Anonymous ID: 5d6d8b Aug. 29, 2023, 8:42 a.m. No.19453979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4074

29 Aug, 2023 11:55

Kremlin reacts to claim that West endorses elimination of ‘everything Russian’

The remark by a Zelensky aide reflects wishful thinking in Kiev, Dmitry Peskov has said


Claims by an aide of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky that Western nations support efforts to “destroy everything Russian” in Crimea are merely wishful thinking, a Kremlin spokesman has said.


“Representatives of the Kiev regime want to believe that. And they certainly want to do everything possible and impossible to drag Western nations as deep as they can into this conflict,” Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Tuesday.


He suggested there was a “clash of points of view” regarding an acceptable level of involvement for the US and its allies in targeting Crimea, since officials “realize the inevitable drawbacks” of this policy.


Mikhail Podoliak, the Ukrainian aide behind the claim, alleged that Western nations were increasingly supportive of the way his government is attacking Russian targets.


“A year ago, even when there were some strikes on Crimea, everyone said: ‘No, no, let’s just do without it.’ Today, the absolute consensus among the countries that support us is that we can destroy everything Russian in the occupied territories,” he said on Ukrainian television on Monday.


Podoliak added that attacks on Moscow and other Russian locations by “unknown drones” will be escalated.


Ukrainian officials do not claim credit for the regular kamikaze drone raids, for which Moscow has blamed Kiev’s forces. Zelensky claimed in a recent interview that, if the armed conflict were to spill over into territory that Kiev and its supporters recognize as Russia, his country would be “left alone.”


According to The Economist, Ukrainian drone attacks are to some extent part of Kiev’s psychological warfare, and reflect competition among Ukrainian drone operators for funding.


(The more Ukraine leadership states these wild threats, the less merciful Russia will be to the leaders when the country is defeated, they are basically sealing their own fate!)

Anonymous ID: 5d6d8b Aug. 29, 2023, 8:50 a.m. No.19454036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4364 >>4426 >>4462

29 Aug, 2023 13:50

US warns Russia about questioning diplomats

The State Department says it expects Moscow to respect its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations


Plans by Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) to question two employees of the US embassy in Moscow is an attempt to “intimidate and harass” American citizens, Washington has said.


“Russia is obligated under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations to treat diplomats with due respect and to take all appropriate steps to prevent any attack on their person, freedom, or dignity,” US State Department spokesman

Matthew Miller said in a statement on Monday.


Washington expects Moscow to fulfill its commitments under the convention in relation to the current case, he added.


“We strongly protest the Russian security services’ attempts – furthered by Russia’s state-controlled media – to intimidate and harass our employees,” Miller said. (KEK "strongly")


On Monday, the FSB announced summonses had been issued for two American diplomats, David Bernstein and Jeffery Sillin, who work at the US embassy in Moscow. The security agency said it’s looking to question the men as witnesses in the case of Russian citizen Robert Shonov, who is facing treason charges.


Shonov, who worked at the now-defunct US consulate in the city of Vladivostok in the country’s Far East, was detained in May on suspicion of illegally acting as a confidential informant for Washington. If found guilty, Shonov, now in his early 60s, could face up to eight years in prison.


In a video released by the FSB, Shonov acknowledged his guilt, saying he had acted on directions from Bernstein and Sillin, who first approached him in September 2022. The consulate in Vladivostok was shut down in 2020 as part of a series of tit-for-tat restrictions imposed by Washington and Moscow.


The suspect said the US diplomats had wanted him to provide them with information about potential new recruits, who were dissatisfied with the policies of the Russian government. They were also interested in intelligence about Moscow’s special military operation in Ukraine and mobilization in the country, he added.


In his statement, Miller described the accusations against Shonov as being “wholly without merit.” The Russian citizen had been “employed by a company contracted to provide services to the US embassy in Moscow in strict compliance with Russia’s laws and regulations,” he said.


When approached by Russian outlet RBK, the US embassy in Moscow said it had yet to receive a summons for Bernstein and Sillin from the Russian authorities. According to the mission, its staff only learned about the FSB’s plans to question the diplomats from the media.


(Interesting that the SeeEyeAye was recruiting spies all over social media and the last year and a half, and we know the State Department is part of the IC community especially that agency, that’s why Pompeo was transferred from the CIA to head the state department, so these “diplomats” were recruiting. Everyone that is a diplomat for their countries are well known to be spies, they joke about it. They all do it.)

Anonymous ID: 5d6d8b Aug. 29, 2023, 8:58 a.m. No.19454074   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I just realized after reading this, that Ukraine and Podoliak is admitting that they failed at their counterinsurgency and now are reverting back to their natural inclinations, terrorism on Russian territory. That's the underlying message here, there's no way Ukraine can win this war so they now resort to killing civilians like they did since 2014 in Donetsk Lughansk.