…Always on anon's mind.
…stares motherfuckingly at the City of London.
…Seent this rerun. Next.
https://sky.rogue.space/ is much better.
…You're really stretching that. There was a time when the Earth had a different 'tilt'. It's all astronomical. Feel free to filter and move on.
…Sometimes, anon has to fucking wonder why he even bothers explaining shit. https://earthsky.org/brightest-stars/thuban-past-north-star/
…Contradict yourself much?
>What do I know? Nothing.
>All I know is something BIG is habbenin'!
…Are you really that dense?
…Go be an inbred faggot, elsewhere.
…~~Same shit every day, Saturnite. Repeat, rewind and IP/device hop. Can't break the cycle and catch up to the light. Can't even escape your own echo chamber.~~
…Because they hadn't left, duh.
…Seems legit.
…So, why are you here?