Aug 30 nana i ke kumu (look to the source)
in meditation this morning the word "kuleana" popped into my head.
I look it up it means "Rights" so this is a tricky word in Hawaiian,
cause the way they cut up the land isn't exactly like the way USACE or Developers cut up land.
in fact it's a big conflict with such activities. In fact Hawaiians have very complex way, and
I actually don't remember all the Hawaiian names for it all. But it runs down from the top. Thru
different levels. When Americans want to build a SQUARE SHAPE BLOCK across it it's a giant
clusterfuck. USACE and DEvelopers will NEVER UNDERSTAND the esoteric way each family does what
they do in Hawaii. (but lets get real, this problem is in WHOLE of America at this point as well)
But I digress why did the universe pop that word into my head.
So I pop open the Hawaiian dictionary (I have one in every room, and have checked two of them now)
and I start looking at this word and I think why it's in my meditation is.
Something bad has happened to Kupuna and Kanaka rights in hawaii.
with my limited vocabulary I assemble.
kuleana ke Kupuna Rights of the Kupuna
kuleana ke kanaka Rights of the Men
a'ole kuleana ke kipi ali'i No rights of the Treason Kings.
Someone is fucking with Hawaii and all of America.
the Kuleana word is a causalty of this battle
I notice people out there trying to tell me WHAT TO THINK about this word.
"We have to diversify and rebuild the economy in a more sustainable way”
A'ole kakou A'ole
No. we do not..
who the fuck are those fucks in the Nissans?
What Law is that black fence, parking, filming, droning, or visiting.
I call it out.
Kipi Ali'i
anyways, not the happiest meditation but maybe this helps someone get in front of
these fucks and nip this shit blossom before it stinks up Hawaii, America, and the world.