535 >>3537


anyone who dares to persist to try to tell you what is glaringly obvious: that you sabotage all healthy intereaction and dwell in a need to be pitied and treated with kid gloves, gets the hatchet attack of indignation from you.

and if they presist you start 'oh, you bully, just leave me alone'.

no, anon, you have 43 posts of spurging narcisscistic cry-for-help postings in this bread. you slide your own patheticness and expect anyone who can give a dead-on description of what you do the 'oh you bully me' bit.


no, anon, grow up.

you need to find the man of your dreams, the type you crave the most, and start a real and non sexual relationship with him and serve him as if he's your king and you are his knight.

and treat his wife and family with respect and love your fellow man (and woman) in the way that God intends us to: by serving and letting them serve you back (non sexually).

but no 'your pain.' 'your needs' 'your desires'

'don't dare try to reach out and touch my soul.'

'don't really tell me what is wrong with me'

on and on you go.

find that man and be his servant , non sexually, and leave these breads.

maybe then you can become a real man and tehn someone will want to be your servant, and you can serve them too.


or you can on with your snarl shill behavior and sudden flare ups of hateful screaming and pouting and drive away the real men who might actually be able to open your mind to how to grow out of your pathetic narcissicism.

Anonymous ID: 960164 Aug. 29, 2023, 7 a.m. No.19453549   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3563


put on your blinders

starve yourself of real love (non sexual love)

that's what you have been doing.

does that work for you?



so pretend I'm an AI and not a wiser older person whose seen your type and knows that if you don't grow a real concern for others, and grow our of your self-indulgent pity-party behavior, you'll end up a bitter old hag with no friends.


do you want to be a bitter old hag who hates everyone?

or do you want to have a lot of healthy friends who love you back and be part of a real community of loving people who don't let you get away with your pitty-party-ness?


be the hag, anon, if that's your choice.

if I were in your shoes I tried to walk the road back to community and mutual (non-sexual) service and committed membership in a congregation.


or you can be the 8kun hag who wants pity but then tries to bight anyone who dares show him a mirror.


stop being the hag-in-training and start being a man-boy soon to grow out of the boy part and become a man with men friends with family and a caring loving community.

Anonymous ID: 960164 Aug. 29, 2023, 7:08 a.m. No.19453594   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3609


by understanding that you, haglet, are the your own worst enemy.

how horible of me to want you to grow out of your man-boy-ness and stop preventing yourself from having the kind of guys you adore as your friends and want you to be in a loving community.

how horrible of me! (I'm being sarcastic, actually I'm trying to make you understand that

YOU are YOUR OWN worst enemy)

you drive away the men you love.

you sexualize and destroy the possibility of relationships with them.

you are hung up and sad.

and then you have side that lashes out and has a "i will kutt you' persona.

then you go 'why don't I have any one'

becasue you drive them all away.

and I'm trying to show you a mirror and you have to pretend

that I'm a bad guy because I've seen your type before, and I understand what you are doing and you go further and further out in to your self-creatated wasteland and refuse anyone's help, and, in fact, make anyone person who tries to help, into your enemy.


no, anon, I worry about your kind.

I worry because you become road blocks and distractions and we have important work to do.

and you being broken is like having debris in the road way.

we're trying to speed off to our important destinations and you've left waste in the roadway.

"oh, my watch out, there is a ruined tranny sitting in the high speed lane."

Anonymous ID: 960164 Aug. 29, 2023, 7:31 a.m. No.19453709   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>3714


name fag pig piles on.

the shills work in teams.

they didn't like my explaining to the fake Trnny why it is a hag in training, so they call me names and try to make me feel bad.

the other one tried to put a curse on me too.


you shills are in your hayday. you think you rule here.

instead you display that you are shills and reveal your hateful methods and loose all credibility.